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Who got the spawn script?


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Did you even try doing what I said?

do u mind shutting up dude please its enough maybe he did maybe he did if he did not u dont need to reply again asking did he or did he not that looks really really c-e--p.

And JS can u explain what is ur goal in span script cause jax told u the script for announcing who spawns and if thats not what u want than do u want a spwan script where u spawn as some skin and it kills u if u dont want that skin in game or do u want teamplay type script where sailors cant kill other sailors cause i cant get them from killer so u need to explain briefly what type of script u need and simply saying i need spawn script doesnt mean anything , similary if u say i want food doesnt imply what sorta food u want it just means ur hungry and asking for spawn script means ur hungry too if u look it at that way.

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