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hmm would be nice if we could get a dedicated server up, like mtas.. with privelleges set to let people destroy only their own blocks, and a few ppl with all abilities.

EDIT: whats good settings for the network panel if you are gonna host? packet size, time to client/server.. etc.

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hmm would be nice if we could get a dedicated server up, like mtas.. with privelleges set to let people destroy only their own blocks, and a few ppl with all abilities.

I hosted a server for a while for us to play on, which alot of cheeseland was made on =). I was about to get a dedi to host a server on but i realised that the admining of dedicated servers for blockland is very limited.

Mainly you have to be ingame to admin the server without the server console out infront of you. From there you can type out a command to chat or kick etc.

Other thign was that on dedi servers you dont get to use the world editor!! So no more making people gigantic or tiny =(

For hosting i just turned all the settings in networking up =\ seemed to work fine.

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Why not just do print screen button on keyboard and paste it into mspaint or photoshop :S

hmm would be nice if we could get a dedicated server up, like mtas.. with privelleges set to let people destroy only their own blocks, and a few ppl with all abilities.

I hosted a server for a while for us to play on, which alot of cheeseland was made on =). I was about to get a dedi to host a server on but i realised that the admining of dedicated servers for blockland is very limited.

Mainly you have to be ingame to admin the server without the server console out infront of you. From there you can type out a command to chat or kick etc.

Other thign was that on dedi servers you dont get to use the world editor!! So no more making people gigantic or tiny =(

For hosting i just turned all the settings in networking up =\ seemed to work fine.

Well, you could password it as 'mta' so only us fine folks can get in there. I think you can set people to moderator and they in turn can set people to groups and etc? I read theres groups you can set people in so they cant destroy other peoples blocks and stuff.

Most servers I go on it gets choppy with 4 or so people. However there was this one server with 9 ppl (one being me) and it ran as smooth as glass. I don't know if they have better network settings or an uber connection or what.

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