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[Show] Vice City Continued


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Im cleaning the whole server... but before i'll do that im going to make a backup copy of whole vice city server
i don't know whats next yet , but a new project
i have some ideas that i can use:
1.California Roleplay - Roleplay server with modified San andreas map , and some stuff like LAPD police cars , replaced weapons etc
2.Watch Dogs MTA - Something similiar to Watch dogs 2 (would be a pain in the ass , i could even try to make a map similiar to watch dogs 2 with use of its textures and not models because idk how to import them into 3ds max)
3.Zombie + Parkour (Dying light style) Server (Again pain in the ass with parkour move's n' :~e)
4.GTA SA 2 - Remaster of San andreas (Shaders , replaced weapons etc) as a multiplayer experience with missions and stuff like that
5.GTA Stories - Low poly stuff , missions etc

I would choose 1

And propably i will go with number one , i have an awesome idea for this

Edited by ThatsMe
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so.. i will release the map but: It will take me some time since i need to upload it and im doing a clean up of my server
i will be uploading latest version with buggy haiti fences , you can fix them by replacing all of their files with originals
no one has permission to use it on their servers (ask me)
why im doing it? to prevent theft
if someone will be using it without permission then its his problem (i will be spamming reports to the server hosting to remove the server/lock the server)
map has unpolished code (most of it is from original scene2res) and there are some fps issues here and there
some objects don't have prelight and they come from Vice cry
some collisions are broken and one interior is broken too
Changes that weren't noted:
*New dumpsters
*New Haiti fences (buggy)
*Deleted the roof of the mall

I will documentate everything and then i can release it
it was great run everyone! see you in the next version of GTV

Done now uploading

Map has 309mb compressed
and like 600-700 uncompressed

Edited by ThatsMe
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No problemo , open to anyone
damn its so clean now on my ftp lmao
i will start with something different , idk what but im hoping to do something big (and not a map like vice etc)

even tho im thinking about continuing this project but istnead of doing a server just finishing the map and releasing it
This would be a good idea
Anyways bonus incoming soon (Radar map/f11 map for you to use)

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  • 1 month later...

Here, try this

Water = {{-2998.0,-2998.0,5.0,-2500.0,-2998.0,5.0,-2998.0,-2500.0,5.0,-2500.0,-2500.0,5.0},

for i,v in ipairs(Water) do
	local water = createWater (v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5],v[6],v[7],v[8],v[9],v[10],v[11],v[12])
		local x,y,z = getElementPosition(water)


Make sure to make it client side.

Edited by CodyJ(L)
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  • 2 weeks later...

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