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Why is there less people and less rooms

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  YanKeeS said:
... and i doubt mta will ever have as much popularity as it did then, even with the release of blue

u have a very small brain...dont u? :)

...[KFC]DrAke wrote:

"5.1 will be a slight improvment to the stabability, but not to the gameplay...."

did u read mta 0.5.1 preview page?.....new VC DM babe....so stfu and be happy :)

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  Bob_TDH said:
  YanKeeS said:
... and i doubt mta will ever have as much popularity as it did then, even with the release of blue

u have a very small brain...dont u? :)

hey how about u suck my dick, bob. and im sure im not alone when i say that mta wont gain much popularity w/ blue. dont go off starting shit u no named prick

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Talking Vice, the only game I play - the game they don´t play ,

In terms of the people playing, I have to agree on 0.3 being


Had little to do with the software in my view though.

People put up with it for the love of GTA.

The changes that should have kept those people playing were overdue a few month after it came out. How long have people been asking for the crouching to be synched ? A year ? lol.

How long has a full glitch / bug list been available ? Players doing long essays on game balance and gameplay. Wow , a new spawn screen was added don´t you feel lucky lol.

In conclusion , had a single positive adjustment , just a hint or small sign of improvement been added over the last 1 and 3-4 months , perhaps those people would have stayed and made MTA playable despite everything.

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You don't seem to realise, have forgotten, or are ignoring the fact that MTA is still very much beta, as clearly stated in both the documentation and website. Perhaps the long-term players forget this due to just how much fun they have had on what is still very much an unfinished product? who knows,

The purpose of beta is to discover the issues, be they game play, stability, design, compatibility etc. Problems coming to light with MTA is GOOD, a problem found is a problem we can try and solve. Sometimes in fixing or getting around these problems others are created in thier place but that too is part and parcel of development and the next Beta release serves its purpose by bringing these to light also.

Yes there were mistakes made around the release of 0.5, some things that never should have got through testing. I need not go into the reasons for these but like Beta itself the Team have learnt from them and those mistakes will hopefully not arise in future.

As for someones comments that no improvements were made, only cosmetics like a new spawn menu. Well, if you had anything but the most narrow viewpoint it might have occured to you that the old spawn system was the source of the vast majority of crashes in previous versions, the new spawn was introduced to limit this not just to 'look fancy'.

As for weapon glitching thats a difficult one to tackle. The fact the game wasn't created with multiplayer in mind along with the way the current core operates results in the glitches, and fixing them isn't as easy as one would think. Nor as rewarding as one would think due to exactly the same people that complained about a glitch then going on to complain about it no longer being possible in the next version (You know who you are). Then there are decisions to be made relating to balance, again due to VC not being created with multiplayer in mind the weapons have a vast differential in Damage per second and theres differing opinions in the team. I feel its best to leave the weapons standard and build the game design around it, others feel its best to tweak the damages, ranges and rate of fire to suit a pre-decided game style. Both have pros and cons and yet again the magic of Beta is we can try both in different versions then decide later which is better.

So overall keep the bug/issue reports coming in but bear in mind the concept of Beta and keep the complaints that it isnt perfection away.

n.b: For those 'vets' who dislike gta3mta and prefer the 'feel' of 0.3 despite its lack of admin+, decent aim, spectator, stability and its propensity of glitches I would suggest you play it, both the client and server are readily available and many who call themselves 'vets' will have either access to a private server or a friend who does.

Edited by Guest
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The change to the spawn screen was cosmetic and it gave us a new bug where zombies stand at every spawn...

I see where ppl are coming from when they say 0.3 was the best... Personally that was the version my gang had a 6month undeafeted streak in... I would say it was my favorite time in MTA...

I do love the new robberspawn spot as well... but I miss prawn sometimes...

I am hopeful about 0.5.1 thou... I think it has a chance if the focus is on gameplay and stability and fixing this 0.5 version

to be honest the stability improvements would have been enough and they went a shade too far and made a new version out of what should have been an update...

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I missed this post...I had my reply window open before you responded... sorry

  MrBump said:
You don't seem to realise, have forgotten, or are ignoring the fact that MTA is still very much beta, as clearly stated in both the documentation and website. Perhaps the long-term players forget this due to just how much fun they have had on what is still very much an unfinished product? who knows,

The purpose of beta is to discover the issues, be they game play, stability, design, compatibility etc. Problems coming to light with MTA is GOOD, a problem found is a problem we can try and solve. Sometimes in fixing or getting around these problems others are created in thier place but that too is part and parcel of development and the next Beta release serves its purpose by bringing these to light also.

Yes there were mistakes made around the release of 0.5, some things that never should have got through testing. I need not go into the reasons for these but like Beta itself the Team have learnt from them and those mistakes will hopefully not arise in future.

As for someones comments that no improvements were made, only cosmetics like a new spawn menu. Well, if you had anything but the most narrow viewpoint it might have occured to you that the old spawn system was the source of the vast majority of crashes in previous versions, the new spawn was introduced to limit this not just to 'look fancy'.

As for weapon glitching thats a difficult one to tackle. The fact the game wasn't created with multiplayer in mind along with the way the current core operates results in the glitches, and fixing them isn't as easy as one would think. Nor as rewarding as one would think due to exactly the same people that complained about a glitch then going on to complain about it no longer being possible in the next version (You know who you are). Then there are decisions to be made relating to balance, again due to VC not being created with multiplayer in mind the weapons have a vast differential in Damage per second and theres differing opinions in the team. I feel its best to leave the weapons standard and build the game design around it, others feel its best to tweak the damages, ranges and rate of fire to suit a pre-decided game style. Both have pros and cons and yet again the magic of Beta is we can try both in different versions then decide later which is better.

So overall keep the bug/issue reports coming in but bear in mind the concept of Beta and keep the complaints that it isnt perfection away.

n.b: For those 'vets' who dislike gta3mta and prefer the 'feel' of 0.3 despite its lack of admin+, decent aim, spectator, stability and its propensity of glitches I would suggest you play it, both the client and server are readily available and many who call themselves 'vets' will have either access to a private server or a friend who does.

I loved playing 0.3 but one of the first thing you notice when you play 0.3 again is the lack of scripting admin + features and the other advances...

I do enjoy playing 0.5 but it is broken for sure. (although spec mode is great now)

The crashing fixes work in 0.5.

I agree that it's a no win situation when the ppl who complain about glitches are the ones to complain that they are fixed. I have always embraced glitches as part of the game. If crouching could be synced it would end most of the glitches in this game and I know it's something that is being worked on.

My problem with 0.5 are the steps backward it has taken. The desync is a huge problem that rarely happened in the former versions. The crusader bug seems like a brainfart and easily fixable when the new release is out. This does highlight how lightly this must have been betatested thou.

A new problem since 0.4 is the random shots coming from nowhere and that remains part of the game.

The advances in GTA3 are great and the fact that this discussion focuses on GTAVC is proof of that... but... GTA3 is nowhere near as fun as Vice City. In GTA3 you have to run around trying to shoot ppl in thier bigtoes and you only get credit for kills if you are the closest person to them.

Having the great system in SSV in Vice City is very promising and I am not worried about the future of MTA at all.

All and all I have yet to see a version of MTA that has made me not want to play. Each time a release comes out I learn it's in's and out's and carry on. It is a great way to waste time and helps me get that much closer to death one hour at a time. Thanks MTA

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0.3r2 was cool because everything made sense, not because of some stupid weapon stuff

even the running with nades glitch, it made sense in the context of the game

now what do we have?

people who can run while they shoot

robbers spawning with 100 armor against a 20 dmg weapon, so its hard to call anything

a nuked m60 that is utterly worthless. mex = garbage

a sailor class that is popular due to the fact it has about as many advantages as the robber, but it also promotes the running with nade glitch due to the fact so many people use it/its so easy to learn

a flood of hackers who are either "vets" who have turned to hacking due to boredom/recently came to light with it. or are just hackers all along who keep at it. i say hackers because its a term people can identify with, i like to call them script kiddies, who can bring down servers at a whim, so theres really no point in trying to get anything like you know.. a high score? speaking of which. why exactly is it so hard to code it into the program that will let us keep our scores for 5 mins after leaving the server. a small text file that it checks everytime someone joins would be sufficient im sure, but hey im not a programmer so maybe its harder then i would think

a bunch of vets quiting due to the steps backwards the program has taken

jumping taken out (for the people who cant figure out u just need to switch weapons first...), and simultaneously introduced a running and shooting glitch, and more stubby glitches that you can shake a stick at

its sickening to see the m60/stubby take steps backward as they did, but hey, theyre "balanced" according to some, so whatever you want to believe.

the new spawn menu i have no problem with... if it did indeed fix some crashes that somehow couldnt be fixed with them spawning on top of the building. but as we all know you desync so much in this version that it seems like the only change that was made is a workaround that instead of crashing you desync... which is worse? i can stand what they did to the weapons, its sickening but whats worse is that its now UNPLAYABLE due to the desync that forces you to manually quit/crash instead of the program doing it for you. thats a step forward how?

we saw the spas removed from the game because people couldnt learn to compete against it, what weapons next? dum dee dum - edit - nevermind how blind can i be. they arent taken out now, theyre nerfed. good improvement

but hey, thats just a short list of all the bugs. im sure theres a much more compiled one on the devs computer

so what we have now is 0.5.1 with no eta, and blue with a release date thats eta after another eta

not much to look forward to

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I guess this shows us all a lesson we should learn and not repeat these mistakes. Fun is more valuble than fixing bugs. I say fun first fix later. The gameplay was supposed to be the first thing worked on, then the fixing should have been worked on. All bugs fixed and bad gameplay makes MTA a dull game.

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  MrBump said:
You don't seem to realise, have forgotten, or are ignoring the fact that MTA is still very much beta, as clearly stated in both the documentation and website. Perhaps the long-term players forget this due to just how much fun they have had on what is still very much an unfinished product? who knows,

The purpose of beta is to discover the issues, be they game play, stability, design, compatibility etc. Problems coming to light with MTA is GOOD, a problem found is a problem we can try and solve. Sometimes in fixing or getting around these problems others are created in thier place but that too is part and parcel of development and the next Beta release serves its purpose by bringing these to light also.

Yes there were mistakes made around the release of 0.5, some things that never should have got through testing. I need not go into the reasons for these but like Beta itself the Team have learnt from them and those mistakes will hopefully not arise in future.

As for someones comments that no improvements were made, only cosmetics like a new spawn menu. Well, if you had anything but the most narrow viewpoint it might have occured to you that the old spawn system was the source of the vast majority of crashes in previous versions, the new spawn was introduced to limit this not just to 'look fancy'.

As for weapon glitching thats a difficult one to tackle. The fact the game wasn't created with multiplayer in mind along with the way the current core operates results in the glitches, and fixing them isn't as easy as one would think. Nor as rewarding as one would think due to exactly the same people that complained about a glitch then going on to complain about it no longer being possible in the next version (You know who you are). Then there are decisions to be made relating to balance, again due to VC not being created with multiplayer in mind the weapons have a vast differential in Damage per second and theres differing opinions in the team. I feel its best to leave the weapons standard and build the game design around it, others feel its best to tweak the damages, ranges and rate of fire to suit a pre-decided game style. Both have pros and cons and yet again the magic of Beta is we can try both in different versions then decide later which is better.

So overall keep the bug/issue reports coming in but bear in mind the concept of Beta and keep the complaints that it isnt perfection away.

n.b: For those 'vets' who dislike gta3mta and prefer the 'feel' of 0.3 despite its lack of admin+, decent aim, spectator, stability and its propensity of glitches I would suggest you play it, both the client and server are readily available and many who call themselves 'vets' will have either access to a private server or a friend who does.

Topic is " why is there less people and less rooms " , I replied.

Whether it´s a beta, alpha or chocolate milk shake is irrelevant. There is still less people .

Plenty of people have been eager to dispence advice. ´People who actually play the game. You should have listened - a year ago.,

Unique knowledge that I am sure none of you have, what do you do with it ?

Am I as a beta tester expected to understand what can and can´t be done with the mod and only propose suggestions accordingly, or else I am an idiot ?

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I'm not for going back, I'm for seeing some things changed to be fixed. If a few things MUST go back because theres no other way to make them work great again, then fine (m60 - example).

It is a beta and they are always trying new things.. thats good. I don't want to see 0.5.1 simply be a better version of 0.3, I want to see something new, with some new and better features.

Still, the vets have spoken and I'm with them. 0.5 is not as good as the older versions. It has some greats pros but theres too many cons. Hopefully 0.5.1 will change my mind.

The true vets are few and far between, but theres certainly been enough saying things in this thread thats for sure. Hopefully 'complaints' will be looked at as 'whats wrong with MTA, suggested fixes', instead of 'They are annoying, just tell us the bugs/problems)

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Can anyone remember the anticipation of 0.4 due to people getting bored of 0.3?

yes it was good once, hell my best times where during 0.3, but not because it was "better".

More because there were so many more noobs back then. At the beggining of 0.3 most people went mex due to familuality with the m60 and few knew much abt the stubby. This slowly became less and less true as people were experimenting and over its long life most ppl who began as mex's switched to robbers.

Remember that whole ULK/KFC thing where someone hacked the other forums and got something about the whole warping glitch thing...bout half way into 0.3's life (actually about the time it all started to degrade)

If you don't know this glitch now you are a classic "noob" :roll:

A lot of the glitches now-a-days could have been used back in 0.3 but werent, mosty due to lack of knowledge.

back on topic :oops: there is many reasons why there are less people.

As each day passes vice becomes older and older and the flow of new players has greatly decreased.

More and more servers has spread out the remaining players and some people have left due to finding other online games or dislike for mta, etc.

its actually narrowed it down to more of the dedicated players 8)

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  [FMJ]chode said:
Can anyone remember the anticipation of 0.4 due to people getting bored of 0.3?

and can u remember how huge of a let down it was? waht about the anticipation of .2 to .3, and how much ppl liked that. .3 was more fun because it was better. just pure gameplay. no weaps removed/"leveled" because of dumb ass losers who couldnt play. the mta devs shouldnt forget completely about the vets, basically their takin all the experience and skill the vets had away from them w/ the release of .4 and .5. you have focused on "stability" rather than fun (which is what keeps players around, ppl who crash often but have a hell of a lot of fun while playing will play, if they never crash but the gameplay is a steaming turd, they wont play). the only reason i kept playin mta back in the .1-.2 days was because it was fun, you cant say that about mta now. theres still some diehards out there who play mta religiously, but ill comeback when mta is fun again.

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Chode not only are thier less and less new ppl playing another problem is that these ppl are called noobs and repeatedly glitched on until they give up.

There was a big upsurge of new ppl a few weeks ago. I would also say about 40% of the ppl who will play MTA today are new ppl.

Most of them will never get addicted to MTA because they will be called a newb because they don't know that the Hunter weapons do not work or they ask some other innocent question

Then they will shoot someone see blood flying and think the person cheats. Noone will explain the glitches or exploits or sync issues in the game so as much as they were excited about a Multiplayer Vice City they say it's crap and tell thier friends it's crap and your server is empty

The problem is worse than before because there is a huge "vets" class of player who have perfected very complex exploits honed over the last 5 versions of the game.

This version does have different problems than the last versions had but it's very playable. The cancer MTA has now is mainly an attitude one. The very ppl that will complain that they have noone to kill are driving away the new ppl they could play against.

Anyone who has seen me ingame can verify this. I treat new ppl in my server like customers. I want them to have a good experience and come back tomorrow. When I find KFC members putting ppl down and not being helpful I fix that. If more ppl took an interest in making a good first impression on new ppl we would have full servers now. Whatever you think of this version now if you found it for the first time you would be blown away. I was impressed with version 0.2 this is way better inspite of all of it's faults.

And new ppl hear how this version sucks and everyone is waiting for BLUE and they do the same. It's bullshit. This version is playable as is even thou it's not perfect. That's why there are less players and less rooms.

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  Ransom said:
Yea it is unfortunate, I miss the days when I could play in the daytime. No longer, all US servers are mostly dead in the same time (with the official back, a little light is shining again, but not enough).

My clan's server is hosted in the us, and is up 24/7

The ip is:

Sorry if that's advertising.. i made it small so I didn't anger the gods 8D

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Wonderfull points kungfu.

SOOOOOOOO MANY people are called "fucking noob" all the time, it is just sickening. And when people like me, stand up for those people, we are also called "fucking noobs" :D

KFC is VERY GUILTY of this (in the past), along with almost every last other clan. I certainly hope you guys follow this new found religion of (be fair to noobs) for it is a noble cause. I too try to help people, when they ask a question. I was a noob once apon a time, and I remember how I was treated by the so called VETS. ha.... more the like the GLETS (veteran glitchers)

I want to remind all the vets, that if this were any other game (unreal tourny) THESE NOOBS, WOULD OWN YOUR ASSES! or at least have a fair chance.

So yes, when you call them a horrid name, they go back to thier unreal tournament games where they can compete. :wink:

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  gamebro said:
Wonderfull points kungfu.

KFC is VERY GUILTY of this (in the past), along with almost every last other clan. I certainly hope you guys follow this new found religion of (be fair to noobs) for it is a noble cause.

lol new found... clearly you don't know me

As far as my gang goes... we have always helped new ppl and if some ppl did the newb bashing crap I corrected them... I don't have mind control over ppl I just lead by example

but it's not about me... If you agreed I wish you would have just stopped there instead of making generalizations that prompt me to respond

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You are offended. I appologize. You are not the problem, and I believe what you say about yourself. :wink:


If only I had saved the screen shots, of the countless times, I have seen a KFC player cussing out another player, over some stupid stuff. I am not angry at you kung (it is not your fault), I am not angry at KFC, I am angry at the community in general, for nearly everyone is guilty of this. Not just KFC.

Hell, even NOOBS call each other horrid names from time to time.


What strikes me as ODD about this game, is the percentage of angry/offensive players to happy\pleasant ones.

I don't see soo much foul stuff in other games. Sure, every game has evil players, but MTA seems to be loaded with them. :shock:

Kids should not be playing this M rated game, but even adults don't like being cussed out every time they beat a vet player.

Then the "HE CHEATS" stuff starts erupting in every game, and oh Gawd, do people loose thier mouths then. :shock: Noobs get angry and cuss out vet players, not realizing it is not cheating but glitching ect, then the vets start cussing out the noob RATHER THEN EXPLAIN TO HIM why it appears he is cheating. :roll:

(back on topic)

So why is there less people in the rooms? Well, all of these presented issues play a part. But the real problem, is everyone is just getting bored of this old game. :twisted:

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I can see people are getting bored. There was a very few amount of people playing yeterday. What we need is an update on 0.5.1 so people can be active. It doesn't even have to be a picture. It should just be a paragraph on how its progressing. Nothing more. nothing less.

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  njr1489 said:
I guess this shows us all a lesson we should learn and not repeat these mistakes. Fun is more valuble than fixing bugs. I say fun first fix later. The gameplay was supposed to be the first thing worked on, then the fixing should have been worked on. All bugs fixed and bad gameplay makes MTA a dull game.

first...its really coincedence that i am here on the forum right now..its rather coincedence because MTA seems rather dead at the moment. (Or is it just my "not having time to play" ?)

Anyway....i see it like that "people" did things after 0.3..eg changing the spawns and making things harder eg. for robbers.

Without asking many of the people actually playing these times..i remember what great times i had at the old robber house/spawn...

Then i heard "people" (programmers, admins) publically speaking ut AGAINST spawn wars and how dumb spawn wars are IN THEIR OPINION - and thus making the mistake to force players to play after their rules and make changes instead of co-working with players.

There were a lot of people having fun at the old spawns.... spawn wars etc....locations were good in my opinion.....all this has gone downhill..now in the latest version the stubby seems like a BB gun....the last times i played i didnt even HIT anyone, it felt like they were lagging but they were not. Its kind of weird if you shoot someone head on for MANY times, someone who pings in the 50s...and NOTHING happens.

dont know what else to say...i really hardly have time to play MTA...and yes, i am also waiting for new versions

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