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SAAW: San Andreas At War - World War II | v1.2 | 24/7 |

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  On 02/05/2019 at 15:32, Einheit-101 said:






And to who bugged the server I saw a admin who was online at that day (some hours) before this complaint was posted but sadly cant remember his name, but it was a short one 4 letters or somthing (If it was him).

Edited by annonymus0269
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  On 02/05/2019 at 15:32, Einheit-101 said:

I dont know.

Should i upload the new update with incomplete british soldiers or should i wait until i finished them all?
The problem is, that skin rigging stuff eats a LOT of my time and i dont know how long i need until the other 6 skins are finished. 
The update is completely finished, i only need these 6 skins. I could upload the update and then deliver the skins as soon as they are finished, what do you guys think?



Upload +

Brits can wait. We learned to be patient from you Ein.


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@Ren712 has finally released his new deferred lighting resources, i updated the server to support that.
The major drawback of this new lighting method is the fact that it needs depth buffer access and shader
model 3 support and i guess its not as fast as the old dynamic lighting, but it looks better.
It is also not compatible with literally any other shader that is applied to an element, that means it looks
slightly worse when sun shader is running but i see no negative effect on water shader.
I guess its impossible to make this lighting 100% compatible with sun shader, at least impossible for me.

I also tried to fix the collisionless players controlling field guns or mortars, it is impossible to fix. 
There is a MTA bug that messes their collisions up. I could reproduce the bug and filled a bug report.



-Latest MTA nightly together with this update fixes the 1-frame delay when something is attached to a player bone
-Latest MTA nightly fixes some issues with animations, players can now toggle between crouch/prone perfectly fine
-Renamed SAAW-WW2-v3 to SAAW-WW2, the final version
-New staff command: /ability PLAYERNAME VALUE (this command sets the ability points of a specified player for his current team)
-Mappers can now select a background sound in the editor gamemode settings
-Mappers can now set the preferred nation that a player should have when joining a team on specific maps
-Added british and italian nations
-Updated german officer skin
-Added many improvements for animations (players now keep crouching when doing certain things, like placing mines etc.)
-Added new crosshair
-Implemented a screenshot mode due to many requests by players, enable it by using "/hud", disable it by using F8 console
-Implemented a night mode for the zoom view (Ship, tank zoom etc), can be configured in F6 binds menu, default is "N" key
-The upper compass of the submarine periscope now shows the periscope rotation relative to the world, not relative to the submarine
-Added another compass when using submarine periscope, it shows the direction of the boat
-Updated almost all maps with many fixes or complete rebuilds
-Changed vKontakte link to https://vk.com/mtasaaw
-Players can now cancel reviving a player by pressing SPACE key but you can bind any key to command "cancelRevive" if you want
-It is now possible to spectate backwards by using the left arrow key
-It is now possible to use freecam mode for spectating, just press W/S/A/D while spectating
-Players can no longer switch weapons while entering / exiting a vehicle, this could fix the "Grenade ammo" glitch
-Machine gunners can now re-pack their dropped ammo box and carry it away
-Added new sounds for Jet cannons and Type 99 MG
-Vehicles with multiple simultaneous firing guns do now have only 1 gun that makes sound
-Updated dynamic lighting to new deferred rendering lighting
-Added dr_blendshad resource
-MG emplacements are now a lot more smooth
-Fixed first person mode of MG emplacements causing crazy camera rotation issues
-Fixed MG model of emplacements facing downwards instead of the direction where the player aims
-Slightly improved appearance of anti-tank mines
-Mortars can now fire smoke shells
-Players get now moved to spectator team when being idle for more than 2 minutes
-Fixed a bug where players had no ability set when auto-spawning after joining the server
-Grenade throw force can now be maximized by using the right mouse button together with the left mouse button, releasing the button resets the force to 0
-Ordnance training perk now affects reload time of ships
-Fixed a glitch that allows players to instantly reload a weapon while jumping
-Maximum amount of characters in the username and password fields is now 29 letters
-Updated shader_soft_particles to latest version
-Submarines do now receive 50% less damage from vehicle MGs
-Torpedo boats and landing boats can now get detected by ship crews
-Nerfed howitzer reload time by 50%
-Removed funny MLG stuff when killing enemies due to complaints about performance
-SSAO and palette shaders are no longer enabled by default when a player did not disable it earlier
-Players now keep their velocity after exiting a plane in air
-Added secondary/coaxial machine gun key bind to key settings
-Airborne class now has a parachute equipped that can be used without any limit
-Players do no longer collide with other players when climbing ladders
-Dead players do no longer collide with other players and vehicles
-The mortar no longer has a speedometer
-Fixed a bug where some UI Elements were not fading away when clicking other UI elements too quickly
-Moderator rights got seriously nerfed due to massive complaints about abusement
-Cugu is now moderator

...As usual: Report any new and old issues, i am 99% sure that small issues have found their way into this update, i could not even test all the map updates...

  • Thanks 3
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A few questions about the update. First I would like to clarify about the issue of whether the moderator to the representative of the "Russian community" (vk.com/saawru)? And why is "Former" official group Vkontakte removed from his post as Official, even though she's alive again?

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Hello Ein. I would like to inform you that Italian pionier skin is a girl. (ID 251)


Idk if its messed up by someone or bugged out. I am not gonna blame anyone for this, since i dont know. When i joined on server today. airstrike carriers was playing on the server. And some people had girl skins. JN was online so i thought JN gave them those skills for fun. But later when Italy opened up couple of minutes ago. Italian pionier skin is literally a girl in red dress. 



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  On 12/05/2019 at 19:16, R8ZOM said:

1. Hello Ein. I would like to inform you that im getting mysterious ice things or smthng like that idk. CUGU has the same problem with me. 


2. Mortars hitbox is pretty messed up. I can't kill someone in a mortar. I have to blow the mortar to kill that guy. 

3. Italian pioniers are still a girl skin :V




Nvm JN told me italian pioniers are your mistake.




Edited by R8ZOM
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I checked the bug that revives players at the location where they died instead of the location where they actually got revived, and it is actually a MTA desync issue. I reported it.

MASSIVE BUGFIX UPDATE (Special thanks to JN for the long list of small issues):

-Ballistic calculation of tanks and other armed vehicles now takes water surface correctly into account
-Fixed some minor issues and warnings
-Fixed some map bugs
-Screenshot mode now correctly hides reload and stamina status, bases and spectate button
-Fixed 5-cm PAK 38 increasing a players noise while he drives it
-Fixed another glitch that makes no noise while running
-Fixed a bug where players could kill godmode staff members
-The reload time is now exactly shown in seconds on the small red reload bar in the lower left screen corner
-Fixed a bug where medics could revive players while using a mounted machine gun
-Fixed a bug where spectating players still occupied a class slot of a team
-Fixed grenades that get thrown close to mines getting deleted by spawn protection
-Fixed a bug that reset player ammo when entering a fixed machine gun
-Fixed a bug that reset player ammo to 0 when reloading a sniper or shotgun
-Fixed a bug that lets players unmount a destroyed mortar
-Fixed a bug that caused the flare pistol to do 5 damage with each shot
-Fixed a bug that made explosive ammo cause damage to friendly vehicles
-Fixed a bug that let the infrared vision remain when a player dies while infrared is active
-Fixed a bug that let players glitch their ammo when climbing something with enabled first person mode
-Fixed a bug that let players glitch their ammo when falling down from something
-Fixed a bug that stopped the camera from moving upwards when a player climbs a ladder in first person mode
-Fixed a bug that made a player freeze/stuck when reloading a bazooka (or similar weapons) while crouching
-Fixed "/brake" command not working
-Fied wrong rotation of visible tank machine guns (Hetzer, StuG, M10...)
-Fixed a bug that allowed grenades behave like a shotgun
-Fixed british engineer having a woman voice
-Disabled "/dance", "/heil" and "/handsup" commands because they were useless and caused some bugs
-Killmessage colors of submarines and ships should now be correct
-Reconfigured azimuth of submarines again: The upper shows the direction of the submarine while the lower shows the rotation of the periscope relative to the submarine
-Updated first person mode to work slightly better than before (at least it should)
-Spectators can now open the video settings menu
-Increased ammo of PWM-1 and RPG-43 from 1 to 2
-Fixed a bug where players could manipulate a vehicle number when entering the vehicle as passenger
-Players can no longer toggle First person mode in air to prevent damage from falling
-Improved handling of CCKW 335, Opel Blitz, Crusader, Chi-Ha, Sd. Kfz. 222 and Carro Armato P26/40
-Cables of ships are no longer lagging 1-frame behind the actual ship position
-Player weapons are now visible to spectators
-Cap zones are now visible to spectators
-Tickets are now visible to spectators

  • Thanks 2
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  On 12/05/2019 at 23:23, Einheit-101 said:

I checked the bug that revives players at the location where they died instead of the location where they actually got revived, and it is actually a MTA desync issue. I reported it.

MASSIVE BUGFIX UPDATE (Special thanks to JN for the long list of small issues):

-Ballistic calculation of tanks and other armed vehicles now takes water surface correctly into account
-Fixed some minor issues and warnings
-Fixed some map bugs
-Screenshot mode now correctly hides reload and stamina status, bases and spectate button
-Fixed 5-cm PAK 38 increasing a players noise while he drives it
-Fixed another glitch that makes no noise while running
-Fixed a bug where players could kill godmode staff members
-The reload time is now exactly shown in seconds on the small red reload bar in the lower left screen corner
-Fixed a bug where medics could revive players while using a mounted machine gun
-Fixed a bug where spectating players still occupied a class slot of a team
-Fixed grenades that get thrown close to mines getting deleted by spawn protection
-Fixed a bug that reset player ammo when entering a fixed machine gun
-Fixed a bug that reset player ammo to 0 when reloading a sniper or shotgun
-Fixed a bug that lets players unmount a destroyed mortar
-Fixed a bug that caused the flare pistol to do 5 damage with each shot
-Fixed a bug that made explosive ammo cause damage to friendly vehicles
-Fixed a bug that let the infrared vision remain when a player dies while infrared is active
-Fixed a bug that let players glitch their ammo when climbing something with enabled first person mode
-Fixed a bug that let players glitch their ammo when falling down from something
-Fixed a bug that stopped the camera from moving upwards when a player climbs a ladder in first person mode
-Fixed a bug that made a player freeze/stuck when reloading a bazooka (or similar weapons) while crouching
-Fixed "/brake" command not working
-Fied wrong rotation of visible tank machine guns (Hetzer, StuG, M10...)
-Fixed a bug that allowed grenades behave like a shotgun
-Fixed british engineer having a woman voice
-Disabled "/dance", "/heil" and "/handsup" commands because they were useless and caused some bugs
-Killmessage colors of submarines and ships should now be correct
-Reconfigured azimuth of submarines again: The upper shows the direction of the submarine while the lower shows the rotation of the periscope relative to the submarine
-Updated first person mode to work slightly better than before (at least it should)
-Spectators can now open the video settings menu
-Increased ammo of PWM-1 and RPG-43 from 1 to 2
-Fixed a bug where players could manipulate a vehicle number when entering the vehicle as passenger
-Players can no longer toggle First person mode in air to prevent damage from falling
-Improved handling of CCKW 335, Opel Blitz, Crusader, Chi-Ha, Sd. Kfz. 222 and Carro Armato P26/40
-Cables of ships are no longer lagging 1-frame behind the actual ship position
-Player weapons are now visible to spectators
-Cap zones are now visible to spectators
-Tickets are now visible to spectators


You have added the moderators of the player "RickAnd" - the representative of Russian community (vk.com/saawru)? :)

Edited by RussianRick
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I checked it, yes, i added "RickAnd", but with the last big update, not with a recent small update.


-Updated maps: [TDM] Stalingrad, [TDM] Assault (Its now [TDM] Lvov), [WAR] East Africa, [WAR] Philippines, [TDM] Tenochtitlan
-Added the ability to toggle a crosshair with F7 key
-Replaced IZH-43 with Luftwaffendrilling M30 (New and good model)
-Fixed a bug that showed always "B" to board a ship, no matter what key is set
-Removed the ability to toggle Binocular while sprinting
-Removed the ability to place mines over other mines and build a mine-tower (Yea it was funny)
-Removed the ability to enter a machine gun emplacement while aiming with the weapon
-Removed the ability to place mines while using a machine gun emplacement
-Players will no longer get put into spectator mode while sitting idle in a vehicle
-Fixed a bug that allowed players to open the spawn menu while being a spectator
-Fixed a bug that prevented health regeneration and weapon switching when having less than 1 healh left
-There is now a 500ms timeout where players can not revive after cancelling the revive procedure
-Attached players can now correctly cap zones

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JN found many other small issues, here we go again.


-Updated server binaries
-Increased FPS limit to 60 (Not that it matters much, you need a NASA PC to get this performance)
-Fixed P26/40 and Crusader having wrong headlight rotation when dynamic lighting is disabled, also improved their collisions
-Updated british paratrooper skin
-Added new animation when firing a pump-action shotgun while crouching
-Added an explosion concussion effect with tinnitus
-Added MG 15 and RPD to Machine gunner classes
-Added MAS-38 and AS-44 to Paratrooper classes
-New Type 100 model
-New Winchester Mod. 1897 model
-Updated texture of Lewis MG
-MG 81 replaced with MG 08/15
-Slightly buffed Breda 30 and Johnson lMG
-Added Type 100 and PPS-43 to Officer / Offizier classes
-Cap zone colors are now representing the color of the team that is holding the cap
-Added a custom key bind for "Detonate satchels", default is now "Mouse3", can be configured in the key binds menu
-Fixed a bug that showed the wrong key bind for artillery strike
-Fixed a bug that allowed enemy players to enter some friendly vehicles that have a team restriction
-Autospawning players will now spawn as "Soldier"
-Players now need to wait 7 seconds after dying to open the team window to prevent abuse
-Players can no longer throw grenades while using parachute
-Fixed a bug that gave players 2 deaths when using "kill" command
-Fixed MP 40s weapon sound
-Players can no longer toggle first person while being dead
-Toggling the crosshair is now only possible while aiming with a weapon
-Finally fixed "Flare gun doing 5 HP shot damage to players"
-Fixed a bug that prevented players from picking up a weapon
-Players can no longer throw grenades while climbing a ladder
-Players can no longer enter a machine gun emplacement while switching their weapon
-Binocular zoom now works correctly again
-Further improved screenshot mode
-Fixed missing shops on "Husselnuss" map (No shop at ARMY spawn, no shop at D Cap)
-Updated [TDM] Nippon and [WAR] Philippines, changed "Guadalcanal" to "Thailand"
-Fixed ARMY players cant enter their aircraft on "Utah beach"
-Various micro fixes

Edited by Einheit-101
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Okay, there is almost nothing left that i can fix. But here are a few more improvements. It is possible that i will add a few more crosshairs in near future.


-Updated Thailand, Guam, Canyon, Tenochtitlan, Islands
-MG turrets of bombers do overheat 25% slower
-Added the new explosion concussion effect to F1 settings because of complaining players with toaster PCs
-Fixed ear rape of AS-44 sound
-Molotovs do no longer cause the new explosion effect
-Vehicle velocity limiter now only reacts when a vehicle is really on ground
-Tanks now take damage from falling
-Freecam mode can no longer be activated while chatting
-Decreased armor of troop transports, anti-air vehicles and missile trucks
-Machine gunners do now always have 2x ammunition supply
-Ammo supply perk renamed to "Supporter", it increases the default ammo supply from 2x to 6x
-Players with fireworks perk can now buy more grenades at the shop without getting an error message

  • Thanks 1
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