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  [UK]Junki3 said:
It aint made up at all, jax will admit to it aswell, sc00b has also seen it not long ago.

This is the first time ive seen it! And looks kinda made up to me.

But you're kinda drifting off the motnt subject...to show people a convo off msn? a bit like this?

[uK]Homer has joined the game (IP = '').

[uK]Junki3: Yeah i just edited my weapon.dat, it was easy!

[uK]Homer: OMFG send send!! i want it too!!

[uK]Junki3: ok man msn (Y) (Y) (Y) rofl!!

[uK]Homer has left the game.

see? real or fake?

Ok enough of the wild accusations, convos, logs, msn's, all can be edited

but hey, we have [uK]Motnt on fraps with a cracked client, we have [uK]Lefty on fraps also with a cracked client, and we have [uK]dopey aka [uK]Gangsta aka [uK]Ub3rnoob on fraps with a cracked client, what ever you guys wanna call him, thats 3 members of [uK] all frapsed with cracked clients, is [uK] a cracked client clan? is it an essential to join [uK]? These are only the names i have managed to fraps, i have seen many others in [uK], lets give GTA_madkid a mention, he ruined your last clan (trainer usage etc), you did reform [uK] from GTA, without the known cheaters? then why was Madkid still in [uK] under a new name?

You had to wait for me to tell you who he was before you kicked him...

Did u kick him?? who knows? like dopey... supposedly kicked... also rejoined under a new name.. now [uK]Gangsta.

My view is that the leaders of [uK] just dont care that their members use cracked clients and will not do the decent thing about it.

Quote "[FMJ] Oli - Founder of FMJ: I have spoken with the leaders of this league about this, and they have basically dismissed the proof provided and chosen to be ignorant.

Therefore [uK] has now been added to my list of known cheating clans.

I will leave it up to the rest of you to make up your own minds!

heres a few more [uK]'s with cracked clients if anybody wants to see.

*note the 57-14 hp*


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lol never relised you was that lame, you have seen that log and you say you havent. As for madkid wasn't he in uva? laugh [uVA]_Raj i remember clearly he was there for a while infact you also have a few modders in your clan uva andy, you lot amour glitch as jax has told us and you use cracked clients.

i aint checked the vid's yet but i remember jax making a video of jano modding he later admited to it on msn, so i dont rele belive much you post.

You have been added to our enermy list, clan banned from our servers and ive blocked most of you on msn.

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  «Ho[M]er» said:
  [FMJ]Oli said:
My concern is nothing to do with UK or UVA. u guys do what u want, dont mean a shit to me. My concern is with a member of a UKO match, that i was refereeing, using a cracked client. It seems you are trying to say it is ok, which it isnt.

If you didn't want my opinions as a ref, then you shouldnt have asked me. If i saw jax using a cracked client id have done the exact same thing. And I am still yet to have an explanation which justifies what went on yesterday.

Thats very doutfull you would do the same about jax all i can say is me and junks are doing a test to solve the problem

How would you test it without using a cracked client yourself?

Also - you do know that nothing Jax could have done can change what damage Motnt took?

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Raj was in UVA for around 4 months, and as soon as we seen him cheat, he was kicked. (Gd advice for the future, KICK THE CHEATS!)

I have never accused any of UVA of cheating..

if you think any of us cheat, we would like to know so we may investigate.

of course, theres a little thing called proof, which you havent got.

The video of Jano was real, i said i 'made' it yes, i used fraps and i clicked record once i seen one of your players cheating in our server.

Please provide evidence of all your accusations as we have....

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  [FMJ]DomSpy said:
  [UK]Junki3 said:
If someone can tell us where to get a cracked client we could downlaod it and test it.

Haha - oldest trick in the book.

Oh yeah I can give you the link to the MTA modding site I check every day just to see if there's a new hack.

Oh please :roll:

lol, i was thinking the exact same thing

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  [UK]Junki3 said:
lol never relised you was that lame, you have seen that log and you say you havent. As for madkid wasn't he in uva? laugh [uVA]_Raj i remember clearly he was there for a while infact you also have a few modders in your clan uva andy, you lot amour glitch as jax has told us and you use cracked clients.

i aint checked the vid's yet but i remember jax making a video of jano modding he later admited to it on msn, so i dont rele belive much you post.

You have been added to our enermy list, clan banned from our servers and ive blocked most of you on msn.

Yes Raj was in UVA, He was kicked for using a trainer, it is clearly posted on our forum, he then went on to join GTA, Then UK.

As for accusing Andy of being a modder, what proof do u have?

do u see me posting wild accusations about people without proof? NO

so STFU and go take your cheating clan out of MTA and play AA

As for us using cracked clients i find that hard to believe, but hey anyone is welcome to test ANY UVA member at any time in any server... msn me and i will gladly watch as u test them... if u actually know what ur looking for! since u only just found out there is more that 1 place to get armour in VC. Things seems to take a while to sink in!

Any Member Of UVA caught cheating Has been and will be kicked... WITH NO CHANCE OF REJOINING (EVEN WITH A NEW NAME)!

If You Have no proof of us cheating... STFU!

Edited by Guest
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  [UVA]Sc00bY said:
  [UK]Junki3 said:
lol never relised you was that lame, you have seen that log and you say you havent. As for madkid wasn't he in uva? laugh [uVA]_Raj i remember clearly he was there for a while infact you also have a few modders in your clan uva andy, you lot amour glitch as jax has told us and you use cracked clients.

i aint checked the vid's yet but i remember jax making a video of jano modding he later admited to it on msn, so i dont rele belive much you post.

You have been added to our enermy list, clan banned from our servers and ive blocked most of you on msn.

Yes Raj was in UVA, He was kicked for using a trainer, it is clearly posted on our forum, he then went on to join GTA, Then UK.

As for accusing Andy of being a modder, what proof do u have?

do u see me posting wild accusations about people without proof? NO

so STFU and go take your cheating clan out of MTA and play AA

As for us using cracked clients i find that hard to believe, but hey anyone is welcome to test ANY UVA member at any time in any server... msn me and i will gladly watch as u test them... if u actually know what ur looking for! since u only just found out there is more that 1 place to get armour in VC. Things seems to take a while to sink in!

Any Member Of UVA caught cheating Has been and will be kicked... WITH NO CHANCE OF REJOINING (EVEN WITH A NEW NAME)!

If You Have no proof of us cheating... STFU!


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LOL are you completly stupid

Your playing the matchs by your self, its not a official the match is today at 6pm no one told me that you needed it rearranged or nuthin. 6pm is the match time upto if you wanna be there.

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