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WorldWide Vice Knockout


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a couple things from experience.

1. there should be a set down time for these things

2. if you let the gangs arrange the time, it doesnt happen within the week

3. it sounds like a bitch, but no show = loss

4. let gangs play with any number of members. if they choose to play with one person let them. its there loss. that avoids arguments of "your one to short you cant play we win"

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Sorry for all those who didn't get a place maybe next time.

I will edit the first post within the hour declaring who is playing.

Don't whine about not getting in I gave you enough info.

New rules added:

No show = Team loss.

Due to SOME clans having less members then others, i'm gonna make the little clans have a 5 minimum members.


Can't wait to get the league started. :)

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The forthcoming matches have been decided.

The Mental Maniacz - VS - Unstoppable Killaz (8th, 8PM GMT) TmM server (password dealt with)

The Last Resort - VS - Full Metal Jacket (To be decided).

Kungfu's Family of Crime - VS - Vice City Emergency Services (Not decided yet, be done by this weekend accordoing to RonSeal).

Fine Killing Units - VS - Vice City Terrorists (FKU private hosted by wojjie.net password dealt with - 08TH SEPTEMBER 10PM GMT)

United Legion of Killers - VS - Ultimate Vice Assassins (To be decided)

Deadly Night Alliance - VS - Born To Kill (09th September 10pm GMT)

Good with the matches, please post feedback and comments or anything related with The WorldWide Vice League.


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  smartie1988 said:
Scooby said for me to sign =bTk= Up for this tournement



Great, last team to signup btk.

Thanks tx, should be fun tommorow with the TmM Match.

This also means DNA have to play BtK, So I got for letters for DNA, h a h a. :lol::lol::lol:

Good luck all.

EDIT 2: Please look on first post, seeing as ALL matches have bee decided.

EDIT 1: The game is up for the bTk and DNA, please get your members ready, also I will sort the server out if you guys can't.

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To be honest,ive got worries over the whole Admin/Spectator set up. :?

Some clans have representation,and others have none.

The fact that clan members are calling decisions,worries me too.

The rules also have a few gaps,and i can see issues arising,like there have been before.

Example - Crash in Combat = Kill

Glitch Abuse ? Just nades/mollies or are we including shooting through walls?stubby glitch,etc.

That needs some defenition.

Dont get me wrong,i am all for this ladder,there are enough decent clans around to make a go of this.

But weve been playing clan matches a while now,and seen all the issues that arise,i think we should clear that up first and foremost.

Have we not got 5 wholly independent players in the community who are willing to have an involvement in this?

Harry is good,experienced yet independent :wink:

Im not trying to sink this before its launched,but there are some very volatile people in the community,reputations are at stake somewhat,and if we dont fill the gaps now,it will only crop up later :roll:

Also,are teams limited to 6?

We normally play 8 v 8,and most clans can cater for that.

If they cant,im willing to play with less,but can we have no restrictions on team size,as long as both clans agree before their match?

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Thanks seppe, maybe.

Ron, I mean shooting through walls.. Also if the glitch is still around where you keep throwing nades and about 10 apear then thats the one I don't want.

Oli is a great admin, Quig is trusted, nick is trusted, SexyB people have complained about, (not just the odd one), Chef is a great admin.

I know I can trust those who are admin exept SexyB, maybe i'll have to delete him.

I'll make Harry an admin.

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