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I just wondered if it would be possible to jump out a Heli again and survive :cry:

In 3.2 we could do this,but in 4.1,its certain death :evil:

I realise this is a new core,perhaps lots will be different,but the way it is now,people are scared to share helis :lol:

Ive noticed you can exit a Heli in flight,only if its hovering and completely level.

Before,you could jump out if it was moving with little risk of death,and we miss all the opportunities that came with it........

Just a query ;)

The rest of 'Blue' sounds absolutely cracking,cant wait :D

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Then , you need a better pilot :P j/k. I liked it better the way it was done in 3.1 . An ememy gang would take over the docks , and I would fly my gang near the docks , when the enemy made my helicopter go on fire , I would bail out , survive , and show my gang the way to victory :P now , that way is closed :D Im sure there will be some guy that creates a "helicopter survivor mod" or something :D


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Im sure there will be some guy that creates a "helicopter survivor mod" or something :D

Even better a hunter war, all vehicles in the map get removed, spawns get modifed to be on ap only, and there on the airport runway 24 HUNTERS spawn :D (or more if the server supports more plp)

then u cud a hell of a heli war over the skies of Vice City :P

wat u guys think?

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lol really? I never even noticed the change.

Yep,its savage now....... :P

Before we could attack a rooftop,and 'drop' our players on target,no need to land.

The 'droppers' would land on their feet,normally with nil health loss,and could fight immeadietely.

Now you have to land the Heli,wait for the pilot to get out,and then the passengers get out :roll:

Makes attacking rooftops much harder :shock:

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Nice idea but then the minigun and rocket launcher in the hunter must synch for every1

ermm supposibly the Hunter guns and rockets are gonna be synched (they said "100 % VC features" naah not sure thats intirely true) this was a idear for a mod in MTA: Blue :)

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oh damn, for got keypress.

thats even better :)

ill edit this post with the proper opcodes for SCM :P

and yall could try to make it for SP.

And I dont even know how to code :P I just thought that up :D Opium , you are a regular visitor of Gta Forums? Anyways , parashutes , thats what vice city needs , ropes are only for SP , I think , and you cant hit people when they are going down the ropes in SP , youll just damage the heli... Good luck Opium :D


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