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The Truth about THE BOT - Exposing BlooD


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Just a follow up to this recent contraversy regarding this so called "Cracker" BlooD.

That CRYPTIC Bot was created over a period of 1 month and has only recently reached a

stable yet powerfull stage. Dont get me wrong. It was very hard work. Untill we met this

faggot called "BlooD", he came along and said that he could send PING, and that was THE ONLY

thing our bot couldnt do, so we said yea your on the team. He then demanded that i send him the

bot source code:

03:19:43 PM] [email protected]: hey bro u think u can send me that source?

i need something to work on.... just formatted

[03:19:47 PM] :: Josh :: a: yea no probs

[03:19:48 PM] :: Josh :: a: hang on

[03:19:54 PM] [email protected]: kk

[03:22:09 PM] [email protected]: ill keep you updated with things i add

[03:22:15 PM] [email protected]: send you updated source by email

[03:22:17 PM] [email protected]: or whatever

[03:22:20 PM] :: Josh :: a: im just working on it now

[03:22:24 PM] :: Josh :: a: so give me a couple of min

[03:22:28 PM] [email protected]: kk bro

And here is where he demands the source code as i "took to long to send it to him"

[04:41:28 PM] [email protected]: If you wish me to be in cryptic you need

to fucking proove it, show a little trust and email that

source to [email protected] . Otherwise fuck you

for wasting my fucking time.

So as you can see with your own eyes, he basicly just ripped everything from our source

code, this guy must be truly fucked up to steal something and to be proud of something

he didnt make. Also id like to point out where he said he stole some of our code:

[09:10:02 PM] [email protected]: ha im the man

[09:10:03 PM] [email protected]: i got ping

[09:10:05 PM] [email protected]: on every id

[09:10:24 PM] [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) has left the


[09:15:50 PM] ??:: Josh ::: really

[09:15:56 PM] ??:: Josh ::: awsome, did ya add it in the bot?

[09:16:07 PM] [email protected]: to my bot

[09:16:15 PM] [email protected]: i made my own

[09:16:18 PM] [email protected]: yesterday

[09:16:27 PM] [email protected]: took me 15 min to get it logging in and

staying connected

[09:16:47 PM] ??:: Josh ::: did you view my bots code?

[09:16:47 PM] [email protected]: and incase your wondering , i did it with

no other projects open

[09:16:51 PM] [email protected]: yes

[09:17:00 PM] [email protected]: i used your bot for one thing

[09:17:10 PM] [email protected]: grabbing the car spawn packet

Although he says thats all he used, its kinda funny how he started from only being able to MOD

CPU's bot source code. To all of a sudden making this awsome bot that can do everything.

Kind of a co-incedence that after he got our source code that he made this great bot.

Im not saying we are proud of this bot. But truth be known we are. Its taken us alot of time

and effort, and has kept us motivated. I would also like to take the time to state

unlike that maggot BlooD we DO NOT use our bot for destructive purposes. We originally created

it as a mod for server admins to own bitches that keep cheating. But as you can see

some people have percieved this bot to be "the devil". Id like you all to know that we do not want

to "Destroy MTA" and will not release this bot. The few BETA copies that were released to close

friends can be switched off using a PHP script that XubeX(Trix) wrote.

We were going to start to make a USEFUL mod called "MTAtaxi" that would provide taxi services

in MTA. Due to this very fucked problem that has arrised with BlooD we have ceased to continue

our projects.

So ill just conclude, This bot WAS made by [CRYPTiC] and WASNT EASY.

As you probably can see, a man who goes around bragging mainly on the topic that "he made it"

doesnt sound too convincing to me. BlooD is a n00b and can only edit wats not his.

Just hope everyone now has a good perception of the faggot whos life is fuked "BlooD"

Also, if MTA Would like a copy of the Bots source code to fix anything in which it may

exploit. They are welcome.

So BlooD what i send to you(besides that 30000 email bomb) is a big FUCK YOU!







Posted by Sniper-X-


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Yes i will admit we started off on the wrong foot with MTA. But we have changed our perception on MTA and want to help make it better. Thats why we started to make the MTA Taxi mod. And the original purpose of the "bot" was to help.

I apologize to you [KFC]'ers for any trouble we may have caused you.

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Yes i agree. It was a HUGE mistake to actually trust someone like BlooD with the source code. We now can see he only used us for the source code and im pissed off about that.

The Taxi Mod, was going to be a Taxi driven by a BOT(After completion MTA will be give the option to aproove or disaproove of it and there decision will be final) People will be able to call a taxi by !TaxiPlease, the taxi may then know when the id that called it is in it(the taxi will drive up to the ID) then after the person get is the taxi will ask where to, !airport etc and then the taxi will drive them to the airport.

Just a simple mod that a couple of server admins i know had thought would be good.

The TAXI Mod has stopped now and will remain stopped untill this mess is sorted out with BlooD claiming he made the bot that is respectivly ours(CRYPTiC)

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so now you guys are aruging over who should be given credit for possibly the most destructive trainer ever to be seen in mta? comon guys honestly... :roll:

making a bot isnt helping mta, especially not a bot like that. im glad to hear your development efforts have ceased but i know that they actually havent. sniperx has said that before and look where his name pops up now

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This is the WHOLE PROBLEM and a perfect example of why we do NOT like people making homebrew clients/bots/'helpers'. The creators can have all the best intentions in the world, but you open a hole in mta and it takes very little for someone else to stick a knife in that hole and start twisting.

Now your intentions and the origins of this 'bot', which are dubious to say the least knowing who was behind it originally, are less important than the fact you are totally ignoring not only the EULA but the reason for it in the first place.

The EULA is NOT there just to protect our copyright and make us feel 'special', we get that feeling every time we see someone having a good time in game. It IS there to prevent this kind of potentially disasterous fun-destroying creation.

So to all who wish to provide something 'Usefull', contact the Team, we will talk. We leave plenty of avenues for you to do so, Email, Forums, IRC, members are available on all. MTAMA was potentially destructive yet with some guidance from the Team and working closely with aeron it has become almost as widespread and known as MTA itself (It has even influenced the development of the mod itself, the idea for Admin+ came to me due to my contact with Aeron, and was designed specifically for mtama to use), not to mention highly useful. Your Idea could be the next one to catch on in this controlled and above all Safe way.

Edited by Guest
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The bot IS intended for helping MTA.

Unfortunatly we made a bad decision. As what i said about our development being stopped it has. And as you stated that "SniperX"(I) said that last time and look what happened. Honestly we have stopped.

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We just want to apologize to The MTA Team for any trouble we may have caused. Our intentions were good but as MrBump said above it's easy for someone to abuse it. After this mess is sorted out I and Trix would love to have a discussion and make the Taxi Mod if proven safe and aprooved by you and the team.

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yes, we feel it would be rather cool to have a taxi mod, for all the lazy people out there :), we have an exact idea how we can do it, but like sniperx said, we wont start untill we sort this mess out about blood and we talk to You(MTA TEAM) about it.




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Well there is so many different bots out there at the moment, nearly all of them have a 0 ping.

I think a bot isn't a bad idea as long as it built to help players and the game, not to just burn cars and help one player(eg the bot owner).

The taxi bot one is great idea for servers when there are few players in there and need a car quick.

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If you feel really sorry, can i have the source code to make a protection in the next MTA:mA?

gd work Aeron :D


admins update ur versions so we can get rid of this Bot once and for all ;)

:arrow: Lock request

Thats the parts under developement, not actually in 3.11

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omg i was in a french stunt server the other day and i kept getting chased by this red sabre turbo with no driver, it kept hitting my off my bike and killing me, and everytime it would follow only me, ignoring everyone else and every time i tried to destroy it it just killed me and i couldnt jack it and it was wierd because there was no driver. was it a bot?

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Probably not, there's random sync issues with one of the Sabre Turbos in stunt, (as there was in 0.3 DM,) meaning you can see it driverless (and not on the radar,) or sometimes just parked at its spawn area with someone inside it when to them they are actually driving around.

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