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Change string to variable


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pers = "pers" 

Oh, no!


function testFunc() 
    triggerServerEvent("testTrigger", localPlayer, "pers") 
local testTable = { 
    pers = {"test1","test2"} 
addEvent("testTrigger", true) 
addEventHandler("testTrigger", getRootElement(), function(test) 
outputChatBox("The table say: "..(testTable.test[#testTable.test])..".") -- I want to get testTable.pers but it's get testTable."pers" 

How to change "pers" to pers... :roll::roll::roll:

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If test is a string, try using testTable[test]

But i need remove the string.

Like Mr.Aleks said, use testTable[test]

That will give you the table which holds "test1" and "test2". testTable[test] is the same as testTable.pers if test is a string that is equal to "pers", just like testTable["pers"] is the same as testTable.pers

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tables can replace every variable in your whole code if you want.

myScript = { 
["variableName"] = "IIYAMA", 
["variableWhut"] = 345763645984366, 
["thisFunction"]= function () outputChatBox("thisFunction") end, 
["thatFunction"]= function () outputChatBox("thatFunction")  end  

as arezu said you can also use the: .


and this is how you clear them:

myScript["thisFunction"] = nil 
myScript.thisFunction = nil 

I prefer the ["name"], because in my opinion it is clearer and you will have the benefit that you can put every kind of data between the [ ]. Which can make your code more dynamic.

When you use the . you can only access with strings.

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try it

loadstring ( "return paris" ) (   ) 

if you don't know about environments then it's better not to use loadstring because you can't nil the variable just like that, you need to change environment using


and you don't even need to use loadstring for this + lua.org suggests that you should use pcall.

local var = loadstring ("print(1)") 
pcall (var) 

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