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Gta-Clan Own Most Clans And They No It Like Oc


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they hate OC so much because i banned the hole clan because i had 4 of them in the server and 3 of them had max hp cheat on and the other had a speed hack

BTW OC is now over most of the members started a new clan so good luck guys sorry but with work college and some other stuff i dont have much time any more you will have the server till the 15th of august

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After having tried to play on the "official" gta server and having discovered it sucked more than an octanagarian whore who had lost all her teeth, I have decided to step in and offer you the use of my server for your clan.

It's IP is



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yo fmj or vces hook up a gangwar against them, me and hopefully xcon have infiltrated them and would be happy to own the gta clan as soon as go is called.

Ah go on itll be funny! :D

Ps: wow at whoever spammed their forum, that amazed even me.

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