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everytime i try to download anything from this site like the new MTArc think it just does errors and it won't let me download it, i've also tries to right click it and 'save as a target' but that dun't work either....can any one help

daz :cry:

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it is common dialog box dll...hmm you should have it :lol:

then, open the run dialog box using "Start | Run..." and enter "Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx" to register the DLL.

if you don't have it, download it here:


open it and extract everything to 'you drive":\windows\system32 and redo

Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx , then reopen mtarc again.

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it is common dialog box dll...hmm you should have it :lol:

Windows doesn't come with comdlg32.ocx by default - it is only installed by programming languages and certain programs which rely on it. One which does come with Windows however is comdlg32.dll, the API version.

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nice tool 8) .

one thing, is it not possible to do joint keys.

eg Shift + 6. I dont think Ctrl or Alt wud wrk cuz it will intifere. is this correct? im only sujjesting shift, cause im neva gonna use the % or £ or $ etc.

EDIT: found a little bug. When u press File -> Open, then press Cancel, it gives u an error

Run-time error '32755':

Cancel was selected.

it then quits after u press OK. its nothing major, just pointing out

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Well I got the ocx.... but "Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx" isn't registering. I get an error whenever I try:

"c:\windows\system32\comdlg32x.ocx" is not an executable file and no registration helper is registered for this file type.

>.< now what lol.

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Well I got the ocx.... but "Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx" isn't registering. I get an error whenever I try:

"c:\windows\system32\comdlg32x.ocx" is not an executable file and no registration helper is registered for this file type.

>.< now what lol.

Same Problem... bummer :oops:

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is there a way to fix the .ocx prob? for some reason I just can't register it! hmmm

Yeah, use the API instead of the OCX. The DLL comes with Windows so nothing needs to be registered. Also, I think it uses less memory as well.

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Everytime i press T to type suff, halfway through it shouts "U BASTARD! U BASTARD! U BASTARD!"

That will be because the sentance you are typing contains 'o' the letter you bound it to. I suggest using the numberkeys or End, page down etc to avoid that problem

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is there a way to fix the .ocx prob? for some reason I just can't register it! hmmm

Yeah, use the API instead of the OCX. The DLL comes with Windows so nothing needs to be registered. Also, I think it uses less memory as well.

It comes with Windows? I have XP and it's not on my harddrive lol. Got a download? (Shrugs) it's be nice to have the commands, when ur driving u can't type and drive so having a quick button would be nice :)

Well I downloaded the ocx AND the dll and put it in the windows\system directory. Tried the program again... same error, tried to Regsrv or w/e lol the file but the DLLREgister server has a problem or something of the sort >.<

if u need the dll and/or ocx it's here

http://www.dll-files.com/cgi-bin/cgiwra ... lg32.zip==\

O....k I found the file that was originally in windows... It's in windows\system32, so I copied and pasted it to windows\system. Still no go, still the same error.

What to do... what to do!!!? lol

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I have a suggestion, get rid of the comdlg32.ocx error lol. I think that's the only prob a few of us are having lol.

And try to bind where u have to hit CTRL and the button u wnat in order for it to show up, so u have full acess to the keyboard AND access to what u want to show ;)

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the comdlg32.ocx error is caused because it was coded in Visual Basic. You should try using VC++ DJ, its much better but abit more complicated.

No, the error does not occur because it was coded in VB. Surely every VB program would have that error then?

The error occurs because it uses the Common Dialog Control and it is presumed that it will be on the end-user's system, which in most cases it isn't.

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yer well I dont have VB yet so I wouldn't know... Anyone know how to change the colour of a Edit Box/Button in VC++? Im making a program very similar to MTArc but its much more advanced, features Ctrl + * Shift + * and Ctrl + Shift + * etc, and "HotWords" but im having probs with changing the colours of certain things.... if anyone knows how to change the colour of them contact me on MSN ([email protected])


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it looks very nice, but why making 2 programs for it? can't you combine forces or am I just suggesting stupid things? anyhow, I don't know how to change the colors, but isn't this the wrong topic for your prog? this is the mtarc topic.

btw: I haven't tested MTArc yet, because I simply haven't been able to (pc not at this place) but I will soon. Good luck both of you with your programs.

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