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I was just banned from partyserver because KFC Nazgul said i was flying a car when i was in the middle of picking my character.now i dont know whether hes got somethin against me or what but this is extremely aggervating im loosing the motivation to play a game i love.i dont cheat i wouldnt know how to if i wanted to so if somebody could plz unban me for this rediculous acusation it would be appreciated. ip is thank you

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Ye i was there and i have the log from when he got banned.

[KFC]Nazgul: ban nikateen

[KFC]Nazgul: he;'s cheating

[KFC]Nazgul: flying cars

NikateeN: what!?

NikateeN has been kicked from the game.

Thats all that happened, then i get banned for "modding"

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on two people tho? that's a bit unlikely, besides, nikateen had that handle, i was in there not too long before this banning. Nazgul also banned one of my members for cheating, but they just had a high ping. Perhaps someone should be taught how to determine cheating, ne?

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Why doesn't someone make a comprehensive guide to whats cheating and what isn't, with some nice screenshots etc... We need somthing seriously n00b friendly (server admins) to cope with this kind of situation (it can only get better)...


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I think the admins on most MTA servers, are a little too happy too ban someone.

I am still pretty much a n00b in this game, I can kill someone etc... but I only know the basic rules. Like: no cheating, no modding you know the average stuff.

But then I get in a server and I "helikill" someone. Then I get banned with the message "No helikilling", I mean I am banned from one of the good few Dutch servers where I have low ping etc... :(

Without a warning or a kick first. The admins on this game are so n00b unfriendly. :?

On a side note, I also think a lot people cheat. But that's probably because the health shower is screwed! :?

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I seriously suggest all ban logs be cleared when .4 hits..

Mainly because a lot of people are getting banned for cheating, and I've witnessed this (and had this happen to me, too).... a good majority of people weren't cheating, but because someone else "can't kill them!" (High ping, crappy aiming, or just now having the damage bar updating)...

If you even mention someone is cheating, just, randomly, there's a high possibility of that person getting banned.

Since .4 has a SPECTATOR option, it'll be easier to determine cheaters... thus,i think the banlogs should be cleared for .4, and before anyone gets banned, the admins should spectate that person

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The trouble is, if the admins agree with you and clear their banlists, that will only affect the official servers. The admins on the official servers generally have a lot more experience of cheaters and so are less likely to ban unnecessarily than an enthusiastic first-timer on another server.

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spectator mode won't necessarily help due to lag issues either, the admin could see someone not being hit at all, or someone being hit all the time, while the 'cheater' sees someone shooting completely the wrong way :\
well, I don't think anyone can say if that is true, except for the MTA team...

or whoever has beta'd... Not sure how well spectator works, i'm just throwing this idea out there

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spectator mode won't necessarily help due to lag issues either, the admin could see someone not being hit at all, or someone being hit all the time, while the 'cheater' sees someone shooting completely the wrong way :\

I think it's intended so that admins can see for themselves if someone is obviously cheating, e.g. flying cars. In order to test for more subtle cheating, e.g. health hacks, it would be best for the admin to enter the game and actually fight the person.

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