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B.L.A.S.T.A / Hall of Fame - Invite (only members may post!)


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Not if its your gang thread. How can we ask all other gangs not to spam in thiers yet allow a single gang to do so? You have blast in general forum for basic spam. According to xerox you are a proper gang in that you may take part in competitions etc so this is for your gang organisation and everything else gang related. not spam.

If you want this to be a private spam thread then we'll move it to somewhere suitable.

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Seriously johnny its not fair to either the other forum users or the moderators themselves.

Users see a gang thread full of spam and either think its ok to spam in thiers or wonder why on earth it is an exception and they arent allowed to do the same.

And we moderators have to tell people dont spam in the gang threads, then they say 'well how come blasta can?' what are we supposed to say to that?

PLASTA was made as a joke, a total ripoff, reversal and pisstake of xeroxs original post in the PLASTA thread. Then people started to post genuinely funny stuff in there but as it wasnt really a gang thread it was moved to general. I'm quite happy to do the same with this thread.

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The gang isnt a spam gang its consists of spammers. a big difference. xerox insists it is a real gang. even gos so far as to appear in testing with a [blasta] tag. (i get embarassed for him when he does this). and on servers etc. Its simple. if its a proper gang thread dont spam in it. If spamming is more important to you then we move it to general and you do what you wish in it.

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lol bump, I gotta admit thats the biggest load of crap I've ever heard :P I mean the entire point of this gang since day one was to be a spam thread, but only for the people who have been around long and who are invited. Hence the name:

BLASTA: Bullshit Lame Ass Spam Thread Addicts

Well this is almost taking the whole meaning out of this gang unless we all decide to fight together like the olympic team of MTA. But yes I see where you are coming from. I would rather have this gang be hidden from the public (maybe some kinda group?) rather than take away the real meaning of it, but I see where you are coming from, and that is true. So I guess SOMETHING must be done to keep out the jealousy and reduce spam elsewhere.

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  MrBump said:
Seriously johnny its not fair to either the other forum users or the moderators themselves.

Users see a gang thread full of spam and either think its ok to spam in thiers or wonder why on earth it is an exception and they arent allowed to do the same.

And we moderators have to tell people dont spam in the gang threads, then they say 'well how come blasta can?' what are we supposed to say to that?

PLASTA was made as a joke, a total ripoff, reversal and pisstake of xeroxs original post in the PLASTA thread. Then people started to post genuinely funny stuff in there but as it wasnt really a gang thread it was moved to general. I'm quite happy to do the same with this thread.

True because nooby gangz like myself (if i didn't know) would of spammed because others did. and no i aint spamming here just showing my opinion.

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ok... now how can i put this

blasta is kind of a real gang

in essence we dont participate in gang wars.... but we are able to, and i encourage blasta members to run with blasta tags for a laugh.

I use my blasta tag as a 'just because'. blasta was never a real gang. We recruit based on postcount, not skill in mta. I mean some members couldnt even play mta for 3-4 months. but that does not mean we are not able to participate as a gang. For now I would just leave the thread as is... but cut down on the spam peeps.

And a piss-take on a piss-take doesnt work.

All blasta members, use your tags when you fight for a few days.... we may even challenge the mighty VCA just to prove a point =) (sorry bump, but half of ya vck members are blasta ;-P)

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so that very basis of this clan(spam) cant exsist in its own gang thread...havent u heard of the saying "lead by example" what would new blasta people think if there leaders didnt spam their gang thread to show incoming Blasta's how its done....sounds like poor leadership to me just my thoughts

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