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B.L.A.S.T.A / Hall of Fame - Invite (only members may post!)


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:crazyeyes: AKA The Great, Almighty and Spam-tastic :crazyeyes:


Welcome one and all to the greatest gang in MTA. A collection of the biggest spammers and the biggest MTA community figures. BLASTA is in essence a 'forum based' gang but all members are encouraged to use BLASTA tags while in MTA. The gang is invite only. Mods and devs may join at will. The joining offers are listed at the bottom of this post.

This gang requires no work from you. We are simply a unit of elite MTA members. It is possible that we may gather to war against someone and completely pwn them. :P

Official B.L.A.S.T.A Memberlist


:shock: Mr Bill - Co-owner

:twisted: Xerox - Co-owner

Active Members:

8) Erorr404

:wink: Gamefreek

:mrgreen: HAZJ

:D Iggy

:?: IJs

:shock: Kent767

:( Mad_Boy

:twisted: Ransom

:batmaan: Slothman

:x Warlord Archon

Honorary List:

'honorary' means the member has been inactive for too long, if they wish to return, all they need to do is start posting again.

:!: Griff (aka Bengriff from Modstack Forums)

:( Gtatari

:? Manix

:) Newbinator

:shock: T2k2

:o TheBigJ

:wink: DeathB

:P JohnnyBlaze

:cry: Keva

:lol: Mikiro

8) Me

:oops: Xenex

:arrow: DGtaDude

:x KungFuGrip

RIP Wheelman

:roll: WheelMan --- RIP Wheelman... life cut short so young :(. Your zany behavior and your accomplishments (including quotewall and BLAST membership!) will be remembered until the day MTA ceases to be.

Membership Offers:

All moderators and MTA team

Emoticons are random. All members have the freedom to choose ranks or weapon of choice. We are all senior forum members and equal.

Updated last by Iggy on June 24th, 2007

Edited by Guest
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  Mr.Bill said:
I'm damn seriouse. last warning if someone NON blasta posts after this msg you will be banned.
  TmM-DeeJee said:
Get banned for posting spam in a spam section of the forum..???

How come you guys got the idea that your so elite you can spam, but the rest of us (read non blasta) can't...?? Not even in our own gang thread.

Its the BLAST thread where everyene can spam wheter your blasta or not , but this is the BLASTA gang thread.So its here we are asking you guys to not post in not the BLAST thread ( the one in general)

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  TmM-DeeJee said:
how come my post got erased..??

I said I was sorry I misunderstoud the meaning of blastA... It wasn't spam

and it still got deleted.. who ever the mod was who did that sent me a pm to explain your actions.. and while your at it explain why my post got deleted out of more threads just over the last day..??

Is it sum sort of elite thing I don't belong to, can only the more older members complain bouth what happend here..??

Or is this just another random act of showing your powers, what's the meaning of this forum if all post get deleted just couse the mod's don't like what's in it..

  Mr.Bill said:
I'm damn seriouse. last warning if someone NON blasta posts after this msg you will be banned.


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  TmM-DeeJee said:
I did listen, and senex was kindly enough to explain it to me.. so I replyed to say sorry abouth that.. Just as in real life you just don't walk off and forget to answer some one..

but it seems this is way differnent than the real life social ways..

aahh well I learn to live with it..

Just the fact is I don't really wanna post in this topic, but when some one tells me in a not so nice way that I need to :o off out of this thread.. well makes me wanna put a comment on that, but I misunderstoud as I said before sorry for that (3 times alreaddy I said sorry now).

But only to find out my post got deleted.. don't find that very nice.

I am not here to temp the mods to ban me, but if they do so. well that's their thing to do, just don't like to get deleted just like you (ransom) didn't liked your thread being deleted for the wrong reasons if you get my drift.

Ok, stop posting here now.

I am trying to help the mods keep the rules obeyed this time around. I don't want that to happen again. And it doesn't look like your posts were deleted, but instead quoted to get them out of the thread but still give people the understanding of the following posts.

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meh, He understands he's ok.

and Trx, dont tempt me ;)

so yes the blasta thread will probably jsut end up "being" for no real cause or effect, but meh

NOTE TO ALL MODS: If your worried about coming off as an asshole because your enforcing the rules, theres a big tip to remember: Don't

it's your job to boss people around when they like it the least, and danm it I dont know about all you but I love my job! so get to it :)

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