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IRC Notepad!


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dialog notepad {
 title "Notepad"
 size -1 -1 264 188
 option dbu
 icon C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe, 0
 edit "", 1, 0 0 264 188, multi return autohs autovs hsbar vsbar
 menu "&File", 2
 item "&New	Ctrl+N", 3, 2
 item "&Open...	Ctrl+O", 4, 2
 item "&Save	Ctrl+S", 5, 2
 item "Save &As...", 6, 2
 item break, 7, 2
 item "Page Se&tup", 8, 2
 item "&Print	Ctrl+P", 9, 2
 item break, 10, 2
 item "E&xit", 11, 2, ok
 menu "&Edit", 12
 item "&Undo	Ctrl+Z", 13, 12
 item break, 14, 12
 item "Cu&t	Ctrl+X", 15, 12
 item "&Copy	Ctrl+C", 16, 12
 item "&Paste	Ctrl+V", 17, 12
 item "De&lete	Del", 18, 12
 item break, 19, 12
 item "&Find...	Ctrl+F", 20, 12
 item "Find &Next	F3", 21, 12
 item "&Replace...	Ctrl+H", 22, 12
 item "&Go To...	Ctrl+G", 23, 12
 item break, 24, 12
 item "Select &All	Ctrl+A", 25,12
 item "Time/&Date	F5", 26, 12
 menu "F&ormat", 27
 item "&Word Wrap", 28, 27
 item "&Font...", 29, 27
 menu "&View", 30
 item "Status &Bar", 31, 30
 menu "&Help", 32
 item "&Help Topics", 33, 32
 item break, 34, 32
 item "&About Notepad", 35, 32
on *:DIALOG:notepad:edit:1: {
 var %a = $did(notepad,1).lines,%b = $calc(%a -1),%c = $did(notepad,1,%b)
 if (($did(notepad,1,%a) == $null) && (<* !iswm %c)) {
   !did -o notepad 1 %b $+(<,$me,>) %c
   !msg %np_chan %c
on *:DIALOG:notepad:close:0: unset %np_chan
on *:DIALOG:notepad:init:0: {
 %np_chan = $active
 !dialog -t notepad $active - Notepad
 !did -b notepad 3,4,5,6,8,9,13,15,16,17,18,20,21,22,23,25,26,28,29,31,33,35
on *:ACTION:*(%np_chan): np_insert * $nick $1-
on *:JOIN:$(%np_chan): np_insert * $nick has joined %np_chan $+ .
on *:PART:$(%np_chan): np_insert * $nick has left %np_chan $+ .
on *:KICK:$(%np_chan): np_insert * $knick was kicked by $nick ( $+ $1- $+ )
on *:NICK: np_insert * $nick is now know as $newnick
on *:TEXT:*(%np_chan): np_insert $+(<,$nick,>) $1-
on *:TOPIC:$(%np_chan): np_insert * $nick changed the topic to $+(',$1-,')
on *:QUIT:$(%np_chan): np_insert * $nick Quit ( $+ $1- $+ )
alias notepad if (!$dialog(notepad)) !dialog -md notepad notepad
alias np_insert {
 !did -i notepad 1 $did(notepad,1).lines $1-
 !did -c notepad 1 $did(notepad,1).lines 500

1. Paste the code into a new script.

2. Load the script

3. If you are in a channel type "/notepad"

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