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Please start using votekick on all servers


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Please start using votekick on all the official servers! The amount of cheaters has become ridiculous and most of the "admins" seem to be non existent. Sorry to rant but it seems almost impossible to find a server now without any cheaters

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I don't think thats a good idea with all the people yelling false claims of "cheater" all the time and others blindly follow. That will only result in tons of kicks towards innocent people as I think about 80% of cheat claims are false.

Besides if that went in effect someone might be lame enough to login with 5 or 6 different names to win all the vote kicks.

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Both can and have happened and the reason it's not run on the PartyServer is because it is abused

The same person keeps votekicking again and again


I have seen it work when you have a good group of regulars and only a few cheats. Make sure you make your case and get support for the kick ahead of time and get them to vote and it will work fine

It's up to MrBump to weight the benefits against the problems and decide. I assume he has already done this and you can guess the result.

I hope that !stats has a chance thou :wink:

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At least something to limit the # of vote kicks a person can do at a given time. Then it could pm them to till them they must wait if they try to start another one.

It only lets you vote once and it only allows one vote at a time already. It gives you a message like the teams one when you try to join both teams.

you can change the percent of the players that are needed as well. The problem is that some ppl keep starting new votekicks again and again after the other one ends.

We did just vote him off but nothing stops them from coming back, when no admin is around

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I wont be running votekick on the official servers for the reasons already mentioned above. Pople accused of cheating rarely are, meaning many will get kicked for nothing. Balancing the amount, (percentage), of players needing to vote !yes is difficult when many can be afk/not speak english/just not bothered to vote, and a kick wont deter a REAL cheater, (rarer than you think as most long term players, who know how to identify the genuine cheats, will tell you), as he/she can simply reconnect.

There is almost always an admin available in #mta, so go there and cheats will be looked into. Only exception are the few unearthly hours each day when the admins are sleeping, but as the servers are hardly populated at these times of night for the same reason that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

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::shrug:: my irc scripting skills are next to squat...i'll try and find the server, but people would say !stats and that all I saw, i typed it and it told me my stats, so i can only assume they somehow made it private, it was still in yellow text however

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Please start using votekick on all the official servers! The amount of cheaters has become ridiculous and most of the "admins" seem to be non existent. Sorry to rant but it seems almost impossible to find a server now without any cheaters

I don't think there's an overpopulation of cheaters out there. I'd say 1 out of 20. Maybe you just have the problem every other new player has.


5 minutes later


But that's profiling; and that's bad. Anyway, if there's a cheater just go on IRC and tell somebody...

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I don't think thats a good idea with all the people yelling false claims of "cheater" all the time and others blindly follow. That will only result in tons of kicks towards innocent people as I think about 80% of cheat claims are false.

Besides if that went in effect someone might be lame enough to login with 5 or 6 different names to win all the vote kicks.

I was thinkin the EXACT same thing Ransom.

just because some laggy n00b cant kill you he goes to his MTA and types

!votekick 1 or w/e

then the others follow because they think they're helping. I noticed that NEVER do skilled players vote unless they know its a cheater fo sho

there is this one n00b, named "neo" or something

he logged into the server using up like 7 slots once.. neo1, neo2....neo6, neo7 i mean, this kid is obviously retarded. not only that, hes one of the biggest cheaters around HAHA and he votekicks people who kill him. for example "{FBI}Mac-10" :lol: and the n00bs followed...

but luckily the votekick was cancelled, like 10 times in a row. 8)

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