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A little sad.....

Guest CaptainDeath

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I came here because i saw your mod in the latest issue of PCGamer. And i noticed that your mod doesn't support my OS......

God i hate having no money.....*cries*.....i'm still running WinME......*cries some more*........ :cry::cry::cry::cry:

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If you've got ME, you've probably got a lot more problems than just MTA not running for you.

Seriously now, if the PC is yours, get an XP CD from a friend and format tomorrow. There's no money issue anywhere for you to be crying about, get moving.

Lol @ " it'll all be over soon..." That doesn't sound right :o.

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  slothman said:
oh yeah, you americans and your "intelectual properties laws".

come to canada. we have the laws, but no one cares!

Don't u dare i'm not american!
  dystopia said:
of course, win is worth about as much as the bandwidth it takes to get it
That, is arguable.


Edited by Guest
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Lol this is true, w2k worked like a slave for me and I did buy it...but like wxp seems to be w2k with cute images and less options, it just doesn't warrant being called a new os, nor worth 200 bucks to me, perhaps the mce...but even then its so clunky.

But then, even when an os comes with a pc, half the time they don't give you the disk anymore, and that's big bs to a person like me. When a pc says "comes with windows xp" it should come with a windows install cd, not a damn image disc. So I end up getting an iso anyhow...but that's somehow protected under that backup law :P

Anyhoot, if you can find w2k cheaper than winxp, jus get the 2k, you won't be disapointed compared to ME either way lol

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The problem is. I have maybe $30 to my name. I lost my job about 2 months ago and trying to pay for college and stripped me dry of money.

The good thing though, i'm transfering to the school that my g/f attends this fall and hopefully with the money left over from financial aid i can get my own copy of XP. The bad thing is that i will be only running Dial-Up because where she lives, they don't offer Cable Modem's or DSL. She live in rural Minnesota just east of the North Dakota boarder.

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  CaptainDeath said:
The problem is. I have maybe $30 to my name. I lost my job about 2 months ago and trying to pay for college and stripped me dry of money.

The good thing though, i'm transfering to the school that my g/f attends this fall and hopefully with the money left over from financial aid i can get my own copy of XP. The bad thing is that i will be only running Dial-Up because where she lives, they don't offer Cable Modem's or DSL. She live in rural Minnesota just east of the North Dakota boarder.

ah but sounds like a clean conscience since you are not stealing and you getting laid to boot... so your internet is slow it sounds like a win win to me

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  • 3 weeks later...

i saw cheap copies of win2k on ebay before, its not illigal, or not that i know of..

(when i say copies i mean originals just the way u say it u know) think i looked and one was like £20 before, without manual, but with autheticity certificate th ing, and holographic cd thing...it was probably OEM but who cares!

i'd recommened 2k over xp anyday, unless you really need the shadow effects on the desktop icons...

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