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russian famaly


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ok at me then.

its a good idea you got there, it could be useful to now the surroundings when transporting the boss.

I just thought of some thing, it must take an awful lot of bandwith if two big gangs are playing at the same time?

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I figured out how to get rid of the add banner on the beta site Lask, go into tripod prefrences. And turn the advertisments from Banner to Pop Up, then register a http://www..cjb.net (for free) and distribute that as the address, automatically gets rid of the ad banners.

*edit* or just get an Angelfire account... There banners are easy to manipulate.

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Hey RobZGoD I'm the sniper and Scout for the gang as u me see in previous posts,well spy but aint that a kind of scout? Our gang car is a black Stinger as its said in preivous posts! :!:

Anyway Pleased to meet u mackeman welcome!!

Its wouldnt be 4 sentinals it would b 4 stingers!! :!:

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I liked the first Not mine, the first one that don made... I made a remake of it though... Check it out everyone...

logo2.jpg << Spent an hour on this one... Wheew.

Great job on getting rid of the ads lask! And my friend said he would make the layout... You or the don will be the first to see... But I haven't seen the don one MSN once, so it is most likely going to be you.

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Ya be tozhe hatel bit' v etom gangi. Ya V Avtralie, no ne dolgo :D

I would like into your gang.

I could come in useful. I know programming :D

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