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mtavc during nighttime (I know this has been mentioned)


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Yeah and what about mist, or hail, or even tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters and weather phenomena? Or how about earthquakes or tidal waves? Maybe have B-52's circle around over Vice and randomly bomb places? AlL u$eFu1 6AmeplaY @dDi7ions!!11

Are we overboard again yet or not :roll:?

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Yeah and what about mist, or hail, or even tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters and weather phenomena? Or how about earthquakes or tidal waves? Maybe have B-52's circle around over Vice and randomly bomb places? AlL u$eFu1 6AmeplaY @dDi7ions!!11

Are we overboard again yet or not :roll:?

I don't think it's overboard. Maybe not a high-priority suggestion, but one which could easily be implemented.

Also, night time is a feature of GTA: VC, whereas tornados etc. are not. :roll:

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Night time already features in mta, the 24 hour ingame clock is running so night cycles to day etc. In future we plan to sync time so it will be the same amount of daylight for all players at the same time. This will also have the added bonus of syncd traffic lights, weather etc. Having the game stuck at a certain time of day seems rather odd, I quite like the 'realism' of the 24 hour cycle

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Still, the installer will have to install a mod, replacing something in the game files. The current MTA 0.3.1 and all the previous ones don't change any files or gamecode. I don't think it'd be that hard to introduce snow since all of people will have this mod installed (installer of 0.4 will simply do its job, and everyone will have the snow mode). It also should make sort of a backup, so if next versions will have another mods in them, the original state of gamefiles can be restored.

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In future we plan to sync time so it will be the same amount of daylight for all players at the same time. This will also have the added bonus of syncd traffic lights, weather etc.

Can't wait :D

Having the game stuck at a certain time of day seems rather odd, I quite like the 'realism' of the 24 hour cycle

It's just that some other games offer a choice of day or night, and darkness adds gameplay changes. However, since you put it like that, GTA is a realism game so a full synched day / night cycle will be great.

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Still, the installer will have to install a mod, replacing something in the game files. The current MTA 0.3.1 and all the previous ones don't change any files or gamecode. I don't think it'd be that hard to introduce snow since all of people will have this mod installed (installer of 0.4 will simply do its job, and everyone will have the snow mode). It also should make sort of a backup, so if next versions will have another mods in them, the original state of gamefiles can be restored.

He was being sarcastic, btw. :lol:

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