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MTAMA Scripting


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If i load this:

alias mta.text {
 if (!stat == $3) { 
     mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - ID: $2 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$2) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$2) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$2) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$2)) - Status: $iif($mta.game($1,$2) == 1,Out Game,In Game) 

alias mta.text { 
 if ($3 == !countdown) { 
mta.say $1 Count down! 
.timer 1 1 mta.say $1 5 
.timer 1 2 mta.say $1 4 
.timer 1 3 mta.say $1 3 
.timer 1 4 mta.say $1 2 
.timer 1 5 mta.say $1 1 
.timer 1 6 mta.say $1 GO! Go! Go! Go! 

to my mtama only the stat worx. why?


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  lamase said:
If i load this:
alias mta.text {
 if (!stat == $3) { 
     mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - ID: $2 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$2) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$2) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$2) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$2)) - Status: $iif($mta.game($1,$2) == 1,Out Game,In Game) 

alias mta.text { 
 if ($3 == !countdown) { 
mta.say $1 Count down! 
.timer 1 1 mta.say $1 5 
.timer 1 2 mta.say $1 4 
.timer 1 3 mta.say $1 3 
.timer 1 4 mta.say $1 2 
.timer 1 5 mta.say $1 1 
.timer 1 6 mta.say $1 GO! Go! Go! Go! 

to my mtama only the stat worx. why?


You can haven only 1 (ONE!) instance of every alias. This means only one mta.text

Combine them together to

alias mta.text {
 if (!stat == $3) { 
     mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - ID: $2 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$2) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$2) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$2) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$2)) - Status: $iif($mta.game($1,$2) == 1,Out Game,In Game) 
 elseif ($3 == !countdown) { 
   mta.say $1 Count down! 
   .timer 1 1 mta.say $1 5 
   .timer 1 2 mta.say $1 4 
   .timer 1 3 mta.say $1 3 
   .timer 1 4 mta.say $1 2 
   .timer 1 5 mta.say $1 1 
   .timer 1 6 mta.say $1 GO! Go! Go! Go! 

Scorpion, please use the search on this topic. I could post it for the 100,000st time., but the topic is long enough, sorry

Andys, i didn't test it, I only noticed that } was missing. Plz contact me so i can ask what the problem is exactly

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!timeban Script - Edited!

alias mta.start {
 .timerunban 0 10 mta.timeunban
alias mta.text {
 if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
   if ($3 == !timeban) { 
     if ($4 != $null) { 
       if ($5 != $null) {
         if ($6 != $null) {
           if ($mta.name($1,$4) == unknown) { 
             mta.say $1 Error! ID $4 don't exist!
           else {
             if ($6 == sec || $6 == min || $6 == hour || $6 == day || $6 == week) {
               mta.timeban $1- 
             else {
               mta.say $1 Error of synthesis, use: !timeban  value (sec,min,hour,day or week).
         else {
           mta.say $1 Error of synthesis, use: !timeban  value (sec,min,hour,day or week).
       else {
         mta.say $1 Error of synthesis, use: !timeban  value (sec,min,hour,day or week).
     else {
       mta.say $1 Error of synthesis, use: !timeban  value (sec,min,hour,day or week).
alias mta.timeban { 
 %id = $4
 %ip = $mta.ip($1, %id) 
 %currenttime = $ctime 

 if (%id == -1) { 
 %factor_text = $6 
 if (%factor_text == sec) { 
   %factor = 1 
 elseif (%factor_text == min) { 
   %factor = 60 
 elseif (%factor_text == hour) { 
   %factor = 3600 
 elseif (%factor_text == day) { 
   %factor = 86400 
 elseif (%factor_text == week) { 
   %factor = 604800 

 %ban_until = $calc(%currenttime + $5 * %factor) 
 mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) has been BANned by $mta.name($1,$2) until $asctime(%ban_until)
 %bans = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", bans, ips) 
 %bans = $addtok(%bans, $longip(%ip), 32) 

 %servers = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", servers, $longip(%ip)) 
 %servers = $addtok(%servers, $1, 32) 

 writeini "MTAbans.ini" bans ips %bans 
 writeini "MTAbans.ini" banduration $longip(%ip) %ban_until 
 writeini "MTAbans.ini" server $longip(%ip) %servers 
 writeini "MTAbans.ini" name $longip(%ip) $mta.name($1,%id) 
 writeini "MTAbans.ini" ip $longip(%ip) $mta.ip($1,%id)
 mta.ban $1 %id 
alias mta.timeunban { 
 %bans = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", bans, ips) 
 %num_bans = $numtok(%bans, 32) 
 %currenttime = $ctime 
 %counter = 0 

 while (%counter < %num_bans) { 
   if (%num_bans > 1) { 
     %banned = $gettok( %bans , %counter + 1 , 32) 
   else { 
     %banned = %bans 
   if (%banned != $null) { 
     %ban_until = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", banduration, %banned ) 
     if (%ban_until <= %currenttime) { 
       %servers = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", server, %banned) 
       %name = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", name, %banned) 
       %num_servers = $numtok(%servers,32) 
       %counter2 = 0 
       while (%counter2 <= %num_servers) { 
         %server = $gettok( %servers , %counter2 + 1 , 32) 
         mta.say %server  %name has been unBANned ...
         mta.unban %server $longip(%banned) 
         %counter2 = %counter2 + 1 
       %bans = $remtok(%bans, %banned, 32) 
       %num_bans = $calc(%num_bans - 1) 
       %counter = %counter - 1         
       remini "MTAbans.ini" banduration %banned 
       remini "MTAbans.ini" server %banned 
       remini "MTAbans.ini" name %banned 
       remini "MTAbans.ini" ip %banned 
   %counter = %counter + 1 
 if (%bans != $null) { 
   writeini "MTAbans.ini" bans ips %bans 
 else { 
   remini "MTAbans.ini" bans ips 
alias mta.pm {
 if ($3- == server secret) { 
   mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1,$2) 
   writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 op 1 

Tested with success...

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  {UD}DaN said:
Hey guys, can someone tell me the code for winamp where you can skip to next track and stuff like that please. Thanks.

And can i have a clan kick script and a subnet ban. Thanks!

Anyone got it for me please ..

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  TemDono said:
!timeban Script - Edited!

Ah no.. You only changed some of the messages, and post it again.. wow.. now i know why this thread is allmost 50 pages... How could anybody find something here, if everything is ajusted for just 2 characters, and no real big improvments, and posted over and over and over again?

Edited by Guest
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  Harry said:
  TemDono said:
!timeban Script - Edited!

Ah no.. You only changed some of the messages, and post it again.. wow.. now i know why this thread is allmost 50 pages... How could anybody find something here, if everything it justered for just 2 charecters, and no real big improvments, and posted over and over again?


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Hey all

I use mirc for my server

Now i want that someone else gonna use my mirc to

That person must go introu my server and typ !start 2

then mirc starts the mirc server 2

I have tryed to do

elseif ($3 == Start ) {

if ($4 == 2 ) {

mta.say $1 Server 2 is starting

mta.con 2


if ($4 == 3 ) {

mta.say $1 Server 3 is starting

mta.con 3



But this not work

Does ennyone how i can do that :)

Gr Michael

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This is in my mta.mrc

alias mta.con {

if ($1 == $null) !echo 2 -es * /mta.con: insufficient parameters

elseif ($sock(mta. $+ $1)) !echo 2 -es * /mta.con: already connected

else {

if (!$dialog(mta)) mta

if ($did(mta,$1 $+ 12) == $null) mta.log $1 * Nick missing.

elseif (!$mta.checkip($did(mta,$1 $+ 09))) mta.log $1 * Invalid IP.

elseif (($did(mta,$1 $+ 10) < 1) || ($did(mta,$1 $+ 10) > 65536)) mta.log $1 * Invalid port.

else {

!remini " $+ $scriptdirmta.ini" $1 motd

!.remove $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini")

!did -a mta $1 $+(Server,$1,*)

!did -a mta $1 $+ 08 Cancel

!did -b mta $+($1,09,$chr(44),$1,10,$chr(44),$1,11,$chr(44),$1,12)

if ($readini($scriptdirmta.ini,0,clear) != 0) !did -r mta $1 $+ 02

mta.log $1 * $iif($readini($scriptdirmta.ini,$1,to),Connect retry $chr(35) $+ $ifmatch,Connecting to) $+($did(mta,$1 $+ 09),:,$did(mta,$1 $+ 10),...)

!.timerto $+ $1 1 10 mta.dis $1 Timed out.

mta.dll join $1




alias mta.dis {

if ($1 == $null) !echo 2 -es * /mta.dis: insufficient parameters

else {

var %a = mta. $+ $1,%b

mta.dll part $1

!.timerto $+ $1 off

!.remove $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini")

!did -r mta $+($1,01,$chr(44),$1,21,$chr(44),$1,22,$chr(44),$1,27)

mta.log $1 * Disconnected: $2-

if (($readini($scriptdirmta.ini,0,to)) && ($2- == Timed out.)) {

%b = $calc($readini($scriptdirmta.ini,$1,to)+1)

!writeini -n " $+ $scriptdirmta.ini" $1 to %b

if (%b < 6) {

!sockclose %a

mta.con $1




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DON'T change ANYTHING in mta.mrc! You do not need to modify anything in there ever!

What i asked is, are the tabs filled in completely? MTAMA wil connect the server on tab x with mta.con x, but it can't if it doesn't know the connection details...

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  Harry said:
  TemDono said:
!timeban Script - Edited!

Ah no.. You only changed some of the messages, and post it again.. wow.. now i know why this thread is allmost 50 pages... How could anybody find something here, if everything is ajusted for just 2 characters, and no real big improvments, and posted over and over and over again?

If you don't know, the original script doesn't work.

This that I modified, yes!

Where is it to total repetition in him? It is totally edited!

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  Harry said:
  TemDono said:
!timeban Script - Edited!

Ah no.. You only changed some of the messages, and post it again.. wow.. now i know why this thread is allmost 50 pages... How could anybody find something here, if everything is ajusted for just 2 characters, and no real big improvments, and posted over and over and over again?

yep, x32 developers in in the middle of making a custom site for posting scripts and archive for tested and working scripts that sort of thing... please be patient not long to wait now!

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Improved Ping kicker which is faster.

Please leave the comment inside ;)

You may edit the mta.* aliases a bit.

alias mta.start {
 %ping.max = 200
 !.timerpingkick 0 10 pingkick
alias mta.quit {
 !.timerpingkick off
alias mta.part {
 !hdel Ping. $+ $1 $2
alias pingkick {
 ;Made by Aeron
 ;Contact at mtama_help@hotmail.com
 var %a = 1,%b
 if (%ping.max !isnum) {
   !echo Maximum ping not set.
 while %a < 9 {
   if ($sock(mta. $+ %a)) {
     %b = $readini($nofile($script(mta.mrc)) $+ mta.ini,%a,max)
     while %b >= 0 {
       !tokenize 32 $hget(Ping. $+ %a,%b)
       !hadd -m Ping. $+ %a %b $calc($mta.ping(%a,%b) +$1) $calc(1+$2)
       if $2 > 5 {
         if $calc($1 /$2) > %ping.max {
           mta.say %a $mta.name(%a,%b) Reason: High ping. (Max: %ping.max $+ )
           mta.kick %a %b
         !hadd -m Ping. $+ %a %b $mta.ping(%a,%b) 1
       !dec %b
   !inc %a

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I am new to this mIRC scripting buisness, i never done this before. In a few days we will have a "LAN-party", and MTA is on the game list. I'm the one who suggested it, so i am the one who should make it work:)

To cut the story a bit shorter: I didn't find any scripts for Stunt servers so I am making one. I've got some ideas from here, so thanks for everyone, who posted these kickass scripts:)

As soon as i tested every function of my script i can post it here, if anyone is interested. I've got some really nice features already

I remember i saw a post about a killer-kicker thingy, well here's my solution to the killer-free stunt server with the feature of forgiving:

alias mta.join {
/set %warn [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0
alias mta.kill { 
 if  ( $3 != $2 ) {
     /set %killed [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , you can forgive $mta.name($1,$3) by typing !forgive $3 in 10 seconds
     timer.k 1 10 mta.killer $1 $2 $3
alias mta.text {
 if ( ( $3 == !forgive ) && ( $4 != $null ) ) {
   if ( $4 == %killed [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) {
     unset %killed [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
     timer.k off
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) forgives the killer
 if  ( $3 == !warning ) {
   if ( ( $4 == $null ) || ( $4 isalpha ) ) {
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , you have %warn [ $+ [ $2 ] ] warning(s)
     mta.say $1 If you get $calc( 3 - %warn [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) more, you'll be kicked
   else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) has %warn [ $+ [ $4 ] ] warning(s)
alias mta.killer {
 if ( %killed [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != $null ) {
   inc %warn [ $+ [ $3 ] ]
   if ( %warn [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == 3 ) {
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$3) $+ , you have now 3 warnings, it's time to say goobye!
     mta.kick $1 $3
     unset %killed [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
 else {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%killed [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) $+ , you get a warning for kiling!
   unset %killed [ $+ [ $2 ] ]

I tested it and it works. The only bug it has, that it can't handle two diiferent kills if they are so close together that the timer still runs.

But i don't think that's a problem since on stunt servers there aren't kills every 10 seconds:)

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Has anyone got a script to kick all clan members at same time, so i would write summit like !kick all members have benn kicked by VCES>Puddy. then it kiks em all. I have seen alot of clans that cheat


Insert into mta.text (use elseif if not the first statement):

elseif ($3 == !clankick && %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true) {
if ($4 != $null) {
%a = 0
while (%a < $mta.maxplayers($1)) {
if ($4 isin $mta.name($1,%a)) {
mta.kick $1 %a
inc %a 1
unset %a
else {
mta.say $1 Usage: !clankick

This should work, hope i didn't make any typo's. If so, please PM me so i can change it and there are no unneccesary postings in this thread

EDIT: First typo

Edited by Guest
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Damn, the bigger your script, the bigger your ego? Try to add 10M of \n, \t, \b , ^h in it.... Maybe you're happy then...


I forgot to pot the $1 in the mta.maxplayers in my last code, i changed it, but for those who allready used it: my apologies, hope this will work

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