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MTAMA Scripting


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wev got a script to handle server flooders if that would be more helpful then a complete server rerelease


nevermind i just looked at aerons script and seems theyre to fast :x

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hmm... one more question, whats wrong at this code:

alias mta.admin {
 if ($2 == !welcome on) {
   writeini -n welcome.ini on
   mta.say Wilkommenstext aktiviert
 elseif ($2 == !welcome off) {
 .remove welcome.ini
 mta.say Wilkommenstext deaktiviert
alias mta.join {
   if ($exist(welcome.ini)) {
   mta.say $1 Hi $mta.name($1,$2) und wilkommen auf dem Server
   mta.say $1 visit us at www.[ZENSORED].xx
 elseif ($len($mta.name($1,$2)) == 1) {
   mta.ban $1 $2

P.S. i know the IP from the flodder server, i and a few other server admins have written emails to the hoster, who resells the server ;)

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  r14thomas said:
hmm... one more question, whats wrong at this code:

alias mta.admin {
 if ($2 == !welcome on) {
   writeini -n welcome.ini on
   mta.say Wilkommenstext aktiviert
 elseif ($2 == !welcome off) {
 .remove welcome.ini
 mta.say Wilkommenstext deaktiviert
alias mta.join {
   if ($exist(welcome.ini)) {
   mta.say $1 Hi $mta.name($1,$2) und wilkommen auf dem Server
   mta.say $1 visit us at www.[ZENSORED].xx
 elseif ($len($mta.name($1,$2)) == 1) {
   mta.ban $1 $2

P.S. i know the IP from the flodder server, i and a few other server admins have written emails to the hoster, who resells the server ;)

alias mta.admin {
if ($2 == !welcome) {
 %welcome = $3
 mta.say $1 Wilkommenstext $3
alias mta.join {
if (%welcome == on) {
 mta.say $1 Hi $mta.name($1,$2) und wilkommen auf dem Server
 mta.say $1 visit us at www.[ZENSORED].xx
elseif ($len($mta.name($1,$2)) == 1) {
 mta.ban $1 $2

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just looking at the flooder problem, could you not write a script that logs ips and usernames and if the username is 1 character long put the ip in banned.lst?

i dont know what is already possible with mtama as i dont use it.

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no, woulndn't be hard at all for that person to change their program to connect w/ 2 character names etc

also, irc scripts are very nice at doing their job, but they arent as fast as C++, not even close... The flood would have done its job before the IRC script could have stopped it.

We are working on an updated server as we speak

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If u mean killing same class then no as teamplay isnt really built into normal mta, its just suggested with the career choices not enforced. if u mean the team script then yes it could be edited fairly easily to kick a player that teamkills

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kicking teamkillers after two incidents will force ppl who are not in gangs to work together but it should be separate from a gang teamscript where you want the enemy to kill each other and it might be a tactic to use.

also you should build in a timer to keep them out like kotc does.


I stink as scripting but I am so money at asking for stuff

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i dont like the idea of forcing non gang people to work together. as most of what iv found they are uninvolved, uninterested whenever a team script shows itself. and most get kicked for not choosing a team. itd be great if they could take off that thing that kicks someone for not choosing a team in the next release, as im to lazy to edit the script myself =P

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does anyone know how to get the amount of kills back from the server? i was thinking of a script that says when a player gets to a certain amount of kills, maybe 25/50/75/100 or 10/20/30/40...... would be greatful for some advice

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  {ULK}Kevuwk said:
does anyone know how to get the amount of kills back from the server? i was thinking of a script that says when a player gets to a certain amount of kills, maybe 25/50/75/100 or 10/20/30/40...... would be greatful for some advice

alias mta.kill {
if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 10) mta.say $1 Woohoo $mta.name($1,$3) has 10 kills!
if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 20) mta.say $1 Woohoo $mta.name($1,$3) has 20 kills!
if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 30) mta.say $1 Woohoo $mta.name($1,$3) has 30 kills!

O yeah Team-play + Gang-war fixed!

* EDIT typo's fixed

Edited by Guest
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If u mean killing same class then no as teamplay isnt really built into normal mta, its just suggested with the career choices not enforced. if u mean the team script then yes it could be edited fairly easily to kick a player that teamkills

I mean in Mirc addon Team mode

Aeron can you pls write down a script for kicking teamkillers after X tk's?

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  Aeron said:

alias mta.kill {
if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 10) mta.say $1 Woohoo $mta.name($1,$3) has 10 kills!
if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 20) mta.say $1 Woohoo $mta.name($1,$3) has 20 kills!
if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 30) mta.say $1 Woohoo $mta.name($1,$3) has 30 kills!

the kills are actually 1 behind so for 10 the code is

alias mta.kill {
if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 09) mta.say $1 Woohoo $mta.name($1,$3) has 10 kills!

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i was thinking it might be something like if mta.name$1,$2 == mta.namel$1$3 (but in proper code)

dont think i put it like that when i tried it

*the score is kept in an ini file because it runs like kotc

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