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MTA For Australians

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Hi I was just asking (to MTA Staff) when an Australian MTA will be avaliable (Oh and we australians cant update to 1.1). Cause I want to so badly play MTA but everytime i try to enter a 1.0 or 1.1 server i get unhandled exception error no matter what so I would like to know around when an Aussie MTA will be out. Thanks :(

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Well.. I thought we disabled auto version checking, and we forgot to put AUS in the checkbox so that might be the problem.

btw.. if you can come over to IRC maybe we can do some tests to see if a fixed client works

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I need the same help as Icy_Flare, but I don't get kicked from servers, I have the same problems as with the ver3 release. But I have it with the RC2 release of MTA ver3. Any help with this?

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I'm an Aussie to and can't get mine to work. I can connect fine but when I start the game it crashs with a fatal error. I can't update to 1.1 either (keeps coming up with wrong GTA version) and have tryed a re-install :(

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I just found a no CD patch for my aussie 1.0 version, and it worked. I can now get into the game and play for a min before it disconnects me. I believe it is dropping me because I had an over 400 ping so I just need a local server now. Looking good :)

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The whole Aus. version thing is quite strange though.

I was able to get a lot of it working, but still not quite to the point of release. I haven't been able to figure out what is actually going on with it, but of course if / when we do, we will release a patch.

Let's hope we can figure out wtf is going on with the Aus. version, but as always, we cannot promise anything.

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