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This idea is much further down the line... but wouldn't it be cool if...

Each island of the city could run a different game?? or maybe even better, multiple game could be goign on across all of liberty city, and player could choose which one they are playing?

You could be running a capture the whoopie, and have to run through a bunch of guys Deathmatching..

or you could be deathmatching, and all of a sudden... a Bus is speeding away from pursuers, and inadvertantly takse you out...


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but if people are having a race, and end up in the middle of a gang war, its gonna ruin it for someone

i mean the cars race around take out the VIP in a vip mission and then one of the cars gets torn to shreads - ruins it for both

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yeah i see your point.... though some modes could be more compatible than others.... maybe VIP for example shouldnt' be allowed to be done on a "multi-game" server...

But like DM and CTW and Speed would possibly fit together more...

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i agree... so if you dont like that you could join a server that didn't have multi-game enabled...

but if people are looking for a bigger challenge they could play on multi-game servers... and have a little more to think about in game...


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possibly - though i doubt a tourny would have multi-game servers

people will also want to play games in the same areas - you could have a ctc and team DM game on the same city - but its gonna be crowded

its might be an idea for chaos =)

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that'd be sweet.

there's street racing going on.. you are in the street runing from the guy trying to kill you in dm.. while the racer runs over you, and the guy after you gets caught in gang wars crossfire. the VIP's guards steal one of the racers car, and the angry racer blows it up with the vip in it. A mr. whoopie dodges the burining car, and the demolition derby is interupted when the mr. whoopie makes a shortcut throught the area, but by his mistake.. its smashed up in the derby. Back to the gangs now, one gang population is lagging, due to the fact that a bus going 50mph+ ran through their hideout.. etc.. etc.. that would be sweet. also, the dedicated server should be able to choose what modes are allowed, not just "this is multi, therefore any game can be played here" type of thing.

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well thats gonna cause some problems - as random people will interfere with groups on purpose - and ruin a team DM game, especially if its a gang related thing on a public server.

And id say that there would be 1 game per island, which the server admin picks

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i think thats just part of the fun! you have to still play, while staying away from local gangs.. or stupid peeps. also: if your playing dm, and you die not related to the dm game, then it should not count as a score. but i think it'd be sweet and challenging to have an entire city of mayham, and manic game play.

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possibly, though people who want to play ctw, or team DM unimpeded would rather just that one game, and play it over all the maps!

though i guess people could move to a 1 game per map server.

though i still see people getting annoyed that their uzi-only DM game was interupted by some idiots in cars!

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guys seeing as this is a multi-game idea thread..

well you see people who need to go for there dinner etc. don't want to be kicked after timeout and then find out there is no room, so what about the Tw@t cafe, people go in there to be a spectator, like you go in the blue marker and your on a instant menu(just replace the Save game menu, fairly easy to do, seeing as the triggers are already implemented with blue markers), it has a small cam of the game, like CS, but says re-join game, quit etc.

would be a nice feature for later versions.

and i like multi-game idea, it would just be like an online world, you should make a map mod, with barricades(granit) around streets like formula 1 do sometimes, and have spectators of a race tourny but you can't get over the barricade, but all spectators are in the tournament so like 3 cars per race out of 32 drivers...

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This is an idea i've had for a long time, and i probably will be combining a lot of missions into one at some point. This is very complicated to make, so i will not do so until i have a couple of gametypes completely the way they should be.

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possibly, though people who want to play ctw, or team DM unimpeded would rather just that one game, and play it over all the maps!

if you wanted to do that, then don't join a multi server! just join a regular., or join a multi server that only allows one type of game..

mavrick_uk: are you suggesting that when you go into the tw@t cafe that there is a sopt reserved for those players?

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