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My first video - Its just MTA, no stunts

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GTA Vice City Multi Theft Auto Video

I've sent this to a few people to show them some MTA Stuff, its alright but its definately not the best video!

LOW QUALITY (3.35mb):




HIGH QUALITY (22.5mb):


Note: Some of these won't work beacuse I might not have had time to upload them, if you really do want them check back lol

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I think this comunity should take whatevers up tghere ass and act little nice just maybe a small idea of comunity sperite...

Kane, none of us have anything up our ass. Some of us just don't lie to people about there videos. If your video sucks, i am not going to tell you otherwise and sugar coat the situation (then you won't progress and we will all be stuck watching vids that suck). Since TGA is the biggest host of these videos, I have watched 200+ videos that deal with stunting and MTA. I personally get tired of watching horrible videos, so i try to help the people who are just starting to make videos by giving them advice and telling them how there video compares to everyone elses. My reviews may be harsh at times but i think that i balance the harshness with productive advice to help them with there next video.

BTW Kane, take your christmas spirit and shove it up your a$$ :wink:

...And then you can be like the rest of us lol

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not just movies the flaming inside the game lol so heavy somtimes I gotta leave it.. One guy all he did was call my mom names and crap it was sad for like 2 hours finaly i left..

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Thats gamin for ya. People like to Pi$$ others off when they get bored and have nothing better to do with their lives.

They should invest in a tv set they can shout and yell at rather than a pc.

Very true... Or maybe take up needle work :P

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