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Redasses Server is MINIMIZING downloads! :(

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Ok, i just got a call from my internet service and they said that i'm gonna get my internet suspended if i continue to uploads LOADS of videos. So, in this case, im not shutting down the server, but i'm taking all of the videos off of it. I don't think this will cause too much inconvenience because we still have Bloody's crazy-ass server inact. I'm working on my site right now just to edit it so it's only videos coming off of Bloody's Server alone. I will definately get this done before i delete all of the videos :P , and i think i may still temporarilly host videos for bloody to download and put onto his server. I'm gonna have these vids off my server by bout tommorrorw afternoon. Remember that my site will still be intact, along with my forums!

l8er guys Andyroososoft

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Ok, i just got a call from my internet service and they said that i'm gonna get my internet suspended if i continue to uploads LOADS of videos. So, in this case, im not shutting down the server, but i'm taking all of the videos off of it. I don't think this will cause too much inconvenience because we still have Bloody's crazy-ass server inact. I'm working on my site right now just to edit it so it's only videos coming off of Bloody's Server alone. I will definately get this done before i delete all of the videos :P , and i think i may still temporarilly host videos for bloody to download and put onto his server. I'm gonna have these vids off my server by bout tommorrorw afternoon. Remember that my site will still be intact, along with my forums!

l8er guys Andyroososoft

What do you mean by this? Your webserver host or your internet provider?

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