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OK, all server admins. get ur banning list updated


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Ok. It starts out a nice Stunt game of MTA:VC. Everyone is having fun until Whoopass[bD] starts talking crap. He starts killing peeps, stealing cars, etc. But he also keeps say ni**er a million times over and over. He also Threatened to hack me and the server admin. (NOTE: The server was called SM Stunt Server MTAVC 0.2.2. It was a USA Server) Whoever has access to the log files for that server, please post the IP of the guy named in here so we can all update our banned IP lists. He also said he was hacking my computer (he wasn't really) and started saying stuff like i had rape pics and incest pics and crap (not true thats how i knew he wasnt hacking me). He's just a sicko and I think he should be banned. I also made a .zip with 3 pictures (has 2 pictures of the mta client in 2 of them). All I can say is, try and ban him. He's not a good person. Here's the link to the pics. If the download doesn't start, copy the link into your address bar. http://www.geocities.com/posty_2k3/mta_report1.zip

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OH sorry stupid me, ill do that, btw that guy is now banned from our server, hear this : He came in and warned everyone that if they kill they woud get banned( as they normally would after some warnings by the admin) , so i asked by whom? He said him, and i laughed at him reason? I AM THE ADMIN So not very smart, he even treathend to ban me,ME!! the admin of the server!! well anyways hes banned now, good job fool(thats not to you posty but the guy whos now banned)

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awww, comon NOT the votekick system :cry: *sigh* i get accused of cheating on a regular basis(as does loendal and a couple of other peeps i see on robs server...) you would be enabling those guys to kick me for something i didnt do... i mean i can understand a system to votekick when u see complete a##holes on servers, but ive seen this system abused WAY TO MUCH. some guy who couldnt kill u starts talking about how ur cheating and whatnot, and next thing u know ur getting messages from the whole serv telling how much they hate cheaters, and BAM UR KICKED. that doesnt sound like much fun to me.

thats just my 2 cents

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Oh yeah. I remember when I was playing MOHAA (they have a kick vote system) some guys couldn't kill me cuz i was too good for them. They then accused me of cheating and then bam, a vote came up asking if they wanted to kick me. It really sucks that way.

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Can you ban an IP range, or does it have to be a specific IP?

I have no problem banning a ranges of IPs, I just want to know if it's possible.

ie, can you enter this for example:


Yes, very possible. My clan leader created a server moderation software that bannings, admins, and other priviledges were based on using IP ranges. We used it for Tribes and it worked better than any other server moderation out there. Anyone interested in a copy? :)

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We'll include better banning methods (if needed) and hopefully the holy votekick function in the next version ;)

So does that mean that you can't ban using wildcards currently?

I have a few entries in my ban file containing *'s (ie 65.50.*) and if they are not working; or worse yet, causing problems, I'll remove them ASAP.

And before I hear you guys say it's dumb to ban ranges because you restrict "fair" players as well; I don't want to hear it. I'd rather have a few "fair" players unable to access my server than have 1 cheater ruin it for EVERYONE.

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Dude, yeah right. IP range banning would be horible. Just think of how many players wouldn't be able to play then! Lets say you ban "68.648" range (just a made up thing). All of a sudden, you might be cutting off about 20 players from your server because of ONE moron! That's just not right dude.

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you're right, it may not be fair to those 20 people I cut off

Well, lets say YOU are on an official MTA server. Someone is acting like a fool with a trainer and he gets banned with the IP range banning. You realize that you are in the same range as him. Now you're banned from ALL THREE SERVERS. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

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I think this guy might be smurfing as "Asswipe" as well. I got Whoopass banned on a stunt server for the "ni**er" spam, and then a fellow by the name of Asswipe today proceed to say "fu**in'" after every line of other text. Then he called everyone in the server some sort of obscure racial slur. He then dropped and came back, and proceeded to state that everyone on the server was a racist and disgusted him, and tried to get us all kicked. Sucks that people have to be so lame but, yeah, look out for Asswipe as well. :/

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you're right, it may not be fair to those 20 people I cut off

Well, lets say YOU are on an official MTA server. Someone is acting like a fool with a trainer and he gets banned with the IP range banning. You realize that you are in the same range as him. Now you're banned from ALL THREE SERVERS. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

No, doesn't seem fair you're right; but I've had to deal with it. I use IRC very frequently, and sometimes I'll try to connect to a server and find that I have been banned due to abusive clients connecting from my ISP. I did nothing wrong, but I can't access their server because of others. I don't sit and cry about it, I connect to another server.

Until some better way of banning comes along (such as the suggested MAC address banning method) I want the ability to ban by ranges. Who says the admins have to use them; just give us the option!!

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