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[PiG] Pusher

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It had just hit four o'clock on a quiet Thursday afternoon, and I was bored. Boredom is an unfortunate, but necessary part of modern Law Enforcement, but I'm a professional. I can handle it. And I was handling it well.

My name's Pusher. Lieutenant Dick Pusher, of the Perpetrator Incapacitation Group. You might have heard of me - 'The One-Fisted Crimefighter.' 'The Shotgun-Wielding Scourge of The Criminal Element.' 'Asshole.' My friends call me 'Asshole' - that is, they'd call me 'Asshole' if I had any friends. But I don't. When you're married to The Law you don't have a lot of time for personal relationships. And besides, I don't like other people. I figured out years ago that I only like other people when they're dead or in prison. That's why I became a cop.

Anyway, it was a helluva summer day outside, but we had nothing to do at the precinct other than smoke hash, eat donuts and drink beer. Some of the PiG boys were out back, beating the crap out of some mexican Kid they'd caught riding a bike without a safety helmet, but the sun was shining and I wasn't in the mood for racism. Once upon a time I'd have jumped at the chance to cripple some random minority for no good reason, but as the clock struck four, I was sitting in the station with my feet up - cleaning my shotgun, hitting the bong, and keeping my fingers crossed for some real crime.

I should be careful what I wish for.

The door bust open, and this breathless, skinny junkie-looking Kid runs into my office. He looked like the usual young MTA player. Cathode-ray whitened arms poking out of the sleeveless Christina Aguilera t-shirt, pin-thin legs emerging from baggy shorts, crotch liberally encrusted with day-old-semen. I knew his type. It was because of Kids like him that I retired from active duty in those godforsaken forums, all those days ago. I don't understand those Kids. They scare me.

So the Kid sKids up to my desk, waving this grubby computer printout. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place him - I see a lot of human detritus in my line of work and they all seem the same after a while. He thrust this piece of paper in my hand, and starts to twitch excitedly.

"Y..y..you D..Dick Pusher? T..the fam..m..amous MTA D..Detective?"

"That's me. Got any ID, Kid?"

He reaches for his wallet, and flicks an off-white business card onto my desk.

"This is a Hotmail account, Kid. Who the hell are you? How'd you get my name?"

"R..r..ead the t..t..trancript."

The transcript? This manky piece of paper?

I decided to humour the little fella until I finished cleaning my gun. Then I figured I'd shoot him in the face and have Officer Crunch come in to violate his corpse. Crunch loves that necrophila stuff - it's pretty hilarious watching him bang away at some dead dude with a foot-wide shotgun wound right in the middle of the break-room. We have some good times at the PiG precinct.

I whacked a couple of shells into my shotgun while I scanned the Kid's email. A lot of people think cops can't read - in fact, almost 40% of Law Enforcement Officers can. Obviously, your average cop-on-the-street has no familiarity with the printed word, but we Detectives are a suprisingly literate bunch. And as the PiG officer assigned to any case that involves Reading, it was my job to interpret this document as best I could.

To: Officer Pusher, Famous MTA Detective.

hello, you dont know me, and dont try to find me out, im just an anti

cheating person in mta. i was in the yetika server and i managed to grab a few things from what they're planning to do.

Y-SystemX: Now any suggestions please for a future gang fight?

Y-VorteX-: yes

Y-SniperX: yes, trainers

Y-SystemX: who

Y-VorteX-: against [Pig]

Y-VorteX-: i have to get revenge on pusher(A)

Y-SniperX: or R

Y-SniperX: i hate

Y- Pallando: against VCA

Y-SniperX: R

Y-SniperX: just the name SeSS makes me snap

Y-SystemX: I think we should play the FAT PIGS IN BLUE

Y- Pallando: Vice City Archers

Y-SniperX: yea

Y-SniperX: they called us a stupid name

Y-SniperX: so i booted him

Y-SystemX: Ok then its settled boys we play PIGGYS?

Y-SniperX: yea

Y-SniperX: when

Y- Pallando: huh

Y-SystemX: ill talk to em

Y- Pallando: what pigs

Y-SystemX: Prob Sat or Sun

Y-EOX killed himself.

Y-SniperX: not morning i have tennis

Y- Pallando: not sure if i can make it

Y-EOX: im outtah here

Y- Pallando: couldnt it be monday?

Y-SystemX: Is eveybody good for sunday?

Y-SniperX: yea

Y-VorteX-: yeah

Y- Pallando: no

Y-VorteX-: ive got fri sat sun and mon off

Y-VorteX-: so any one of them is sweet

basically they've got a trainer which works with mta, and they're planning

on using it against [PIG] and [R]. I Urge you not to fight the war with

them. im thinking it was sniperX who wrote the trainer (im not sure of

course). i was speakin to him a week or two ago, and he said he was coding

come "advanced mta client" for yetika only. so im guessing this is what

they're gonna use against u. i hope u get this information and act wisely

apon it, ill also be informing [R] of this devilish activity.

however, if u do happen to fight them, keep and eye on sniper, if his health

doesn;t go down, or something seems a little odd, call it off and post

everything on MTA forums. including the log above.

None of this is bullshit, i hope u act seriousely with this.

"Can I hold on to this as evidence?"

"Uh..uh..uh o..o..k..kay."

My trigger finger started twitching. There was something fishy about this Kid, that was for sure. And his tattletale tactics were reopening old wounds. Wounds that I had vowed never to reopen. My vision blurred, as my ruined brain smacked me back to The Forums again. The MTA Forums. My own personal Saigon. Abuse, censorship, substance abuse. That terrible time. And to break this case, I was gonna have to go back there.

My head started hurting again. Fighting the dark images pounding around my mind, I gripped the barrel of my trusty shotgun, and focused in the Kid's general direction.

"Get Out. Or you're gonna wind up with more bleeding holes than a school tour of Michael Jackson's house."

The Kid turned tail and fled, smacking his overbite on the doorframe as he stumbled out. Cursed Kid. I hated him for dragging me back into this nonsense, but at the same time, that familiar tightening of the calf muscles and dilation of the pupils was returning. I was energised. Perhaps it was the prospect of an interesting investigation - perhaps it was the two tabs of LSD i had for lunch - I didn't know. But I knew for certain that I had Police Work to do. Law to be laid down. Perpetrators to Incapacitate. And that makes Lieutenant Dick Pusher very happy. I picked up MSN and dialed an old informant of mine - something about the Kid's email seemed wrong. Fake, almost. My Detecting Instincts were aroused.


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now i told you that you would be back here posting =)

anyway - anyone found cheating in mta will be ass-raped to within an inch of their afterlife by certain individuals who shall not be named (the ones who mention goat-sex all the time ;-P )

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wheeee pushers back :D wb and nice "report" lol

  xerox said:
now i told you that you would be back here posting =)

anyway - anyone found cheating in mta will be ass-raped to within an inch of their afterlife by certain individuals who shall not be named (the ones who mention goat-sex all the time ;-P )

your damn right, if i catch ANYONE let alone yetika cheating and i know that there cheating for a fact, then there mine. DONT CHEAT YETIKA.

but anyways, nice to see u back pusher :P

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Im sorry this is f(@* gey i have nothing to say more but to tell [R] YOU MUST WATCH YOUR MEMBERS U IDIOT.S WE KNOW THE ONLY MEMBER IN THERE BESIDES US WAS A Rouge. We told him to please leave and he told us no and we said it was a private server and he should get out because we need to talk. He was mad and he made us sound like we were going to cheat. NOW IM SICK OF THIS, Yetika have a rule if you are caught cheating on our servers you will be banned. If you are a member of yetika and caught cheating u will be temp banned from the gang for 2 months no MERCY. IM SORRY CHEATING STINKS. Yetika Dev team are creating an assistant for MTA, We have disbanded the Trainer Production due to the moral of it. The assistant prevents Timeouts and Reconnects after crashes etc. ITS NOT A TRAINER SO GET LOST ALL YOU FAGS THAT THINK WE CHEAT. Get your facts right before u do this crap.

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i have seen the assistant that they are developing, and that program has NO CHEATS ENABLED whatsoever based on the source that i have seen. so hes not bs'ing u on this one. now please guys, stop this right here, lets all just welcome pusher back, have some laughs, do drugs, and be happy :P

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LAST TIME : Hero cop Dick Pusher,the World's Greatest MTA Detective, received a mysterious visit from a shabby, twitching sifter. The sifter, who gave our Hero no identification other than a hotmail account, claimed that the Yetika clan were developing a Secret Trainer System that would enable them to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. He provided a strange 'Chat Transcript' that he claimed was proof of The Yetika Clan's nefarious evildoing. Intrigued, Lieutenant Pusher decided to investigate.


Microsoft Instant Messenger is no way to conduct a serious criminal investigation. Interviewing a potential suspect or witness is a delicate thing, and the modern form of digital typograhical exchange is really no replacement for going round to someone's house and slamming their privates in the door. In this case, though, I was grateful for the advantages of 21st century technology. Meeting System X on the web was vastly preferable to meeting him in real life. Don't get me wrong - he's an okay guy - but he's just reeal ugly.

System X is about seventy, though he has the body of a hundred-and-twenty year old. Over the years, various parts have been blown off his body by friends, foes, and family, but the old fella's still got at least a third of his original limbs and organs. The man has a hook for a hand, steel plates in his spine, liver and eyes, a robot heart, and late last year, his left leg was replaced by a ceramic cookie jar shaped like Hello Kitty. I remember bringing him some flowers in the hospital.

I first met System years ago, before he started Yetika, when we pulled him in on charges of unlicenced animal sex. We had some woman down the station who said she'd spotted him in the park, raping pigeons. The boys were about to shoot him dead, when I realised that you need BOTH hands to violate a flying bird! (You have to hold the little buggers down.) System's wacky pirate prosthetic got him off the hook, and we've been pals ever since. When he started his own organised crime outfit I was one of the first guys he called, and the Yetika cats don't have to bribe PiG as often as the other gangs in town. I figured that somebody with as many MTA injuries as System X wouldn't be terribly stoked on MTA cheats, so I had to get in touch with him. I mean, I wanted to clear his name - but I was thankful that MSN could help me avoid looking at his hideous scars and exposed ribcage. System was changing his blood when I called. He has to do that every coupla weeks, because his kidneys are made from old milk cartons. He sounded grumpy.

You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Received Files\header_02(1).gif from Y|SystemX| You wack, you're twisted, your girl's a hoe You're broke, the Kid ain't yours, and e'rybody know.

Pusher: I also got this in my email, man...

Transfer of "cheetz.txt" is complete.

Pusher: from some guy I don't know.

System X: ROFL

System X: yeah, that convo is true. We've dumped the MT trainer 'cos it's cheating.

I told sniperx to call off the development.

Pusher: We're not terribly stoked on you guys saying sh*t like that.

And yer VCP buddies are only gonna make it worse...

System X: You guys are f*cking dicks, that's all I have to say.

First of all, I'll grab logs if you want, because that convo has been modified, I know for sure.

We are banning one of our members for 2 months for using a trainer, and he says he didn't.

We still stand by it. So there's your f*cking truth, you dicks.

An' you wanna know who sent that? It was an [R] Member - we told him to get the f*ck out 'cos we had to chat.

System X: So you guys are being childish, 'cos Yetika dont use trainers.

Pusher: Whoa! I just got sent this! Dude, we just don't wanna play with dicks.

System X: And I'm sorry you feel that way. Go f*ck yerselves for this bullshit.

Pusher: you're sounding like DeathB.


I knew he'd get mad at me - but a good cop doesn't kill until he's absolutely fifty percent certain that a suspect might be guilty. I decided to let X explain his side.

Pusher: well, I just thought I'd forward you the mail before I posted it on the forums or summat.

System X: you going to post it?

Pusher: I thought I'd see what you had to say first.

Pusher: I am Officer Dick Pusher of PiG.

I have to serve the community in the best way possible.

System X: DUDE, this is an Rogue member seeking to get rid of us 'cos we kicked their asses!

Rogue! The International Terrorist Organisation of Teenage Virgins that has slaughtered and spawncamped so many fine PiG members.

Rogue! I knew it. I'd had dealings with those little douchebags before.

Pusher: Ahhhh.

Pusher: I can see that.

Pusher: Ponch was gonna trace his IP so we could find out.

System X: I'll get logs from my host, dude.

Pusher: Cool!

Pusher: This will make for our first big Case!

Pusher: we will investigate.

Pusher: We are Detectives, you know.

System X: Dude, I'm pretty pissed you came across this way

Pusher: Well, I will investigate further.

Pusher: Because I am a Detective.

System X: Well, go take yer magnifying glass and shove it up yer ass, 'cos WE DON'T CHEAT!


Pusher: I am a detective!

Pusher: Everything you say is evidence!

Xube: Who was in the room with us?

System X: it was an [R]


System X: You see? ALL OUR MEMBERS SAY ITS EDITED! "Y-SystemX: I think we should play the FAT PIGS IN BLUE"

System X: All of a sudden I start typing in CAPS?

This guy needs to do his homework. It's a pretty sh*t fake.

Pusher: Well, let us Professional Police PiGs be the judge of that.

We'll get to the bottom of this, citizen. Thanks for your time.

System X: Okay. And another thing...

we know who it was.

What? They knew?! I love being a Detective. It's easy.

Pusher: Who?

System X: [R]Nate

Pusher: I need this information for my CASE. Hmmm.

System X: He was the only one in there.

Pusher: I'll get the lab boys to verify the email...

I was about to hang up, when another Yetika boy cut in. Xube. I'd never met him before, but he sounded like a badass. I was beginning to wish I hadn't had that acid for lunch.

System X: Yo, Xube - here are the 2 dicks accusing us.

Pusher: Your valuable information has been a great help.

Once again, thanks for your time, citizen.

System X: Dude, don't say we cheat.

Xube: dude...

Then, X lost it. He started to scream, and I could hear blood spilling and medical equipment breaking on the other end of the line. A woman was crying, and then the cries was abruptly silenced by the sound of shattering glass. I also heard a puppy whimpering.


Xube: how could we be cheating?

Xube: dude

System X: ...it sickens me to think you guys believe this bullsh*t

Pusher: dude, you'll see.

Xube: DUDE - You can burn in hell, you stupid anal probe.

You belive that sh*t?

Pusher: This is Case #14 in the secret crime files of Officer Dick Pusher!

Xube: You edited it!


Xube: ahahaha... Dick Pusher.

System X: ahahaha

I hate it when people laugh at my name. Visions of schoolyard taunts and beatings appeared before me, my confidence shattered. My head started hurting again. My world fell apart. Again. Tears in my eyes, I ran from the room, weeping like a school girl. I'm a tough cop. I can lay the smackdown on any perp that crosses my path. I'm super-bad. But making fun of my name hurts my feelings.

Depressed and tearful, I headed for the stationhouse. The interview with Yetika was still replaying in my mind. Who to believe? System X sounded like he was telling the truth, but I'd need to confirm the mysterious Kid's identity before I started to point fingers and shotguns. Was it Nate? Was it Sess? Was it Xerox? X was going to send me the chat transcript, but we still didn't have any solid leads. I contacted Ponch on the PiG band. Maybe his special brand of drug-corrupted computer science could shed some light on the mysterious hotmail address.

I hit the bong.


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well its not cool that u used my name like that( i thought we were past that man) but system is just a LITTLE angry right now about his clan being accused of cheating. just like u guys were... but anyways, try and forgive him for whatever he said.

pusher - i know that the assistant isnt a cheat since i am involved with its development. every -Y- member that i have played against (i have not played a couple of the members) have played fair. so im pretty sure that when they said that one line about trainers they werent referring to cheats. can we all get together some time and discuss this on msn so that we dont start a flaming between your clans on this board? theres no reason to drag this on (is there???)

lol post something happy tho, how about a new pig thread? that would be good :P

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Ok the convo was sent to me from.. someone.. not saying who. Anyway when i read it i firstly looked at the sniper hating me bit.. then kept reading and from the convo it looked like yetika were going to use a trainer in a war against PiG and then probably later a war against [R].

I sent the file to a few other [R] members wondering what to do.. i told each member keep it the fuck quiet just incase it wasn’t what it seemed since there was so little of the convo...

One of the members however.. decided to disobey and decided to send the log to Pusher saying they were going to use the trainer in the war. I myself was going to tell Pusher but more of warning then a direct accusation. Something like "if you guys war -Y- keep a close eye on sniper".

Anyway.. i would like to apologize to yetika for all this shit..

If the member that sent the e-mail off to everyone kept quiet and actually fucking listened to me this wouldn’t of happened.. but he, and the rest of the clan is really against cheating and he couldn’t help himself from sending it....

So yeh.. sorry System for all this shit... wasn’t meant to happen.

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Id like to thank Sess , Thanks dude id like to also find out who posted the message so if ur not too scared please come out. And this does not have any affect on the [R] Relationship.

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well we talked this through on msn between s, r, and and i was just kinda there, well anyways, this has all gotten straitened out, and pusher if ur detective instincts arent satisfied, pm me and il tell u what we said :P but in short just to let everyone know, THERE IS NO CHEAT THAT Y IS PLANNING ON USING

this thread has served its purpose, please either lock it or delete it unless pusher has something that hed like to add within the next 24 hours :?

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I have just recieved notice of this matter and this forum thread.

I would firstly like to say to SesS from [R]ogue that I do not hate it at all, he is a nice person, and the reason i said that was i was pissed at the time as people wouldnt leave from R and it was annoying me as they kept consistantly killing me.

So sorry about that SesS i dont hate you.

- Secondly on the next note i would like to say that yes as SystemX had said i am the programmer of the Yetika Programs and YES the Trainer has been called off and will never be completed(or started). And DeathB is correct as my Assistant has no Cheating mechanisms in it.

It is also TRUE that one of Yetika members has been ban from Yetika for 2 months due to suspected cheating.

---- I am not pleased to see this matter but if you have any other questions please just ask or re-post.

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  Sniper-X said:
I have just recieved notice of this matter and this forum thread.

I would firstly like to say to SesS from [R]ogue that I do not hate it at all, he is a nice person, and the reason i said that was i was pissed at the time as people wouldnt leave from R and it was annoying me as they kept consistantly killing me.

So sorry about that SesS i dont hate you.

- Secondly on the next note i would like to say that yes as SystemX had said i am the programmer of the Yetika Programs and YES the Trainer has been called off and will never be completed(or started). And DeathB is correct as my Assistant has no Cheating mechanisms in it.

It is also TRUE that one of Yetika members has been ban from Yetika for 2 months due to suspected cheating.

---- I am not pleased to see this matter but if you have any other questions please just ask or re-post.

i like it how u sound so proffesional :P

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And the drama continues... :roll:


bah yetika has never cheated, i have never once had touble killing them, therfore they dont cheat!

problem solved, and system x is telling the truth, they had made a program that when u time out it will reconnect u

No offense but because you say "problem solved" everything is ok?

Err, aint VCP and Y allied anyway...

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Dick Pusher and all others concerned with this investigation may be interested in something that was delivered to me by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. Basically it is a small application made by yetika, presumably by sniperX (as far as i knoe he is yetikas 'coder')

It is called YetikaVCP_Code_Find.exe

And it is designed to allow you to run a trainer, any trainer, and get around mta's trainer detection.

Now i am disgusted by this, it seems someone is perfectly happy to try and destroy mta, anyone who has come across an infinate life cheat ingame knows it just makes you think 'whats the point' and stop playing/move servers. We strive to block trainers and cheats for that reason.

In my opinion this also makes Blokkers ladder practically worthless, who can trust the gangs involved to play fair now? Who knows how many other gangs this has been given to?

It is undecided what action we will take at the moment, the priority for us is to take steps to prevent something like this from working in future versions.

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well since you took the liberty of posting that, and it pretty obviously incriminates vcp as well as yetika let me explain a couple of things about it.

1. i was the one who sent it to bump. i sent it to him to inform him that there was a cheat out there and i gave him the source code in the hopes that he will block it. this file has not been distributed to ANYONE in our clan, and before now, im the only vcp that even knew of its existance. not even iggy knows about this(im pretty sure that iggy doesnt know, but i KNOW the other members dont know.

2. this program was not created for us to cheat with. this program was created in the hopes that if we find the cheats before the usual hackers do, then they can be blocked. this program was already sent to a couple of the mta team members besides bump a while back, but i sent this file to bump so that he would know that there was a cheat that existed should something happen during the yetika match that was off, WAY OFF. this was never meant to be posted on the forums like this.

3. that program was coded by sniperx, the reason that it has yetikavcpcodefind.exe for a name is because i sent it to the mta team because it was pretty obvious then that if he sent it to them that he would recieve a permenent ban since he was just temp banned a couple of days b4 that.

4. is it in use by me since i have it??? good question but anyone who has played with me before knows that the answer is no. i do not cheat, much less need to cheat. if i die then i die i hate cheaters and all that they stand for, and i would never use one myself thinking that i need it to win. and i seriously doubt that sniperx or any other members of yetika have used it as well, since they have a cheating policy, and it IS ENFORCED.

5. why am i being so strait forward by this? because i dont have anything to hide. there are several mta team members that know that i have this, and i gave it to them. this file was never distributed, nor will it be distributed. as i said vcp is against cheaters, and should we ever find ANY CHEATERS in our clan and we know for sure that they were cheated, they will be blacklisted like you wouldnt believe.

6. so whats the deal, why code this in the first place if your not going to use it??? sniper started this project in the hopes that he would find the cheats before any of the other hackers out there found it, and he suceeded. the day that he finished it he sent it to me, so that i could send it to the mta team so that they could block it and its methods.

7. some people are undoubatbly going to take this to mean that we are using the program. and i would have my suspicions to. so i want ANYONE who has EVER EVEN THOUGHT that i cheated to post in here and say so. i dont CARE WHO YOU ARE. anyone who has played against iggy and i know that we dont cheat, and the other members of vcp die easy enough.

Edited by Guest
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iggy: despite what u may have heard, sniper did program that. and i gave it to the mta team. so dont go off on bump here because hes not lying, he was just awfully rash in posting what he did. i dont know what he is thinking that that solved... and who knows maybe i wasnt clear when i was talking about it to not jump the gun on this one :?

thats exactly the point u guys, NO ONE even knows of this program, much less has it. sniper, system, and i were the only ones who have it, and know of its existance( MAYBE some y members know of it, but i doubt that they have it)

and those logs werent edited based on what pusher recieved iggy. i got the log that r (the gang who gave it to pusher got) and it matches exactly. so dont go saying that pusher is trying to bs us on this one. hes just trying to find out what is going on as im sure we all would.

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he was just awfully rash in posting what he did

Dont be rediculous, you asked to remain anonymous, so i mentioned no names, then you post saying it was you? Make your mind up

This needs to be adressed, I will not be party to keeping 'our little secret' so that two or more gangs have the possibility of using trainers in secret.

I await some explanation/apology/response from yetika, and sniperX in particular.

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  MrBump said:
Dick Pusher and all others concerned with this investigation may be interested in something that was delivered to me by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. Basically it is a small application made by yetika, presumably by sniperX (as far as i knoe he is yetikas 'coder')

It is called YetikaVCP_Code_Find.exe

And it is designed to allow you to run a trainer, any trainer, and get around mta's trainer detection.

Now i am disgusted by this, it seems someone is perfectly happy to try and destroy mta, anyone who has come across an infinate life cheat ingame knows it just makes you think 'whats the point' and stop playing/move servers. We strive to block trainers and cheats for that reason.

In my opinion this also makes Blokkers ladder practically worthless, who can trust the gangs involved to play fair now? Who knows how many other gangs this has been given to?

It is undecided what action we will take at the moment, the priority for us is to take steps to prevent something like this from working in future versions.

ok 1st off, someone FROM VCP (death) sends you this program, now thats fine,

now after he sends u it to show whatever he wanted to show u (to prevent cheaters or some things, i had no clue of this things existince so i dunno)

then u YELL AT HIM?


Now i am disgusted by this, it seems someone is perfectly happy to try and destroy mta, anyone who has come across an infinate life cheat ingame knows it just makes you think 'whats the point' and stop playing/move servers. We strive to block trainers and cheats for that reason.

did u now even know why he sent u this???

he didnt send u it so he could show u that he cheats (which he doest, im say hyptheticly)

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Iggy what are you talking about? where exactly do i shout at DeathB?

Please try to stay on-topic, i will not have this turn into another petty 'but you said this and he said that' flame thread.

*Still waiting to hear from Yetika in relation to this*

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yeah I swear I had NO IDEA of this. blokker talked to me earlier and I have informed iggy and deathb.

I only knew of a mta restarter project... I HAD NO IDEA OF THIS.

BTW, if I really wanted to cheat, I wouldn't need this program. Hell, I could probably just use an address finder (won't give name of what the programs are called to keep from encouraging cheating people).

Anyways, the bottom line is I'm pretty sure noone knew about this. Not even me.

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