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Gang Headquarters Map (opening post has image)


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  me said:
  Cerbera said:
What's f*cked about having the gang HQ's for every gang listed incontrovertibly? Seems like a fantastically useful method to end possible arguments to me.

I dunno... it just seems kinda messed up. Especially for gangs that come later to the forums (they get worse spots), and gangs that don't even go on the forums... I mean, whoever gets the better spot will find it easier to win, and if they get to keep that spot, they'll have a big handicap.

well me, this will enourage peeps to participate :P besides there are PLENTY of good spots in vice city, and the army base hasnt even been taken yet to name one.

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exactly, and as far as first come first serve, i think that its justified. if the need arises later on then maybe we can come up with some kind of a challenge system, but of course all the posts today are just thoughts by a really bored person sitting in programming class for 8 hours :roll:

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  Karnage said:
Well, I think RR` has decided just for "Phil's Place." It has plenty of shelter/cover if we are attacked. I think it has 3 sheds and the trailer. That should be enough room. If you don't mind. Thanks.

not a bad choice :P

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  Karnage said:
Well, I think RR` has decided just for "Phil's Place." It has plenty of shelter/cover if we are attacked. I think it has 3 sheds and the trailer. That should be enough room. If you don't mind. Thanks.

Phils place it is then, city scrap remains free for some other gang. 8)

I've updated the image for you. Cheers to those who are supporting this!

Oh, VCPDeathB, rather than spamming this little place to shiznit, head over to GTAForums.com and play in the Pit area. Or you could could just read all the modding topics that are there. :wink:

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  User Err0r said:
I only read a bit of the replies so oops if it was already answered but if a gang claims a territory, and that territory has a vehicle or helicopter, do they get that too, or does everyone/gang have equal rights to the vehicles?

Good question. The answer is, if an enemy gang has the balls to try and take a vehicle in your turf then try and kill them! If they get it, it's thiers, if you kill them, you keep it. Until the next time...

I'm aiming this more at public servers for when a few members of a clan might happen to meet up on a server and therefore have a HQ to group up and hold out at. 8)

SSR have been practising at our HQ, it's actually not as well defended as I hoped. A helicopter really can be worth a lot to attackers as they can land on nearby rooves and have a couple of people with long-range weapons covering the attackers on the ground...complicated issue.

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  Cerbera said:
Oh, VCPDeathB, rather than spamming this little place to shiznit, head over to GTAForums.com and play in the Pit area. Or you could could just read all the modding topics that are there. :wink:

lol dude i dont spam :wink: im just really bored sitting in programming class and so i give responses on the forums :D

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  ScarFox said:
Please update this :D

AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol srry i couldnt resist :P but ya this thread does need to be updated.

ok ok ill ask my real question, why did u pick the drug place?

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This is kinda dumb. I mean only two gangs play at a certain time so there shouldn't be any real conflicts that can't be sorted out in game.

Not to mention each team has to start at the mall or airport anyways (As the leaders agreed when the matches were made).

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  VCP DeathB said:
  ScarFox said:
Please update this :D

AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol srry i couldnt resist :P but ya this thread does need to be updated.

ok ok ill ask my real question, why did u pick the drug place?

because it is a place which isn't occupied :P although VCS's name suits it

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  Ratez said:
  VCP DeathB said:
  ScarFox said:
Please update this :D

AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol srry i couldnt resist :P but ya this thread does need to be updated.

ok ok ill ask my real question, why did u pick the drug place?

because it is a place which isn't occupied :P although VCS's name suits it

Very good call there, it's a class position which many people find difficult to find let alone attack!

The long narrow entry road and the gantries and alcoves inside the building make it a good strategic place to defend. Also, you could use a helicopter to get onto the roof into a postion like the sniper uses in the mission that takes place in that area. 8)

I take it your gang is "VCX" and you were just using the "s" as a belonging clause, right? That's how I've updated the image, anyway.

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The drug place... an un-thought of and excellent choice. A sercret escape roof, a small one way in and out entrance, outside ambush positions, and a two floor drug factory in which you can shoot from 2nd to 1st floor (motolovs :twisted: ). Very nice choice.

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After a little poking around I noticed that the Bank iterior loads up correctly. Perhaps a gang that prefer the bank robber skin and weapons would consider that as thier HQ?

Oh, LOL about the VCXS deal. You should've put it all in capitals, I'll have a job sorting that out, have to patch it up from the clean source image methinks. :roll:

(EDIT) Image updated - I found that, in my infinite wisdom, I'd actually left a healthy gap after the "VCX" part in case you wanted to add the S! :lol:

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  _Ransom_ said:
The drug place... an un-thought of and excellent choice. A sercret escape roof, a small one way in and out entrance, outside ambush positions, and a two floor drug factory in which you can shoot from 2nd to 1st floor (motolovs :twisted: ). Very nice choice.

lol im more then happy with our teritory, its got certain advantages that are very hard to ignore :big6:

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