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Gang Headquarters Map (opening post has image)


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  w715 said:
RR has took Phil's Place what we have used for a while now. I think we are not leaving it just at it is. We're gonna fight for it!

-Pizza Army Leader

Member of PIZZA BOYS

Why not a pizza joint? I like the name and the site. Rustyr!etard is a familiar name to me

*scratches his head*




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  KungFuGrip said:
  w715 said:
RR has took Phil's Place what we have used for a while now. I think we are not leaving it just at it is. We're gonna fight for it!

-Pizza Army Leader

Member of PIZZA BOYS

Why not a pizza joint? I like the name and the site. Rustyr!etard is a familiar name to me

*scratches his head*




Pizza Joint... hmmz.. Not good. Phil's place because PaLoN wants so for some strange reason... Unofficialy we had it before 2002 =)

-Pizza Army Leader

Member of PIZZA BOYS

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  JohnnyBlaze said:
well fora ny further references of anyone else wanting a peice of starfish...VCK owns the mansion...and i dont think we are welcoming neighbors :wink:
Hehehe, I agree that having two HQ's right next to each other is a bad idea but so is claiming a whole island for yourself. :wink:

Wheelman, a picture would be excellent because then I'll be able to see your position directly on the GPS/Radar thing. :)

Pizza Boys, unfortunatly it's a first come first served system in this thread. If you can arrange a one-on-one or team match against the current owners of Phil's place, RR, then by all means fight for it. I'll require at least one member from both teams to confirm whatever result comes from it, to be sure it was a fair match.

Personally I really think you should take a Well-stacked Pizza resaurant. Some are in fantastic locations: the one north of the Malibu is not far from the Cheetah (east) and also the Deluxo (south-west). There is health not far north and a helicopter even closer. Seems like a pretty cool place to me. It isn't near any spawn points so you can meet up there without being disturbed when playing publicly.

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hey, my clan is eVolution, our tag is -E, we were around b4 the other evolution changed their name from pwa to evo, but have only just seen these forums, we usually use gangsofgta.com forums, We have had phil's place for ages so we wouldnt mind fighting for it, i mean we have modded the sign to say eVolution's Place even, but for now can u put us down for the big boathouse until we take back what is rightfully ours :twisted::twisted:

E ROCKS!!!! :shock::shock:

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Hi, i am [DRuG]SpngBb to founder of [DRuG].

I read ur thread at another MTA forum which i moderate (which i won't name, b/c of advertising rules) about ur gangs DB.

[DRuG] has been around sinve November 2nd 2003, and we do not really intend on using these forums, but i figured maybe it would be for the best if i state our turf.

[DRuG] has always claimed Hyman Memorial Stadium as its turf. But i have been told that other clans have now taken it. So #1 preference would be Hyman. I that is not possible we have other locations, yet i can't exactly state them (nothing to point it out precisely, cept for a graphic). So if Hyman cannot be taken/shared/etc, please tell me, and ill make a graphic to pinpoint alternative location, which we sometimes use.




31 current members.

we rule the aussie servers! literally!

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hey, maybe u can make an aussie version of the map coz i know some of the gangs already on the map are aussie, because then aussie clans dont play on american servers and american clans dont play on aussie servers (well most of the time) so maybe there can be American Clans Map and an Aussie Clans Map

well anyway, eVolution claim the big boathouse shed

Edited by Guest
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noone has claimed hyman yet by the look of the map and everyone keeps saying its first come first served so i think the stadium should go to drug

P.S. eVolution (-E) claim the big boathouse shed

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yo update KFC's HIDEOUT IS NO LONGER MARINA SANDS thats our party place our official HQ is the drug factory and if anyone has a problem with that we will gladly fight them, cuz from now on we are taking that place over, and besides ive never even heard of the gang that owns drug factory now, and i know we could beat em but i dont care if it says its ours on the map or not tho

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  [KFC]Wheelman said:
bah nvm the starfish island hq our official HQ will be the Marina Sands hotel down in ocean beach right near cortez's boat i can get a screenshot if necesary
  [KFC]Wheelman said:
yo update KFC's HIDEOUT IS NO LONGER MARINA SANDS thats our party place our official HQ is the drug factory and if anyone has a problem with that we will gladly fight them, cuz from now on we are taking that place over, and besides ive never even heard of the gang that owns drug factory now, and i know we could beat em but i dont care if it says its ours on the map or not tho
  [KFC]Wheelman said:
right near junkyard
LOL! You're less decisive than the War Against Terrorism! :D

Also you can't read. The image clearly shows that VCXS claimed the Haitan drugs factory as only the second entry! I don't know of any others. :?

I've added [Drug] to the map, they claimed Hyman Stadium.

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heh, well i don't care what ur little map says, i'm just stating that KFC OWNS DRUG FACTORY no if ands or buts about it, you here me mister? and if anyone thinks differently about this they an answer to KFC *bum bum bummmmm!!* so weather or not this wanna be clan steps up to have a little ass wupping for the map thingy we still own it

I rest my case

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  [KFC]Wheelman said:
heh, well i don't care what ur little map says, i'm just stating that KFC OWNS DRUG FACTORY no if ands or buts about it, you here me mister? and if anyone thinks differently about this they an answer to KFC *bum bum bummmmm!!* so weather or not this wanna be clan steps up to have a little ass wupping for the map thingy we still own it

I rest my case

You rest your case already? You've barely even put it forward...as well as having ignored all the exhibits such as THE FIRST POST! :roll:

First come first served. If you want to challenge VCXS or whoever owns a property you want, then post in thier gang thread or PM thier leader about it. I hope you have a fair and enjoyable battle.

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I better say it b4 another gang gets it:

VCP has switched to the Scrapyard as the official base due to the map shifting ban.

btw, that brings me to say: VCK shouldn't be allowed to use the mansion as there is a shift point at the main doors, and through the back entrance.

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wheelman, dont be so fucking arrogant. they clearly stated its a first come first serve, and they told you how to go about taking the drug factory if you want (challenge the other gang for it) but theyre not just gonna give it to you because your one of the bigger gangs out there.

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