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you released Source-Code!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Open source is the way to go. If you publish the code then then all the programmers in the MTAVC community can bang their heads to gether and submit improvements and bug fixes. Isn't it worth crediting a few people for their help and recieving better code in return? MTA is such a cool program I think it would become the best thing to play online (even better than what it is now!!!) with a little help from the people who play it.

On the other hand, releasing the code could open a whole new world for cheaters, Look at Half-Life 2 - Code got leaked a few days ago and now Valve are worried about people finding out how the code works and making new cheats even before the game it released... :? too late i say.

What ever happens with the code for MTAVC I'm sure it's the best thing for it...

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have you seen how many programmers helped out with the Mozilla brozer? (i.e. Netscape etc.) Pages and Pages of names. They even credit people for suggestions on how a drop-down menu should look and what words to use on them! (I know one of em...) What's wrong with typing a few names if the end result is going to become better than before? If there are a lot of programmers playing MTAVC then they should be raising hands wanting to help this mod become online's #1 game. 8)

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Fullheartedly agree. Having it open would be a wonderful idea, but as previously stated, doing something to circumvent "hackers" would be in order, and may be impossible in such a situation.

Perhaps just the servertool, or maybe even the server might be a wise idea. The client, maybe, the only concern being "hackers." As stated by someone else above whatever is decided will probably be for the best, so I am for whatever happens... I just want to play :)

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Well, there are some very large differences between Mozilla and many other open-source projects, and MTA. Mozilla doesn't exactly have to worry about people cheating... It isn't a multiplayer game.

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There are many open-source multiplayer game projects, so developing one isn't impossible. But, as I stated and many others stated many times, cheating would be the number one problem with that. I am sure with a clear and organized anti-cheat solution you could distribute the source, and of course a proper checkin and review system for accepting changes/fixes/updates to the client. Never say never...

And besides, others making their own mods may be feasable, but would many spread? And even if so, what would they be based off of? Choosing a proper licensing scheme could link to you, bringing in more in the community... look at MAME. It is open source, and there are tons of projects based on it. That doesn't make MAME any more unusable, it rather propagates it and distributes it to even more users who may want to use some variant.

With a multiplayer game, though, there are cheating, interoperability, version tracking and other problems that can become problematic in an open-source environment. That is why I mentioned perhaps some parts open, even some not directly having to do with the game (config utilities, etc) just for the good of the community. Even nothing would be fine... I dont know :)

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