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Crikey! It's an achievable street race proposal!


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Cerbera's acheivable street race proposal

There seems to be a rather worrying trend to over-engineer the GTA:VC game modes. This is unecessary; people do a much better job of organising abstract details to game modes than a computer ever will.

For street racing, all you really need to have changed is this:-

  • Weapons removed.
  • No career mode, spawn like in version 0.1.
  • My handling overhaul distributed and CRC checked, similar to how the "MTA.SCM" file is included.

So, you see, it is actually quite a but easier than the current deathmatch version requires. Additional benefits are that because bullets don't need to be tracked any more, there'll be no annoying issues caused by lag. If possible, you could even remove the bullet tracking checks from the packet stream to improve the position updating.

Races can just be arranged through the in-game chat - this is the abstract element which humans are better at than any array of transistors. :wink:

I have, however, created a small selection of circuits which the people who have tried are pretty fond of:

Route Map


Click here for 1024x1024 version.

Not required, but something which would be desirable would be to replace the current in-game radar textures with one which had all these routes drawn on it. I designed them so they didn't overlap in many places, so that would be pretty acheivable.

Perhaps as a seperate download it would be alright, I would expect it to create a pretty sizeable installer package.

There is a demand for this support which shouldn't be ignored, imho. I started the "Serious Street Racing" team just a couple of days ago and already 2 people have tried out and tested, with a few more who have asked to join awaiting thier test. Additionally, the "Ferroci" gang from GTAForums are starting up an MTAVC street racing division too! :D

Edited by Guest
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well i am not particularly fond of races ... but i do race from time to time ... one advice though ... if there was a way to have the floating lights that show the way it would be most apreciated ... as sometimes ppl say they want to race but there are some that would like to race but dont know the way ... and it's kind of complex to tell them where the race is through an ingame chat ... just my 2 cents

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Gunblade (the first person who got into my Serious Street Racing team) has designed a new orange route which is short but very tight and twisty, including a very sharp hairpin in the north-west section. I've also added a little practise route in purple at the airport.

I'm really taken with the idea of having these routes on the radar textures. I'll put an image together with all these four routes on it and will post it here. I havn't tested what you've done Trows, so if you could set up THIS image as the new radar image instead that would be great.


1024 x 1024 version

Download RAR compressed BMP version @ 1024x1024 - this version is for getting the radar image from, nice and crisp. :wink:

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Your suggestion of removing weapons, implementing radar e.d. sounds pretty nice, and would indeed help solving lag problems. But don't you think that if the team is able to implement a map/mod download function, these mods will come by themselves?

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  rhinox said:
Your suggestion of removing weapons, implementing radar e.d. sounds pretty nice, and would indeed help solving lag problems. But don't you think that if the team is able to implement a map/mod download function, these mods will come by themselves?

In the current version they distribute a new SCM file called "mta.SCM" which is what creates all the parked cars, the radar blips and so forth.

With this street racer mode, the instaler would include the "radar##.TXD" files which would replace the existing radar textures in the "GTA3.IMG" file. This would be done when you run the installer executable.

I beleive there is a command-line version of the IMGTool which could be used for this purpose by the installer to make matters simpler.

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---With this street racer mode, the instaler would include the "radar##.TXD" files which would replace the existing radar textures in the "GTA3.IMG" file. This would be done when you run the installer executable. ---

Of course it would be an easy task to do this, and they might even just do it because its a great idear, but there are a lot of people with great idears, and it would simply not be possible to realise all idears, at least not for 1 team. The fact is that if auto download is enabled new mods do not need to be implemented one by one by the mta team, but by the users themselves. As allways natural selection will tell what mods will survive and whitch ones will die a quick death. This was/is the key to succes for a lot of games(subspace unreal etc), and im sure if mta would implement this, mta will grow much faster then is humanly possible for the small group of designers mta is presently.

Is it btw possible to refer in a main.scm to another file.scm?

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Auto-download is seriously friggin tricky to implement decently, though. Just distributing MTAVC with a couple of game modes (DM and Racing/Stunting) and enabling modified files to be used is all that's required from them. If people want to use map mods and stuff, they can get in touch with people using forums and arrange a game with them through instant messaging programs.

The abstract nature of modifications means it's easiest dealt with by people than programming. Particularly in GTA:Vice where there are so many bits of files which can be altered, rather than in games like UT where it's all in distinct individual files.

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It sounds like you know where you're yalking about, my personal knowledge stops with understanding a little of the scm structure.

It would indeed be a far more difficult task to implement this download feature, but it will be a longer lasting one. As i understand the problem is in the fact that modding requires a changed scm as well as mta does, therefore the multiplayer part of the scm should be isolated and referring to the "mod scm(witch is variable) anyway, that was the reason why i asked if main.scm could link to another scm file, if that is the case then all data witch is mod dependable could be put in a mod.scm, and all data required for the server/client in main.scm(referring intern to mod.scm)..but again, its just a brainstorm, i dont really know what im talking about:))

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  Trows said:
  Cerbera said:

How's your progress going? Had chance to try them in-game yet?

i dont have a soundcard in my net pc atm so i cant test it :(

http://members.optusnet.com.au/~trowsor ... 20TXDS.zip

With Orange, Red Yellow Purple and Blue Tracks

EDIT: I tested the map out and works :D

Hehe, the fact you havn't tested them does show, if you don't mind me saying. :wink:

It's very messy where the routes cross over and the textures for the Vice Port area are now replaced by Ocean Beach ones. Got your maths a bit wrong, methinks! :lol:

If you can tell me how you converted the BMP's to TXD's then I could do it myself, would also allow me to add any extra routes the SSR team came up with more easily.

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  Cerbera said:
Excellent, I've done the new radar now. Just going to be testing it and making sure theres no problems or excessivly messy parts, then I'll release it.

Cheers for your help Trows. :D

I feel it's justified to double-post as serveral hours have passed and I've got an update for everyone now. 8)

I hope the MTA:VC team will start to realise that there are a lot of people who really do want this game mode and are prepared to contribute like this to get it. I don't see the Deathmatch people GIVING you anything, all they do is PESTER FOR MORE! :D

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Guess it's gonna be a triple-post. Keep forgetting that this board doesn't have as many members as GTAForums. I've now refined the radar maps so that all the routes are totally complete and there are no artefacts left.

You can download the radar textures here, it's a 70kb download and instructions are included.

I recently found that there was a street racing code project going on in the MTA:VC camp. I hope this won't detract from the far more enjoyable pasttime of racing set routes, where consistancy to put in fast time lap after lap makes it far more challenging than any point-to-point event.

I'm hopeing this radar mod will be used with the upcoming street racer mode, check page 2 of the SSR Recruitment thread in gang chat for an unofficial video that they leaked out to us. :wink:

Edited by Guest
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  me said:
Well, MTA doesn't check ALL of the files. I believe it only checks a few of them (the handling.cfg and main.scm are the two I'm certain of). So the radar mod should work.

The radar textures are stored in the GTA3.IMG file which does get checked IIRC. I'd certainly NOT recommend you use it with MTA:VC 0.2. However, I just got confirmation from IJSVogel that they will be using this idea in the street racer mode they are making for the next MTA:VC.

I am trying to get more direct contact with the team (maybe even become part of it) so that I could give them the radar mod to use with it, as well as represent the desires of the rest of the street racer groups. Exciting times! :lol:

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I played TRX (MTA:VC lead coder) and he agrees that it makes street racing a whole lot easier to set up. There's no need to try and code in some sort of route-choosing procedure, no need to spend hours working out checkpoint co-ordinates and no need for any code at all, really. If anything, you could remove a whole load of code - such as the career mode, all the weapon pickups and so forth. :D

Street racing is the way forward! No worrying about bullets getting lost, just thrashing an exotic car around the roads and sidewalks of a californian metropolis - and doing it faster than the other guy. 8)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Cerbera said:
I played TRX (MTA:VC lead coder) and he agrees that it makes street racing a whole lot easier to set up. There's no need to try and code in some sort of route-choosing procedure, no need to spend hours working out checkpoint co-ordinates and no need for any code at all, really. If anything, you could remove a whole load of code - such as the career mode, all the weapon pickups and so forth. :D

Street racing is the way forward! No worrying about bullets getting lost, just thrashing an exotic car around the roads and sidewalks of a californian metropolis - and doing it faster than the other guy. 8)

With version 0.2.2 of MTAVC we appear to be seeing the first steps taken towards this street racing mode SSR and I have proposed.

No more weapons was one of the major points I put forward and the addition of all the stunt ramps must have been suggested by the Stunt Masters group, I suppose. Evidence that despite what some critics say, the MTA team do listen to at least what some people want! :lol:

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