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Off topic, sorry. Which graphic's card should i buy.


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I am buying a new graphics card and while im upto date on pc hardware, choosing a new graphics card is a bit confusing. I have ordered the Gainward Power with 256 megs on board , i think its a Gainward GF FX 5600 256MB FX PowerPack Ultra/780 XP Professional [Dual DVI] 4.0ns DDR 8X AGP VIVO DVI . Is this ok? Is it any good? MANY THX . Sarah from uk.

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I am on a slight budjet you see. This card seemed ok as i have 512 megs of ddr pc3200 memory in my pc and athlon xp 2500+barton. So im hoping the thing should run games better. I got the card for about £132 pounds uk sterling.

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i'd go for the ati one myself, never liked geforce range myself, well i don't mean i hate them, i just wouldn't buy one myself, i'm thinking of getting a a ATI radeon soon...

but the card you mentioned in my opinion will last aaaages until it needs to be replaced, unless your one of those people who insist on having everything on full graphics running at 10 zillion frames per second...

Just out of interest, you've ordered the card then asked if its any good? :roll::shock:

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i would of thought it would be better than a geforce 3...

i think a card with 256mb of memory should last aaages to, mite not be the fastest out (i dunno about these things ay more gets updated to quickly) but even my acient directx 6 32mb card seems to play most games, so that should run everything!

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my suggestion, if u have a tight budget, is not a geforce 5900, thats not a tight budget, thats the most expensive card on the market...

i would say u should get a geforce4 ti4200 8xagp, or a ti4800

these cards have great stability, great fps gameplay, im sure anyone with a 2500 barton core would be glad to run this on their pc...

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Uh well, half life two looks great, ATI does well on it, nvidia does not, i saw some benchmarks on some ati and nvidia vidcards and it shows and explains why nvidia does so fuggin crappy on it.... by crappy i mean the ati radeon 9600 pro does better than the fx5900 ultra by more than 10 fps ..... the 9600 is a 180$ card, the 5900 is a 450$+ dollar card... but then on doom3 the 5900 ultra does better than the 9800 pro,but seeing how many people play halflife , halflife two will be a big hit also, therefore ati is the way to go.... theres my two cents. :lol::roll:

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Your a tipical person that comes to the forum. You NEVER read what the person actually says or asks. I did NOT ask for the best, i know what that is.I said that im on a budjet and i got about £140 to spend. Then you posted saying is you want the best then buy the best.And for your info the radions are total crap. Every game made is supported by Nvidia,sad, but true.

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Can't go wrong with a Radeon. I've been running a Radeon 8500 for over a year now (64mb Gigabyte model) in my Athlon 1900+ @ 1.75GHz, runs everything I want (like MTA :lol:) at a decent enough speed.

  xzero said:
I dont know which one is the best cuz i got a pretty damn good one....the radeon 9000 128MB DDR RAM...its sooo good, and has a reasonable price

Uh, the Radeon 9000 is a budget card. It's the GeForce4 MX of Radeons. :)

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Dont get me wrong guys.I know the radion arent bad for the money that they are.I just have never had any probs with Nvidia ever since i got rid of my voodoo2's in sli mode. The Nvidia 5900 ultra is the fastest thing out there, but my mate has a 5600 ultroa with 256 megs on ddr on it from Gainward and it really doesnt fly. Everything runs fast and smooth. For me any vid card that runs a game really smooth is good enough. Its just that i have sold my special edition geforce 3 and now im able to get something a little bit better. Thanks for every ones input.

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  Sarah Shaw said:
Your a tipical person that comes to the forum. You NEVER read what the person actually says or asks. I did NOT ask for the best, i know what that is.I said that im on a budjet and i got about £140 to spend. Then you posted saying is you want the best then buy the best.And for your info the radions are total crap. Every game made is supported by Nvidia,sad, but true.

Do some research before you open your virtual mouth, Sarah Shaw nothing gets me madder than a fuggin noob that doesnt know what they are talking about. http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.html?i=1863&p=8 <--- Click that and look for your self.

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Conclusion: ATi cards are currently on tops. Nvidia is seriously in the gutter. I could provide proof, and reasons why, but that's a waste of time.

Take my word, Ati cards 8500/9100/9500/9600/9700/9800 are the cards to get over their relevant Nvidia competitors.

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definately get the 9600 pro from newegg.com. it IS within your budget i believe and IS better than the 5900 in upcoming games.(HL2 etc.) but may be slightly slower in games like gta3...

so ya 9600 about 140-150. best site is newegg.com

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You are also a typical big kid on here. At the end of the day my preference is nvidia,and the card i choose is running very well, i get 2600 marks in the new 3d-mark-2003. So grow up and stop saying things get you mad. At the end of the day, this is a forum and people want help, sometimes people choose a wrong product or make a bad dicision or they just like a certain product.The trouble with forums is that idiots like you are too busy trying to pick in people and not actually help them, the fact is i know a lot of people like ATI products but personally, since i build 3 computers a day and work in IT, i find that everything supports Nvidia, my games run smooth,fast and very stable.In short GET A LIFE, SAD GIT.

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