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Changing cars in server config


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I got this idea from Perfect Dark for the N64 (great game).

Each map had 5-10 different TYPES of guns... so in multiplayer, you could change the options so that all the guns were alien guns, or so that they were pistols, or so that they were all grenades (that just got stupid... pinball bounce was insane. you throw the grenade, and it goes bouncing around the map like crazy), or just make a mix of everything... etc. It really, really added to the replayability.

When the developers built the maps, (I'm guessing that) instead of placing down wp_grenade, and wp_farsight, they'd place down wp_1, wp_2, etc.

Something like this in MTA would be awesome, except that you edit the different cars instead of the different guns... fill the city with choppers, or fill the city with PCJs, make it a big mix... it'd be REALLY useful for stunt/race servers, as well as gang matches/tourneys.

In the config tool, you'd just take the VC map, place all the locations where cars are as little red dots, and let people select what kind of car to place at that dot. Something like this (map by raiden)

Best. Feature. Ever. :P:)

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exactly! then v could start making maps and write the map name as a sever name like: STUNTmap1...or:DMmap2 and everybody knows the locations and what 2 do on that server without asking before :)

hm... and a link on a site where u can c all maps :D

woohaa! i love perfect dark! i think its the best game 4 n64(many options!)

did u tried: bot difficulty:dark and:slayer duel? hehehe :wink:

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The bots in PD kicked ass... Some of the MP maps were awesome... ie: best I've ever played.

The server would probably have to send the info of what cars there are, since some people might label their servers Chopper server!, and then the map is full of Angels and Freerides :)

That, and it would help people know where the cars are.

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I got this idea from Perfect Dark for the N64 (great game).


When the developers built the maps, (I'm guessing that) instead of placing down wp_grenade, and wp_farsight, they'd place down wp_1, wp_2, etc.

this (map by raiden)

Just doing what you suggested there, with using TYPES of object rather than SPECIFIC objects would be perfect...just like in single player. For instance, outside the Ken Rosenburg & Co offices you get cars of type "richfamily" from what I can gather, whilst elsewhere round the city are the other types (worker, poorfamily, normal, executive, richfamily, workerboat, pleasureboat) so that you wouldn't know exactly which car would be there, but youd know what type it would be.

Each time the car from that location is destroyed, a car of that TYPE is regenerated but might not be that same car.

The age-old problem with net games though is synchronisation. As all the gamers can join at different times (unlike GTA1 and 2) you can't rely on coincidence.

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I like this suggestions, they might sounds crazy, but realy cool! Like that:

Each map had 5-10 different TYPES of guns... so in multiplayer, you could change the options so that all the guns were alien guns, or so that they were pistols, or so that they were all grenades (that just got stupid... pinball bounce was insane. you throw the grenade, and it goes bouncing around the map like crazy),
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