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The Noob Show

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yes people

you saw right on the topic

us from Crasher Crew are proud, to present, the first noob show ever

about, this mvie, show's some noob's trying to make stunt's

but this isen't the way to do it

many of you, will get a great laff out of this :-D

you can download the movie

from Crasher Crew's FTP Server

this is the server we are using, until we find a better one :-P

so if any of you have a good FTP server, where we can have our movies on, then feel free to PM me

adress to movie:

ftp://Crasher:[email protected]

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530 Login or Password incorrect.

Connection closed by remote server

Using Opera 7.11, the second address you gave

EDIT: Using IE it says that I could not login using the password/username selected.

maybe only 1 person at a time?...

Edited by Guest
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Yay, managed to Download AND watch it. but indeed the sounds aint working, while i have a tons of codecs installed..

anyways, about the movie:

well, as you said, it are noobs attempting stunts, so nothing spectacular here. what did bother me somewhat is that the few stunts that were nice were repeated two, sometimes three times... i mean, we saw it the first time!

it's also really cut & paste editing, so i'd give it a 4/10. think i'd give it a 5/10 if i couldve heard some good music with it, but without it it's just rather tedious..

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