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Should this happen?




Me and my dad were Playing on a MTA server by the name of OZG and while playing we were shoting at a guy in a tank(he is admin) and he froze us because his computer was lagging then he kicked and banned us for complaining.

What are your thoughts do u think its right for him to do this or not? waht are your thoughts?

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12 answers to this question

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Admin has a right to do that in his own server. But of course, he's not going to have many players playing on his server if he disrespects them. That's natural selection, there's no need to play on such servers :)

imho he has no right, he is abusing his power and is a disgrace to the community and the mod

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Sometimes on my freeroam server i gives short bans to players who uses hardcore weapons to kill other players on the spawn points. And sometimes i gives bans to players who spectating me on the map and trying to explode/kill me with hardcore weapons while i just freeroaming on the bicycle, for example.

But admin can do this only with some server rules if not - it's not really an admin, it's just kid.

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Find a better server to play on Rstan58. It seems a significant proportion of MTA servers are owned and operated by 12-16 year old kids, if you upset them you can expect a childish response. Try one of the larger, more popular servers in whatever game mode takes your fancy - usually they are popular for a reason.

But I agree with you and Blokker, sounds like abuse of power, certainly not something we tolerate on our server and I imagine the same goes for most other respectable servers too.

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We’ve had all these similar complaints, however in reality there is nothing anybody can do in this forum. It is a shame however because we want the community to be based on fair play and respect, though you always get the small minority who are just spoiled little brats behind the computer. The only negative and quite frustrating factor here is that some people believe that if one server is controlled by these idiots, then they view the whole community as the same.

In future, as some guys have said here, try and go for the more populated servers. These generate the most players because they have earned a reputation over time as being servers where you will get the best of your game.

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Of course the admin has the right - it's his bloody server, isn't it? Yes, he's an ass, but in his full right to be so.

Simply don't play on that server, chances are it's just one of a dozen completely identical ones.

Any time someone's able to kick your ass outta there, you should be careful about what you say and do, keep in mind that it is their right to do so - even if you don't like it. In a game with so many servers, there will be a few where admins don't care, and use that power "unfairly", and there's nothing you can do about that. Just find a new server with better administration and fairer rules.

There's no community-specific issue here, and there's nothing the community can do, or even should do, in this situation.

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