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[Outdated] Unofficial MTA Script Editor 0.3 (4851) RELEASED!


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  α7мα∂qтя said:
What's wrong with this? it dosen't show me client and server sides functions please help


Nothing is wrong. It doesn't load the files yet. I have to rewrite this part. I'll be adding Lua syntax checker next and then probably the functions on the right. I simply don't want to do too much at once because there is higher possibility that there will be bugs undiscovered by me.

  Tails said:
You need to add File > Open

As well as the possiblity to drag files over the the MTA script editor's window.

Deleting doesn't work , only when text is selected.

I will add it. I want to make it so you can drag files from windows explorer to the resources explorer in MTA:SE window as well as move the files around within resource explorer to get the resources more organized.

If there is anyone who can't get it to run and crashes at start, please get in touch with me, I will need more information to track the bug.

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Hi , i just downloaded it and tested it .. and its amazing , but i think the old font layout is better :D , so i have some notes .

1- Add a option which you can define the server 'resources' path .

2- Creating new resource don't work ( still beta i think ) .

3- In the past versions there was a symbol '*' that shows when you edit a file and its not saved [ server.lua * ] it don't work now .

4- The syntax checker don't work.

Good luck :D

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  Al3grab said:
Hi , i just downloaded it and tested it .. and its amazing , but i think the old font layout is better :D , so i have some notes .

1- Add a option which you can define the server 'resources' path .

2- Creating new resource don't work ( still beta i think ) .

3- In the past versions there was a symbol '*' that shows when you edit a file and its not saved [ server.lua * ] it don't work now .

4- The syntax checker don't work.

Good luck :D

  50p said:
  α7мα∂qтя said:
What's wrong with this? it dosen't show me client and server sides functions please help


Nothing is wrong. It doesn't load the files yet. I have to rewrite this part. I'll be adding Lua syntax checker next and then probably the functions on the right. I simply don't want to do too much at once because there is higher possibility that there will be bugs undiscovered by me.

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  Al3grab said:
Hi , i just downloaded it and tested it .. and its amazing , but i think the old font layout is better :D , so i have some notes .

1- Add a option which you can define the server 'resources' path .

2- Creating new resource don't work ( still beta i think ) .

3- In the past versions there was a symbol '*' that shows when you edit a file and its not saved [ server.lua * ] it don't work now .

4- The syntax checker don't work.

Good luck :D

Thanks for the comment and the points.

1. I will add it. Only need to make proper options window which will work with everything.

2. Yes, I haven't added this yet because I've had many bug reports in the old versions which made me think on a way to create new resource without crash.

3. I would have not noticed the "*" not being there when file has been edited but not saved for a while.

4. It's going to be added in the next version.

I started this project in VS2010 with .NET 3.5 but there are many bugs in VS2010 that will not let me compile the project for .NET 3.5, I will have to downgrade to VS2008 and that means I need to remake the project.

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Hi guys, please check the first post for an update. You can also download the latest version with the shortcut link included in the package. Thanks for the support and again, if you find any problems, please report them here. Enjoy!

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  50p said:
Hi guys, please check the first post for an update. You can also download the latest version with the shortcut link included in the package. Thanks for the support and again, if you find any problems, please report them here. Enjoy!

Keep going 50p!

I have problem when i click on the program this errors appears for me.


EDIT : LUA sytax checker dosen't work!

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  α7мα∂qтя said:
  50p said:
Hi guys, please check the first post for an update. You can also download the latest version with the shortcut link included in the package. Thanks for the support and again, if you find any problems, please report them here. Enjoy!

Keep going 50p!

I have problem when i click on the program this errors appears for me.


EDIT : LUA sytax checker dosen't work!

When do you get this error message? Just after you start? What OS are you running?

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  50p said:
  α7мα∂qтя said:
  50p said:
Hi guys, please check the first post for an update. You can also download the latest version with the shortcut link included in the package. Thanks for the support and again, if you find any problems, please report them here. Enjoy!

Keep going 50p!

I have problem when i click on the program this errors appears for me.


EDIT : LUA sytax checker dosen't work!

When do you get this error message? Just after you start? What OS are you running?

Yes , when i click on the program it appears then i press OK or close it then the window of the program appear but there is no function and lua syntax checker dosen't work.

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Sorry 50p i really need this Script Editor but i need to sleep :( , i'll come back tomorrow. :(

EDIT : I found 'error' file i think you need it.

Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Users\Ahmad\Desktop\lua\lib\FastColoredTextBox.dll' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. 

Ok now i'll go to sleep.

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  α7мα∂qтя said:
  50p said:
OK, that error message was useful too. I've updated the package again. Please, once you're awake give it a go. Thanks for the reports.

I downloaded it. when i start the program it opens normally but when i type something wrong lua syntax checker dosen't work, just see this image and you will understand


but 'root' is a predefined variable as 'getRootElement()'

anyway , i think you shall turn on syntax checker , i don't have this feature too.

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  Tete omar said:
  α7мα∂qтя said:
  50p said:
OK, that error message was useful too. I've updated the package again. Please, once you're awake give it a go. Thanks for the reports.

I downloaded it. when i start the program it opens normally but when i type something wrong lua syntax checker dosen't work, just see this image and you will understand


but 'root' is a predefined variable as 'getRootElement()'

anyway , i think you shall turn on syntax checker , i don't have this feature too.

It must say ( unexpected something like that

And how shall i start it? in old MTA Script Editor the lua syntax checker was working perfect.

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1) Can you try to runt MTASE as Administrator?

2) Does it create error.txt (delete it first)?

3) Check the temp folder (Windows 7: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp) if you can find test.lua and test.luac. This is important.

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  50p said:
1) Can you try to runt MTASE as Administrator?

2) Does it create error.txt (delete it first)?

3) Check the temp folder (Windows 7: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp) if you can find test.lua and test.luac. This is important.

1- Yes i did , same thing lua syntax checker dosen't work and server and client side functions dosen't show.

2-Nope there is no error.txt

3-I just see temp.luac and temp.lua but temp.lua was a script i was checking for someone.

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3) Was this script you checked opened with MTASE? Can you delete these 2 files and try MTASE again? I'm thinking that for some reason the luac5.1.exe does not get started. So, if you delete these 2 files and MTASE will not create them then it must be something wrong with running the compiler.

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  50p said:
3) Was this script you checked opened with MTASE? Can you delete these 2 files and try MTASE again? I'm thinking that for some reason the luac5.1.exe does not get started. So, if you delete these 2 files and MTASE will not create them then it must be something wrong with running the compiler.

I deleted them and tryed again ( with running MTASE as administrator too ) and nothing changed , lua syntax checker dosen't work and functions dosen't show....

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It seems that you opened a script with Ctrl+O or the button at the top? If so, then don't. Try to open a script from resource explorer instead. First select one of the loaded resources and then open one of Lua scripts.

At least I'll know that I should fix the issue with opened files with Open command.

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