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SA-MP emulator - out now for MTA nightly builds




It is with joy that I present to you the first public release of amx, the SA-MP emulator for MTA. With development started in late 2007 and having made its appearance at several MTA beta tests, it can now be made available to the public. It will not run on DP2; but now that there are nightly builds released with MTA's open sourcing, everyone can run it. :)

What aspects of SA-MP will it emulate? Pretty much everything. amx can run almost all SA-MP gamemodes, filterscripts and even plugins in MTA, unmodified. All while integrating nicely with MTA's gamemode/map system.

Where to get it?

See readme.html in the download package for details and installation instructions.

Lastly, keep in mind that just like the MTA nightlies, this is not an official release. It is merely made available to the public in its current state, so that anyone who wants to can give it a go. It is not guaranteed to run everything you throw at it, neither is it certain to be bug- and crash-free. That being said, it has undergone intensive testing with a great amount of SA-MP scripts and plugins in order to ensure good compatibility.

Questions can be asked in this topic, or in #mta on GTANet (irc.gtanet.com). Enjoy.

Edited by Guest
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  Magus1724 said:
Just some quick questions though, why won't it work on DP2?

The DP2 module SDK is, well, kinda broken. :P Also a whole bunch of scripting functions were changed (which is why most DP2 resources won't run in nightlies without a few changes). Not to mention several functions are used that don't even exist in DP2.

The nightlies are pretty stable in my experience, seeing as many crashes were fixed since the last release. That of course doesn't exclude the possibility that something new is added or an experimental change is made in a certain nightly, which could cause it to be crashy. The problem is also of course that since they're not official releases, you won't really find servers to play on.

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adamix's crash has meanwhile been solved on IRC. If you are compiling the binary module yourself, be sure to use the Pawn files that are included in the package, as they are modified versions of those from the official Pawn distribution (changes including crash fixes and file finding code). An unmodified official Pawn will not work with the module.

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Nice thing but in the current nightly build:

[18:14:07] start: Requested by Console

[18:14:07] start: Resource is loaded, but has errors

When i start a Gamemode from Sa-Mp and connect to the Server, my screen is black and i can only write in the chatbox. Hope you can help me =)


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I got some problems.

1) Key input dont work when frozen, that means my complete engine system broke.

2) Timers are slower than in sa-mp. It takes 5 seconds in MTA and in SA-MP it takes only not even a second to execute its function

I hope that can help you making it more stable


Thats the timer

Car1[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Car",100,false,"i",playerid); 

I also reconginsed that the server slows down dramaticaly, maybe that the reason why the timer is that slow

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Einstein: amx still works for me on r115, so I'm not sure what the cause of that could be. I can only ask you to verify that everything is installed correctly.


1) Your GTA controls are disabled in e.g. the class selection screen so you can't walk around. Other methods generally result in the player jerking/flickering around.

2) Like with all emulators, gamemode performance in amx is less than when they are run in their native environment (sa-mp). Because the sa-mp modes can't request functionality from the MTA server directly but must pass through amx first, they will necessarily run more slowly. This gets especially noticeable with (many) short timers, or modes that have nested loops doing 40000 IsPlayerConnected calls every half second (literally)... Not much I can do about it. You can try increasing the interval time of the short timers so they are executed less often, to reduce the workload on the server.

Edited by Guest
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  arc_ said:
Einstein: amx still works for me on r115, so I'm not sure what the cause of that could be. I can only ask you to verify that everything is installed correctly.


1) Your GTA controls are disabled in e.g. the class selection screen so you can't walk around. Other methods generally result in the player jerking/flickering around.

2) Like with all emulators, gamemode performance in amx is less than when they are run in their native environment (sa-mp). Because the sa-mp modes can't request functionality from the MTA server directly but must pass through amx first, they will necessarily run more slowly. This gets especially noticeable with modes that have nested loops doing 40000 IsPlayerConnected calls every half second (literally)... Not much I can do about it.

alright, thanks for the answers

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  arc_ said:
Einstein: amx still works for me on r115, so I'm not sure what the cause of that could be. I can only ask you to verify that everything is installed correctly.

I've done all that you wrote in the readme.html

I try it with the new nighlty build i had the r94 and haven't seen r115 i write if there are errors with the new build ;)


Doesn't work in r115 too maybe you have Teamviewer so you can access and take a look =)


[19:27:40] MODULE: Loaded "AMX compatibility layer" (1.00) by "arc_" 
[19:27:40] ERROR: Unable to start resource amx;  

I copied your mods foldet exactly same to the mta server and done you configuration. But idk why the ressource amx cant start

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hi i have this error.

[17:30:10] File 'settings.xml' not present, creating new node.

[17:30:12] Resources: 115 loaded, 0 failed

[17:30:12] MODULE: Unable to find modules/king.dll!

[17:30:12] Starting resources.............

[17:30:12] All Seeing Eye listing enabled. Port 22127 (UDP) must be accessible

from the internet

[17:30:12] Querying game-monitor.com master server... success!

[17:30:19] Server started and is ready to accept connections!

[17:30:48] start: Requested by Console

[17:30:48] start: Resource is already running

[17:30:54] start: Requested by Console

[17:30:54] Starting amx-area51

[17:30:54] INFO: Loading area51.amx

[17:30:54] ERROR: .../server/mods/deathmatch/resources/amx/server/amx.lua:108: attempt to call global 'amxLoad' (a nil value)

[17:30:54] start: Resource 'amx-area51' started

[17:31:10] stop: Requested by Console

[17:31:10] stop: Resource stopping

[17:31:10] Stopping amx-area51

[17:31:19] start: Requested by Console

[17:31:19] Starting amx-fs-test

[17:31:19] INFO: Loading testfs.amx

[17:31:19] ERROR: .../server/mods/deathmatch/resources/amx/server/amx.lua:108: attempt to call global 'amxLoad' (a nil value)

[17:31:19] start: Resource 'amx-fs-test' started

[17:31:29] CONNECT: DanieloX connected (IP:

[17:31:38] JOIN: DanieloX joined the game (IP:

[17:31:38] ERROR: ...rver/mods/deathmatch/resources/amx/server/events.lua:58: attempt to call global 'amxVersionString' (a nil value)

[17:31:44] CHAT: DanieloX: asas

[17:36:46] Server stopped!

[17:36:46] Stopping resources.................

[17:36:46] Closing SQLite3 database

what is the problem? bye

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  capitanazop said:
hi i have this error.
[17:30:10][17:30:12]MODULE: Unable to find modules/king.dll!

what is the problem? bye

You need to place king.dll in the server\mods\deathmatch\modules folder (you may have to create the folder first). It's in the .rar file in the folder with the same name.

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I will use THIS in 1.0.

Hey, but can there be done things like...

when doing /votemode, it will show both the AMX and LUA gamemodes? :) Pleaase!

I would want to run lots of SA-MP scripts. I LOVE SA-MP SCRIPTS. They totally rule. Too bad that MTA has much more functions and not all of them are used to make good GMs. MTA would rule more.

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  Madalin2009 said:
I will use THIS in 1.0.

Hey, but can there be done things like...

when doing /votemode, it will show both the AMX and LUA gamemodes? :) Pleaase!

I would want to run lots of SA-MP scripts. I LOVE SA-MP SCRIPTS. They totally rule. Too bad that MTA has much more functions and not all of them are used to make good GMs. MTA would rule more.

Most SA-MP scripts are a reflection of its poor customizability IMO. I can't think of any SA-MP script off-hand that I couldn't rewrite for MTA@Lua in about 15-30min.

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  Madalin2009 said:
Hey, but can there be done things like...

when doing /votemode, it will show both the AMX and LUA gamemodes? :) Pleaase!

SA-MP gamemodes in MTA are technically maps for the AMX gamemode. So this wouldn't work, sorry - you'd have to display maps of one gamemode along other gamemodes, which is not a very elegant thing to do.

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