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[REL] Realistic Car Ramming v0.1.2 BETA

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Realistic Car Ramming by Nidza aka CodeMaster

Current version: v0.1.2

This script damages player's healths if he crashes, and allows them to slowly regenerate, while a harder hit will make car explode which will actually happen if you did same in real life. Would be pretty useful on some RPG servers.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is BETA version, so normally it ain't perfect yet.

Few things to what its vulnerable:

- Gun shot heavily damages player too

- When it lands from high air it doesn't damage

- If player uses admin panel to spawn himself in car, damage don't apply.


- Variable changing

- Damage multiplier

- Pre-defined values for race and regular games

- When player dies, he can't move anymore

- If player is in car during carRam restart, damage will still apply

Commands: (will have changed names in later releases!)

- mDMG - set minimum damage counted

- bLIMIT - set blowing limit

- multiplier - set HP damage multiplier

- changeDMGmode - set damage mode - race - regular

This is currently for TESTING purposes and it is not here to work like its released. Expect a full release soon and join me with this, or leave your commentary about what I should add, or what have I missed.

This is my first released script so please be constructive with your commentary.


https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=113

Please comment my work, and advise me what should I change!



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Thanks for supporting me cazomino :)

And yeah hankey i know that, but it makes some more fun from that because it would be stupid if player would only be slayed while he is normally sitting and acting like nothing happened.

And it becomes realistic, when u crash that hard so car jumps of fence or what and explodes in air.

Ill add blowMax variable, so if u hate that option with some insane number u can remove it.

I'm working on update today, and if there's someone who is interested to develop it with me say it, but also nice ideas are pretty much helpful. BECAUSE this is not only with that kinds of crashes, it will be more realistic, when I add crashes from air when u simply jump. As I mentioned before this is only BETA! Its used just to keep my idea original on MTA (idea is from the SA-MP, actually i had same but somebody did it before me) and leave me some time to work.

Anyway keep on advising me because this is really useful for me to make updates!

Thanks for comments ;)


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well not instantly anyway ^^ but eventually itd explode if it did

I am quite lucky the german standards forbit the car builders to build exploding cars, it seems outside of europe, the streets are full of craters (since the cars seem to go off like bombs when you touch them)

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Ok now... ill change the name if you want to [NON]realistic Car Ramming? ^^

Well i made it because it looks like in movies.

And ain't we here to see something a bit different and more interesting than reallife? (Our reallife cars don't explode neither, so don't dream about streets in craters...)

Also as I said who hates it can change it with /bLIMIT 1000 and cars would explode only when they are totally damaged as in game's standards.

USE variable changing if you don't like something, but its pretty cool to see a car how it bumps from fence and explodes in air falling on their roof.

For those who haven't tried this and speak something about this ill make a movie to show you some nice car exploding and crashing actions. So please don't add nonconstructive comments if you haven't tried this!

I would more appreciate some ideas...

(I use bold to make you pay attention ^^)


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Thanks! :)

I was becoming so desperate that no one will reply :(

Silent is right, people i just need your ideas and etc, and I didn't made this for nothing... I'm trying to update this as fast as I can, but nobody said neither a word, I was about to close this...

So please if you like this script your comments, and give me some ideas!

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