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Execution Error 75

Guest Darkwof

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I installed MTA, I started the GTA Launcher provided, it setup itself and then ask me to restart the launcher.

I receive the the error message "Execution Error 75 - Error in the access path"

Can you help ?

I run with Windows 2000.

thanks in advance


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the installation has been done succesfully but then I see an icon on my desktop 'GT3 Launcher'. I ran it, it said "MTA is doing selfsetup ..... restart launcher when done".

When done, restart launcher and then the ERROR 75.

Is that clear ?

Thanks again


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hmm... make sure that your gta3.exe is really named gta3.exe :)

if it's something else, like gtathree.exe, then the launcher will give you errors.

you can also just open up gta3.exe and mta.exe on your own, and skip using the launcher :) (well, you have to use the launcher the first time, so that all the MTA files are placed in the right spots, but after that you can start stuff manually)

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