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How Many Server Owners Want Just DM Script.


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No permission is needed to post a link to a script u have made or are currently making.

There are several out there already, of various types (Race/DM/respawnable DM/Freeroam)

u only have to browse the addons section to see some of them. They usually list their current features.

Just coz something has already been made by someone else, doesnt mean u cant make it yourself.

good luck :wink:

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w00t :D


read lol :D

its got some new things like bankloan and stuff :D but if i gonna make it for both then dont know when its gonna be done lol its taken since about august 23 to get to here lol made a pretty big control pannnel tho not saying a date just yet just wanted to know some rought lines of what to make it for and dont want to let any one down if i dont make the date :)

whats yours got in it ? lil

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errm i stuck lol with one thing i cannot make get aliases im working on it but some of the things currently in my script are :


{player commands}

!stats~~~ just dm stats

!points~~~ a players points

!pointrank~~~ a players point rank

!id~~~ returns a players id

!visits~~~ returns a players total visits to the server

!played ~~~ the ammount of times the the current map has been played

!setage~~~ adds the age of the player

!age~~~ returns a age of a player

!totalvisits~~~ the total visits the server has had

!totalmaps~~~ the total number of maps uploaded

!playercount~~~ the total number of players in the server

!mapname~~~ returns the name of the current map

!maxping~~~ the servers max ping limit

!ping~~~ a players ping

!info~~~ server info

!level~~~ the level of a player

!time~~~ the time/ date in the format day/month/date/time/year ie/ fri sept 14 15:01:23 2007

!rate~~~ rates the current map

!unrate~~~ player can remove there own rating

!rating~~~ returns the current maps rating

!mode~~~ returns the current mode of a map

!seen~~~ last time and date a player was seen

!url~~~ returns the url for the website

!serverip/sip~~~ returns the server's ip address and port

!ip~~~the players ip adress

!bank/money/cash~~~ a players total cash, how many loans they have had and how many they have paid back.

!buydmwins~~~ buy 5 dmwins

!buypoints~~~ buy 60 points

!cashrank~~~ what rank of money they are classed as

!bankloan~~~ take a loan out( max loan can be configured in the controle pannel

!repayloan~~~ repays a loan if they dont before the player quits next time they join its double the ammount of what the loan was.

!buycar~~~ buy specified cars, ferrari, porsche, bowler, Lamborghini~~~< not finnished yet making controle pannel for custom use but these are done>

!car~~~ the car a player has bought

!sellcar~~~ sell the car back to dealer but for less money

!carlist~~~ returns all the cars that can be bought

!buyhelp~~~ returns all the things you can buy


{admin commands}

!idlist~~~ a full pm of all the players id ~~~

!banid~~~ bans the id of a player that you found out from !idlist ~~~

!kickid~~~ kicks the id of a player that you found out from !idlist ~~~

!freezeid~~~ freezes the id of a player that you found out from !idlist ~~~

!unfreezeid~~~ unfreezes the id of a player that you found out from !idlist ~~~

!muteid~~~ mutes the id of a player that you found out from !idlist ~~~

!unmuteid~~~ unmutes the id of a player that you found out from !idlist ~~~

!ban~~~ bans the name of a player ~~~

!kick~~~ kicks the name of a player ~~~

!freeze~~~ freezes the name of a player ~~~

!unfreeze~~~ unfreezes the name of a player ~~~

!mute~~~ mutes the name of a player ~~~

!unmute~~~ unmutes the name of a player ~~~

!random/map~~~ starts a random map ~~~

!addping~~~ adds a maxping ~~~

!slr~~~ restarts the script ~~~

!rerun~~~ reruns the current map ~~~

!remrate~~~ removes any players rating ~~~

!addallmodes~~~ allows a admin to set all the map modes as dm/ (race when i make it in to race lol)

!addmode~~~ allows a admin to set single maps as dm/ (race when i make it in to race aswell )

!remmap~~~ removes the current map and starts a random one .

{standard things}

ping kicker

buy script


bank script

complex control pannel :D

lol thats it up to now :D not finnished tho yet any more commands or stuff will let you know.

what does yours have lil ?

any more ideas let me know


Additions are in red

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why cannot i edit my posts ? theres no edit button.

and i have removed

!buycar~~~ buy specified cars, ferrari, porsche, bowler, Lamborghini~~~< not finnished yet making controle pannel for custom use but these are done>

!car~~~ the car a player has bought

!sellcar~~~ sell the car back to dealer but for less money

!carlist~~~ returns all the cars that can be bought




as i think they are not needed :roll:

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dude no its not for mta.dm its a dm script for race lol and ye it nearly finnished :D just putting final things in but its nowhere near as good as scooby's prs 1.3 theres one thing that i am struggling to do and that is how to find the players previous nicks out

mtasa race uses mirc i think and mtasa dm uses lua and i cannot do that :D

*edit how do i upload it lol its prob gonna be finnished tonight soooo...... errm ..... you guys can pull it to peices and say whats wrong :lol:

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*edit how do i upload it lol its prob gonna be finnished tonight soooo...... errm ..... you guys can pull it to peices and say whats wrong :lol:

Find somewhere to host it, or someone to host it for you, then post the link/url

theres plenty of places u can upload it online, if u dont have anywhere, just google 'upload files'

this will do till u can find a more permanent place.

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