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MTA:SA Public Release Script - PRS:1.3 Out Now!


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and ur using which version?

if its PRS1.2, open ur script and goto line 571, this is the alias:

alias checkpings { 
 var %a = 0
 while (%a  %max) {
       mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,%a) For High Ping: %av - Max: %max
       .timer 1 3 mta.kick $1 %a
   !inc %a

if ur not using 1.2... then u should update.

if urs doesnt look like this, then just replace it with this.

other than that, i dont see how its possible to display the message but not kick the player.

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Hi i have a qeustion.

For the lvls.

How can i make some kind of script that you can set lvls from in the server?

That is realy handy because when i do it now i have to connect to my server pc and that is in a hole other country

Already seeing what i can come up with (so u might as well wait for this),

from an earlier post i said:

Coming in PRS1:3.....

Combined, PRS & PGS In one Tabbed Dialog

Aditionl Tabs With Extra functions

Viewing/Removing Top Times from Dialog

Auto Login System (Admin Only)

the auto login system will work for any admins u add, but of course since there are no pm's to unknowns, its impossible to use any kind of password login for admins not added to rcon. this will work ok for those added to rcon who also have dynamic ip's, and those who arent added, will of course have to be readded.

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did u try redownloading it? since u said urs was different... not sure how tho lol

noone else seems to be having the same problems.

i let the script run for a few days on 3 servers before i released it.

then if they spot any problems, they tell me and i fix them. this one has never been mentioned.

if in doubt, unload all, reload all, restart mirc.

make sure u get no errors showing in the mirc status window.

if that still doesnt help, add my msn: [email protected]

and i'll try to help u out on there.

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well..good job for this script! ..I saw on some MTA-SA Servers that they have a recommendation system..the more RECs they have,upgrade to the top.If a player likes what other one has did,he can !rec him.Which script do I need to have this system?

Regards, :)

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hmm i wrote it for some1... they just asked for it but i wasnt sure how it works, its on the forum around here somewhere.

Ahh i see, i think i get u now. when i wrote it, the explaination for its use was a little vague. so this is just for admins? coz surely if anyone could use it, it would be abused?

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did u try redownloading it? since u said urs was different... not sure how tho lol

noone else seems to be having the same problems.

i let the script run for a few days on 3 servers before i released it.

then if they spot any problems, they tell me and i fix them. this one has never been mentioned.

if in doubt, unload all, reload all, restart mirc.

make sure u get no errors showing in the mirc status window.

if that still doesnt help, add my msn: [email protected]

and i'll try to help u out on there.

I'm gonna re-download it and i guess you're right about what you said earlier.

I can remember it happened too with scripts i used earlier, before i used yours.

Thanks for helping me anyway. :)

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Hi Scooy, i have a big bug in your script. When people are getting rich.. like 1000000 dollar, they are buying bidlevels all the time, like 5 in 1 second:

!buy bidlevel

!buy bidlevel

!buy bidlevel

So the server is getting very slow, is there a way to set a max bid level asap? Hope so, thanks :)

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Hi Scooy, i have a big bug in your script. When people are getting rich.. like 1000000 dollar, they are buying bidlevels all the time, like 5 in 1 second:

!buy bidlevel

!buy bidlevel

!buy bidlevel

So the server is getting very slow, is there a way to set a max bid level asap? Hope so, thanks :)

of course this wouldnt have been a problem if u hadnt made them so cheap...

but yeah.

ok find this line:

if (%item == bidlevel) %price = $pgs.incbidlevel($1)

it should be around line 352, its in the alias pgs.fixedbuy.

replace this line with:

 if (%item == bidlevel) {
   if ($pgs.bidlevel($1,$2) < 20) %price = $pgs.incbidlevel($1)
   else {
     mta.pm $1 $2 Max Bidlevel Reached!

as u can see its set to 20, u can change this to whatever u like.

also u should think about the prices of things more..

then u wont get this problem.

any probs, just let me know.

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The bidlevels cost $100000. Don't think thats so cheap.... But it's working :D Perfect! Thank you so much!

well i dont see how u guys, again seem to have so much money...

i started with 5000, with max bid of 1000, 25k per bidlevel, im up to level 10 now, and still it seems ok. i run this on 3 other servers with the same settings and none of them seem to be having any problems either.

so either ur server is full 24/7 or u need to maybe increase prices:P

whats ur server called? i want to come and see how its running...

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hmm i wrote it for some1... they just asked for it but i wasnt sure how it works, its on the forum around here somewhere.

Ahh i see, i think i get u now. when i wrote it, the explaination for its use was a little vague. so this is just for admins? coz surely if anyone could use it, it would be abused?

No,is not for admins only..well..is like this..a player can !rec someone for what a good thing he has done...he can only rec ONCE ,per a time which HeadAdmin should set...so players can't abuse..and when !top command is accesed,then if you have the most recs(recomendations) ,you will be shown in the top..

if this was discussed ,sorry but I can't find anything regarding to this, if I search...

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Scooby!!! I have a good idea! I think it's impossible but don't know what you can do.. The first bidlevel will be an amount of money, the next bidlevel (so from 2 to 3) will be twice that amount, from 3 tot 4: 3 times that amount :D That will make it more like a battle who will get the highest bidlevel and the highest amount of money, ill like it alot tho :D Hope you like it too and could make that command for me in line 352 :D

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seems a good idea, not sure if its an easy change for me to explain tho :/

open ur script and replace all instances of: $pgs.incbidlevel($1)

with: $calc($pgs.incbidlevel($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2))

u will also need to change the item message price to something like POA

since it will vary for every player.

i will add this to the next version if u want to wait.

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Well i have finished adding the things needed, its currently running on 2 servers and im fixing bugs when i find them.

ive been pretty busy just lately so i havent had much time to do anything to it.

i also made a top 100 times map rank system (this is variable from 1 to 999), im not sure if im going to add this yet tho.

i doubt it will be long before i release it, i just want to iron out as many bugs as i can b4 i do so, theres not many major changes for the user, most things are for admins.

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