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X-Treme Roleplay 2.01

Guest Xtreme

What is your opinion on the quality and "fun-ness" in X-Treme Roleplay?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your opinion on the quality and "fun-ness" in X-Treme Roleplay?

    • The best there is.
    • I like it just as much as others.
    • It is fun, but I would like to wait for more features.
    • I really don't understand it at all.
    • It is the worst rubbish yet.

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A New Life™

Introduction: Let me start off by saying that this is my first post under this user account on these forums, however I'd like to make my first appearance worthwile. I, along with a staff of 6 people over a period of 1 month made this script possible hopefully for all of you to enjoy. There is a myriad amount of commands, admin and player. Following this is a list of features for this Roleplay Script.

Features: The following features are included in this version of the script:

  • -"Player Injector"- On demand updates the user's variables in the "Nick-Serv" configuration file. When new variables are needed, the injector version will upgrade and only the new variables will be "Injected."
    -"Nick-Server"- As with most nick servers, you store arrays of variables for every user compiled into one file; I'm sure you know what this is. ;)
    -Player Banking- Users have the option to create a bank account with a unique 4-Digit PIN™ number. This will grant users, obviously, rights to store money in the bank, wire money between accounts, etc.
    -Automatic Teller Machine- Like the bank, except you can only activate your account and withdraw money from your bank account. You cannot deposit or wire.
    -Cars- Defined in an INI file, "cars.ini," (changable by server owners...) you will be able to purchase and sell your cars at Sunshine Autos. It will log the date of purchase, price, if it has an Alarm (see next section), and more. However, some cars have been legalized around Vice City, therefore making them not for sale (e.g. Police Cars, Firetruck, and Kaufman Cab). Note that any player at a given time can own two VEHICLES, including helicopters and motorbikes.
    -Alarms- The advantages of owning a car is not only to cruise around, but quite honestly to protect the value of the car itself. For only a mere $1,000 dollars, you can protect your prized possession by purchasing an alarm, with the availability to turn it on and off. If a player enters your car whislt the alarm is on as DRIVER, that player will be automatically suspected for car jacking!
    -Cops and Robbers- As with most RPG's out there, you need a cop and robber system, for they are the main counterparts of RPGs. There are several features in this RPG that accomodate Cops and Robbers alone. These include: Wanted System (suspecting, unsuspecting), Jailing (cops can jail wanted users for 1-5 minutes in any given cell), Surrendering, Bank Robbery (robbers rob the bank, they have to stay in there for 2:30 until they are allowed to run, then after 7 minutes, if they are still wanted, they get away with the money), and Controlled Shooting (just a general rule...) :D Some more features are not listed however...
    -Properties- All throughout Vice City, there are over 100 user-defined properties that are available for sale. Each of the properties has been set up as a Business or Home type class. The property prices can be changed in the "properties.ini" configuration file. There is not a lot to do with a property yet, but be informed that there is a giant surprise awaiting you, which more information can be found at the bottom of this post.
    -10-Level Administration System- Users can log in and log out of their personal defined accounts, auto-login support, and level support (0 being a member). Basically, there are 11 technical levels with 0 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, each level having their own unique commands. I won't go into great detail explaining this for the best explination lies within the commands found near the bottom of this post.
    -Server Message - Defined in "utils.ini", you can set the server message for when a player connects to your server.

Okay, enough of explaining, I'm sure you would like to see all of the player commands associated with this version:

  • X-Treme Registration System
    **Note that you do NOT need a email address, but you are welcome to use it as your password.
    /msg register - Registers you to the server. Think of a unique password to use.
    /msg login - This command will log you into your account, as well as your pin code.
    /msg logout - This command logs you out of your account if you were logged in.
    Banking and ATM System
    **To use this, place /msg bank in front of each of the below:
    **Note that you can only withdraw money using an ATM Machine.
    close - Another security feature to prevent transactions and bank hackers.
    help () - This displays help for each of the features below as a method.
    register - Create a new account witht the bank with a 4 digit pin number.
    validate - As a security feature, use this to open the account when closed or locked.
    **The following do not need /msg bank in front of them:
    !bank (!balance () - Displays the cash and bank of the player.
    !cash () - Displays the current cash the player has on them.
    !dep(osit)/!bank+ - Deposit all or specific number of money without using a long command.
    !give/!send <$> - Use this to send somebody a NUMERIC value of money that you have.
    !money () - Displays the cash and bank of the player.
    !wire <$> - Wires money from your BANK account to their BANK account.
    !withdraw/!wd/!bank- - Withdraw all or specific amounts of money without /msg bank.
    Car Ownership System
    **Note that you can only own two vehicles at any given time.
    !infocar - This displays information on the car, such as sales, owner, and date bought.
    !buycar - This allows you to buy the car you are in, if it is not legally owned.
    !sellcar - Use this to sell the car if you are the owner of it, depending on your damage.
    !alarm buy - This will rig your car with an alarm, which will help prevent Car Jackers!
    !alarm on - This will activate your alarm if you have purchased it already.
    !alarm off - This will deactivate your alarm if already activated.
    Property Ownership System
    **Note that you can only own one house and one business at any given time.
    **Also, you can buy and sell properties at the Retailing Department in Downtown if you wish.
    !infoprop () - This will display the price and ownership status of a property by it's id.
    !buyprop () - This will allow you to purchase a property, business or home.
    !sellprop () - This will sell your property, giving you a full refund.
    !invent - This will display the current properties you own; one business and house.
    Player Status Commands
    **Note that the 3 listed below are only for cops, and are used to get a player's location and car.
    /msg ss call If you are a cop, use this to call the Secret Service for a player's information.
    /msg ss If you are a cop, once in a call, specify the name of the player.
    /msg ss end If you are a cop, use this to end the Secret Service call.
    !911 - Use this if you are in a desperate need of an ambulance, or police.
    !admin/!admins - Displays a list of admins with their levels who are online.
    !alt/!altitude () - Displays the altitude of a player below or above sea level.
    !area/!place () - Displays the current area of the player, which could be a property or city.
    !away - Displays a list of the people who are currently away.
    !car/!vehicle () - Displays the name of the car of the player, as well as its health.
    !cop(s) - Displays a list of all cops that are currently spawned.
    !count - Displays a 5 second countdown, which will run one instance at a time.
    !date - Displays the current date of the server in "Day - DD-MM-YYYY" format.
    !dutch - If somebody is speaking Dutch only, use this to tell them to speak English.
    !en - Use this to tell somebody that the server's language is English.
    !hp/!health - Displays the health of the player along with [||||||||||] bars.
    !id () - Displays the ID number of the player, which is useful when sending cash.
    !idle () - Displays the amount of time a player has been idle in hours mins and secs.
    !in - Displays a number of players who are participating ingame.
    !info - Displays the script's information in terms of name and scripter.
    !jail <1> - A cop command to jail wanted people to a cell for 1 to 5 minutes.
    !list in - Displays the names of players, if any, who are participating ingame.
    !list out - Displays the names of players, if any, who are not participating ingame.
    !loc(ation) () - Displays the current area of the player, which could be a property or city.
    !mexican(s) - Displays a list of the currently spawned mexicans in the server.
    !nl - If somebody is speaking Dutch only, use this to tell them to speak English.
    !out - Diplays a number of players who are not participating ingame.
    !ping - Displays the ping of the player in milliseconds.
    !robbank - This command enables robbers to commit a robbery.
    !robber(s) - Displays a list of the currently spawned robbers in the server.
    !sailor(s) - Displays a list of the currently spawned sailors in the server.website.
    !skin - Displays the current skin of the selected player by it's name.
    !speed - Displays the current speed of the player in miles per hour.
    !speedlimit/!limit - Displays the current speed limit on the server. It's defaulty is 90 m.p.h.
    !su(r(render)) () - Displays that the specified player should surrender to the cops in a police chase.
    !sus(pect) - Puts a user on the Wanted List so that all cops know to arrest/kill the player.
    !ss/!secretservice(s) - Displays a list of the currently spawned secret service in the server.
    !stat(s) - Shows everyone the kills, deaths, and ratio of the user only if registered.
    !taxi - Use this to call at taxi over to your location if you have been stranded.
    !time - Displays the current time of the server host in "HH-MM A/P" format.
    !version - Displays the current version of the script that is being used and the its date.
    Admin Status Commands
    !ban () - Bans the player's ip from the server. (Level 6+)
    !cloud(s/y) - Changes the weather to cloudy. (Level 1+)
    !constant - Changes the weather if not off to constant weather. (Level 3+)
    !evening - Changes the time to evening. (Level 1+)
    !fog - Changes the weather to fog. (Level 1+)
    !givecash - Adds a value of cash to a player. (Level 10)
    !ip - PM's a player's IP address. (Level 1+)
    !kick () - Kicks a player from the server. (Level 1+)
    !kill - Kills a player; used in hacker prevention. (Level 4+)
    !memo - Displays the current memo. (Level 1+)
    !midnight - Changes the time to midnight. (Level 1+)
    !morning - Changes the time to morning. (Level 1+)
    !noon - Changes the time to noon. (Level 1+)
    !rain - Changes the weather of rain. (Level 1+)
    !resetcash - Resets the cash of a player. (Level 10)
    !resetstat - Resets the statistics of the player; kills and deaths. (Level 5+)
    !setlevel - Sets the level of the player; says promote and demote as well. (Level 10)
    !setping - Sets the maximum ping of the server from off - 900. (Level 10)
    !setprop - Sets the type and cost of a property, with 1 being business and 2 being house. (Level 1+)
    !slap - Slaps the player once. (Level 3+)
    !setcash - Sets a value of cash of a player. (Level 10)
    !subnetban () - Bans the player's subnet; used primarily with hackers. (Level 8+)
    !sun - Changes the weather to sun. (Level 1+)
    !tempban () [Thank you lil Toady!] - Temporarily bans the player from the server. (Level 5+)
    !unwire - Unwires the player, making him/her allowed to speak. (Level 3+)
    !wire () - Prevents a player from typing a message or using commands. (Level 3+)
    /msg memoserv - Changes the memo of the server, message must be at least 8 characters in length. (Level 1+)

The infamous "How do I make money" question: Well, simply, the only current way to gain revenue is jailing or killing wanted criminals, robbing the bank, or pleading administrators for money. However, see the last section (recalled from above as the special surprise) for the best ways to make money in the next version.


Description: The major update that will be taking place over the next weeks will include the long-awaited property management system. This system basically incorporates business owners to truely understand what it takes to run a shop. They will be able to set stock, employee ranks, wages, and much much more. The system will contain about 10 commands (still undecided). The limits will include 5 ranks, each with their own position names and wages, 20 settable items with their unique price, a maximum of 15 employees per business, business slogans and advertisements, hiring and firing, unemployment line, business cars with alarms, base wage, and the popular business reputation. Below is a list of the possible commands that will be used:

!hire - Hires an employee if you are the business owner.

!fire - Fires a hired employee.

!setitem <1> - Sets an items price or name to whatever you specify it as.

!setrank <1> - Sets a business rank (5 supported)'s name or hourly wage.

!promote - Promotes an employee to a rank.

!demote - Demotes an employee to a rank.

!setbase - Sets the minimum wage of your business which all employees get.

!slogan - Set your business's personalized slogan.

!advertise - Pay for advertisements in the Vice City Newspaper.

!inventory - Displays the inventory of stock in your business.

!managers - Displays the shop's managers.

!rank - Displays an employee's current rank.

!employee(s) - Lists all the employees that work for you.

!reputation - Displays your business reputation from 1-100.

Conclusion: Well, I hope you enjoyed this 'brief' description of this Roleplay script. I really enjoy making scripts for the MTA community, however this is my first real 'big' release. I know that there are some people who will download this and edit everything, texts, info, command names, you name it. Personally, that's fine. My scripting experiences are not based on who plagurizes or uses it fairly, but how well people understand it...which makes all the difference! So, I hope you enjoyed reading this long post, and be prepared for a release with the special surprise inside (I don't know when, busy in school).


Read Me: You will need the following files to run this script:

==Version 2.01==

  • -Fixed Admin Command Updates for all levels
    -Repaired injector bug causing value mess-ups for vehicles.
    -Removed corrupted lines in mta.data.ini, which were never used...
    -Updated admin commands list in this post!
    -Fixed !setprop command entirely (fully tested)
    -Thouroughly looked over other bugs found during testing.
    -Tested buycar, yet there were no original bugs!

Script Files: http://www.sendspace.com/file/pyqrau

MTA.DATA.INI: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ii4pxz

Note: Please please please report all bugs that you can find to me either in this post, my email, or on msn! Simple mistakes like the above are quite embarrasing...;) Well enjoy!


==Version 2.0==

-Script Files: http://www.sendspace.com/file/urx6vb

MTA.DATA.INI: http://www.sendspace.com/file/m0qdiu

Enjoy! P.S. You can find my staff around MTA with the tag =XRP= (main members: =XRP=ReGeX [me] and =XRP=Koolio) - Tara! :D

Edited by Guest
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Lines 123 and 136 are broken in your mta.data.ini.

and i miss the [AREA1] section.

Furthermore i see allot of complex polygons in mta.data.ini, it's possible to work with those but making the area's rectangle would save some CPU time.

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Furthermore i see allot of complex polygons in mta.data.ini, it's possible to work with those but making the area's rectangle would save some CPU time.

Yeah >.< never really thought about it, but you bring up a good point! :) That's probably why I was laggy upon doing !location ;)

Look's not to bad yet i never got a chance to test it out.

By the way i like you're Lance Vance pic up there!

Heh, thanks! That Lance image took me some time :) P.S. I hope you enjoy your test! :D

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I found that the !setprop doesn't work :S.

I ran the server and the script's on my other pc so i didn't exprience any lagg or such.

When in-game as Admin-lvl-10 when i type !command's not all command's will show like !ban and etc.

The !buycar script work's but when a player register's and come's in and type's !buycar at Sunshine auto's it will come up as You cannot own more then 2 cars! yet the player never bought anything.

Hmm i will put more script error's and etc.

I only had one try to try it out.

And all other it is good!

P.S oh yeah i cannot Activate Account on you're forum's

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Hmmm the !setprop doesn't work :S.

Heh, that command was not intentionally supposed to be in the release, and therefore was never tested! But thanks for following up on that. :)

When in-game as Admin-lvl-10 type !command's not all command's will show like !ban and etc.

Yeah, sorry about that...I forgot to update the commands lists when new commands arrived, but I'll keep it in mind!

The !buycar script work's but when a player register's and come's in and type's !buycar at Sunshine auto's it will come up as You cannot own more then 2 cars! yet the player never bought anything.

Hmm, I'll have to check that out ;) It's probably an easy fix though! :D Be sure that the injector works on your server, or else it probably would not work propertly...:)

Thanks for your support, as I said specific bugs like those have not thouroughly been tested out. By the way, if you are trying to register to my website...the registration module is down! :) It'll be fixed up when I have time later tonight. ;) P.S. The website is only about 3 days old and is still under construction! :D Tara 8) I will look into those bugs in an hour or so :)

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Sorry for the double post, I just wanted to alert users of the new version, 2.01, which is available in the first post! Also, note the admin commands list on the first post has been updated as well. Tara :D

Note- Please read the changelog and the text after the downloads! :)

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you could add an updater so people dont have to keep checking back here for the updates

Use my l33t updater of doom rifk.

;// Updater //
alias mta.update {
 if ($dialog(mta)) {
   if (!$sock(mta.update.check)) {      
     mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: Checking for updates...
     !sockopen mta.update.check home.deds.nl 80
 else {
   !echo $color(info) -ae * /mta.update: not started
dialog -l mta.update {
 title "Updater"
 size -1 -1 94 98
 option dbu
 icon $scriptdirmta.ico, 0
 button "Yes", 1, 8 84 37 12
 button "No", 2, 52 84 37 12, ok
 edit "", 3, 2 2 90 54, multi return vsbar
 text "Status:", 4, 2 58 19 8
 text "", 5, 22 58 69 14
 box "", 6, 2 70 90 11
 text "", 7, 4 74 86 5
on *:sockopen:mta.update.check: {
 if ($dialog(mta)) {
   if (!$sockerr) {
     !.remove mta.update.tmp
     !sockwrite -n $sockname GET /~aeron/mtama/4.0/mta.tmp $+(HTTP/1.1,$crlf,Host: home.deds.nl,$crlf,Connection: Close,$crlf,$crlf)
   else mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: Connection problems.
on *:sockread:mta.update.check: {
 if ($dialog(mta)) {
   !sockread &a
   while ($sockbr != 0) {
     !bwrite mta.update.tmp -1 &a
     !sockread &a
on *:sockclose:mta.update.check: {
 if ($dialog(mta)) {
   !bread mta.update.tmp 1 $file(mta.update.tmp).size &a
   !bcopy -c &a 1 &a $calc($bfind(&a,1,10 13 10)+3) -1
   !.remove mta.update.tmp
   !bwrite mta.update.tmp 0 &a
   if ($ini(mta.update.tmp,info) == 0) {
     !.remove mta.update.tmp
     mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: Invalid update file.
   else {
     var %a = 2,%b
     while (%a <= $ini(mta.update.tmp,0)) {
       %b = $ini(mta.update.tmp,%a)
       if ($exists($scriptdir $+ %b)) && ($md5($scriptdir $+ %b,2) != $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%b,md5)) {
         if (!$dialog(mta.update)) {
           !dialog -v mta
           !dialog -ma mta.update mta.update
           !did -m mta.update 3
           !did -a mta.update 5 Download newer versions?
         !did -a mta.update 3 $+($crlf,File: %b,$crlf,Version: $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%b,version),$crlf,Info: $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%b,info),$crlf)
       else {
         !remini mta.update.tmp %b
         !dec %a
       !inc %a
   if (!$dialog(mta.update)) {
     !.remove mta.update.tmp
     mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: No updates.
on *:sockopen:mta.update.download: {
 if ($dialog(mta)) {
   if ($sockerr == 0) {
     var %a = $ini(mta.update.tmp,$sock($sockname).mark)
     if (%a == $null) {
       !did -a mta.update 5 Finished.
       !did -ea mta.update 1 Install
     else {
       !did -a mta.update 5 Downloading $+(",%a,")
       !did -r mta.update 7
       !.remove %a $+ .tmp
       !sockwrite -n $sockname GET /~aeron/mtama/4.0/ $+ %a $+(HTTP/1.1,$crlf,Host: home.deds.nl,$crlf,Connection: Close,$crlf,$crlf)
   else {
     !did -a mta.update 5 Connection error.
     !did -a mta.update 2 Close
on *:sockread:mta.update.download: {
 if ($dialog(mta)) {
   var %a = $ini(mta.update.tmp,$sock($sockname).mark)
   !sockread &a
   while ($sockbr != 0) {
     !did -a mta.update 7 $str(l,$calc(86/ $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%a,Size) * $sock($sockname).rcvd))
     !bwrite %a $+ .tmp -1 &a
     !sockread -f &a
on *:sockclose:mta.update.download: {
 if ($dialog(mta)) {
   var %a = $ini(mta.update.tmp,$sock($sockname).mark)
   !bread %a $+ .tmp 1 $file(%a $+ .tmp).size &a
   !bcopy -c &a 1 &a $calc($bfind(&a,1,10 13 10)+3) -1
   !.remove %a $+ .tmp
   !bwrite %a $+ .tmp 0 &a
   if ($md5(%a $+ .tmp,2) != $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%a,md5)) {
     !did -a mta.update 5 md5 mismatch on $+(",%a,")
     !did -a mta.update 2 Close
   else !.timer 1 0 $sockname $calc(1+$sock($sockname).mark)
alias -l mta.update.download {
 !sockopen mta.update.download home.deds.nl 80
 !sockmark mta.update.download $1
on *:DIALOG:mta.update:close:0:!sockclose mta.update.* $findfile($mircdir,*.tmp,0,1,!.remove " $+ $1-")
on *:DIALOG:mta.update:sclick:1: {
 if (Yes == $did(mta.update,1)) {
   !did -a mta.update 5 Connecting...
   !did -b mta.update 1
   !did -a mta.update 2 Cancel
   !sockclose mta.update.download
   mta.update.download 2
 elseif (Install == $did(mta.update,1)) {
   !did -a mta.update 5 Installing...
   var %a = 2,%b
   while ($ini(mta.update.tmp,%a) != $null) {
     !.copy -o $v1 $+ .tmp $+(",$scriptdir,$v1,")
     !inc %a
   !.load -rs1 $+(",$script,")
on *:DIALOG:mta.update:sclick:2: {
 mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: No cancelled.

I'm sure ur good enough to alter this script to link it to your functions & website. Expect around 3000 hits tops per month. (mta.tmp stats)

File format:

Info=Fixed record script: http://home.deds.nl/~aeron/scripts/4.0/mta.stats2.mrc

Edited by Guest
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pretty nice, but you have to read some more scripting.html ;) i could make that script to be about 50kb if not less

Your script will not work for long on crowded servers coz of how you use the INIs :P Well, i can point you to some places to tweak but it will take long and like most of you could have noticed im very lazy :P

pm me if yon need some help

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Thank you for your support Toady, Aeron, and nice suggestion kevuwk! I'd be happy to use your updater code Aeron ;)

As for you Toady, I'll get back with you on that ;) I've been quite busy, and don't know when I can release a newer version...but nice points! 8)

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok Thanks ;)^^

now iam in game


PM from Admin: Pr0xY's vehicle is unavailable.


PM from Admin: Pr0xY's HP: 0%. [-]

Pr0xY: !loc Pr0xY

PM from Admin: Pr0xY's location is unavailable.

script bug???

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ok Thanks ;)^^

now iam in game


PM from Admin: Pr0xY's vehicle is unavailable.


PM from Admin: Pr0xY's HP: 0%. [-]

Pr0xY: !loc Pr0xY

PM from Admin: Pr0xY's location is unavailable.

script bug???

its the admin+ thing again, check the mta:ma settings, admin+ receives 1 more packet which contains all that data

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  • 8 months later...

This is for VC? :roll:

Maybe you should tell to ppl what for this is, else someone may try this to race mod.

have you even read the first post? :roll:

Yes, very carefully.

Now i see you can know it from the image, but it would be better to see in name or somewhere.

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