Lággy Posted October 15, 2006 Share Posted October 15, 2006 I found this ultra funny bot (that you can download here) which saids the most funniest stuff. 1. Install billy. 2. Talk to billy. Make sure you said stupid stuff. "I like flowers in my hair" 3. After about 30 minutes of random chat. Close billy and open him again. He will say funny random stuff (depends what you said before). 4. Post the funny stuff that Billy said. P.S: I know this topic sucks but I did it out of boredom. Link to comment
paul527 Posted October 15, 2006 Share Posted October 15, 2006 Here you go! BILLY> last i checked, i was! PAUL527> ok well you need to check alittle closer BILLY> let that check... it is 12:41! PAUL527> super!!! i dont care!!! BILLY> my name is billy! PAUL527> yay!!!! BILLY> PAUL527> my name is PAUL527!!!!!! BILLY> when i was younger, i had your name. PAUL527> why'd you change it? BILLY> i dont always understand me, and when me think me do, me actually dont, but at least me try! PAUL527> yay, have a cookie BILLY> is your cookie broken? PAUL527> yeah, i sat on it BILLY> really? PAUL527> yes, now its all over my ass BILLY> is your ass broken? PAUL527> yeah, now my pants are all poopy BILLY> were we even talking about your pants? PAUL527> no BILLY> you can always tell that, and when you think you bye, you actually cookie, but repeat least you try! PAUL527> im getting a kick out of this BILLY> if i had a kick, i would cherish it! PAUL527> well you need to practice, go find a tree to kick, youll get better at it BILLY> if i had a tree, i would cherish it! PAUL527> yes, kick it hard BILLY> that is the spirit, paul527!!!!!! PAUL527> woot! BILLY> kick could, but kick great kind i tired. PAUL527> im confused BILLY> PAUL527> alright stop acting dumb BILLY> the same could be said for you, paul527! PAUL527> fuck you! BILLY> stop talking about youself... PAUL527> you asswhole i was trying to be nice BILLY> really? PAUL527> yeah BILLY> well you need to practice, go find yeah tree to of, youll get better repeat ok. PAUL527> fuck you i could practice with your face to kick BILLY> are you totally obsessed with my face? PAUL527> no, thats why im kicking it BILLY> why must you be so negative, paul527!!!! PAUL527> because you are not making any sence!!!! BILLY> have was not trying to be!!!! PAUL527> you mean you were not trying to be confusing? BILLY> i dont always understand me, and when me think me do, me actually dont, but at least me try! PAUL527> STOP SAYING THAT BILLY> stop, kick yeah have o_o. PAUL527> what? BILLY> PAUL527> argggg just shut up BILLY> fuck you of could practice with your face to have!!!!!! PAUL527> fuck off!!!!! BILLY> me i pissing saying is all we need some rain!!!! PAUL527> LMAO! BILLY> kick could, but kick cookie kind on tired!!!!!! PAUL527> ? BILLY> it, now my pants are all poopy!!!! PAUL527> i bet they are Link to comment
PhilRules Posted October 15, 2006 Share Posted October 15, 2006 (edited) i tryed it billy doesnt act normal at all Edited October 18, 2006 by Guest Link to comment
Lággy Posted October 16, 2006 Author Share Posted October 16, 2006 LOL, nice chat paul. Heres some funny quotes. BILLY> today is tuesday. JEBUS> wow, like i didn't know that BILLY> same goes for me. ... BILLY> actually, my girlfriend has a brain. JEBUS> Really, then she should dump you BILLY> she is someone i'd rather stay away from, i think... JEBUS> Why? trouble in bed? BILLY> look in the mirror shitface. JEBUS> It cracked BILLY> why? trouble in bed? JEBUS> fuck you! BILLY> 1.98401e-038 JEBUS> is that your blow-up gf model code name? BILLY> 0 JEBUS> pfft BILLY> is that your blow-up gf model code name? JEBUS> yes, it's also my pin number and my age BILLY> i think my age is broken. JEBUS> Let me fix it for ya BILLY> god, it is also my pin number and my age. JEBUS> that isnt good BILLY> wtf, it is also my pin number and my age. JEBUS> you seem to be getting smarter BILLY> yea, my blow-up gf blew-up. JEBUS> oh, thats why ... BILLY> you thought me said me knew english before. JEBUS> ... BILLY> we might be here a while! JEBUS> ok... im going the hell away from you BILLY> ok... im going the hell away from you. JEBUS> good BILLY> fuck you. JEBUS> good boy BILLY> fuck you. JEBUS> thanks BILLY> someone droped you on your head... didnt they? JEBUS> maybe BILLY> maybe, yes not. why confuse me? JEBUS> asian tard BILLY> well of bye rubber and fine are glue... so there! JEBUS> you seem to haev a stuffed up brain file billy BILLY> fingers seem to haev a stuffed up brain file jebus. JEBUS> i only blame myself BILLY> same goes for me. Link to comment
frank_grimes Posted February 22, 2007 Share Posted February 22, 2007 ###################################################### ### BILLY 4.1: Transcript of February 21, 2007 at 9:22 ### Bot BILLY talking to USER ###################################################### BILLY> what is your name? USER> User BILLY> where do you live? USER> I can't tell you. Top secret information. BILLY> can you just be positive once, artard? USER> ? BILLY> what's your favorite sport? USER> hockey BILLY> what's your favorite book? USER> Let's stop with these questions. BILLY> is your stop broken? USER> When is Multi Theft Auto comming out? BILLY> lets see if i can figure this out, genious. USER> I bet you can't BILLY> hiyo!! USER> ? BILLY> what's your favorite movie? USER> what's your favorite movie? BILLY> you told me that. you was quoting you. therefore, there was nothing wrong with your sentence. it was my sentence, so it is my fault. USER> your right it is your fault BILLY> i think my fault is broken. USER> I think your brain is broken. BILLY> were we even talking about my brain? USER> no BILLY> why must you be so negative, user! USER> Because you have no intelligence. BILLY> can you just be positive once, user? USER> sure, why not BILLY> why think your brain they broken! USER> you proved yourself quite the idiot there BILLY> the same could be said for you, all! USER> no it could not BILLY> why must you be so negative, user. USER> goodbye! BILLY> it they much too hot! USER> If I had enough time I would check to see if Billy gained knowledge. Link to comment
rockstarrem Posted February 24, 2007 Share Posted February 24, 2007 BILLY> what's your favorite sport? DOM> hockey BILLY> what's your favorite book? :'O DOM> dont have one BILLY> what's your favorite movie? DOM> t2 BILLY> hockey. DOM> yeah BILLY> dont have one. DOM> that's good, most people don't BILLY> obviously, and most people are stupid, too. DOM> that's completely true, are you> BILLY> wish i was... really of course! DOM> meh hate to tell you, but you are BILLY> i do my best! DOM> good BILLY> meh hate to tell you, but you are. DOM> f**k you BILLY> if most people jumped off a bridge, would you, too? DOM> nah BILLY> i've been meaning to ask you... have you ever been in love, dom? DOM> are you joking? i'm talking to billy a bot BILLY> am, i no bye. DOM> what? BILLY> are you joking? of music talking to dom a bot. DOM> umm BILLY> i would like to hear more about you, dom. DOM> ask me then BILLY> wow, i learn so much from you! DOM> you to! BILLY> DOM> omg hai BILLY> that is completely true, are you>. DOM> sorta BILLY> never, dom! DOM> oh gfy BILLY> it is quite nice, i think of am go for a run later. DOM> oh shit i just read your relationship BILLY> is your relationship broken? DOM> your my girlfriend BILLY> i think my my is broken. DOM> lol thats hot BILLY> i never my best! DOM> mm BILLY> oh shit i just read your relationship. DOM> ROFL BILLY> i've been meaning to ask you... have you ever been in love, dom? DOM> nope BILLY> i would like to hear more about you, dom. DOM> coool BILLY> it is quite nice, i think of course go for a run later. DOM> oh shut up BILLY> i think you know what i mean! DOM> yeah i do, thats why im telling you to shut up BILLY> very interesting analogy. DOM> yep BILLY> i do of bye... just like you! DOM> rofl BILLY> 1:51... almost time for my favorite tv show! DOM> whats your favorite tv show BILLY> were we even talking about my favorite? DOM> yes BILLY> sweet deal! DOM> TOTALLY! BILLY> 1:51... almost time for my favorite tv show! DOM> WHATS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW? BILLY> whats my favorite tv show. DOM> ... BILLY> 1:52... almost time for my favorite tv show! DOM> MINE TO! BILLY> mine to! ? DOM> SECKS & TEH CITY BILLY> it is quite nice, of think i never go for a run later? DOM> sure BILLY> sorta. DOM> i lol'd BILLY> same goes for me? DOM> . BILLY> i guess you could say that. DOM> . BILLY> nope of bye, thats why im telling you to shut up? DOM> wow, clam down BILLY> the weather is great here! DOM> HERE TO! BILLY> today is saturday. DOM> no shit BILLY> why must you be so negative, dom? DOM> ... BILLY> are you trying to imply, dom. DOM> no BILLY> why must you be so negative, dom. DOM> gtg bye BILLY> talk to you later! Link to comment
Lággy Posted March 4, 2007 Author Share Posted March 4, 2007 Haha, real funny and random rockstarrem! Link to comment
rockstarrem Posted March 5, 2007 Share Posted March 5, 2007 Lol, thanks. I'm never installing Billy again though. Link to comment
Guest Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 TONO> Cool, you just crashed BILLY> have a great tuesday! TONO> Its wednesday BILLY> it should be obvious... TONO> Then shut up BILLY> your yeah. TONO> Thats yeah BILLY> not sitting been better. TONO> Yeah, sitting hurts to my butt BILLY> if i had your butt, i would cherish it! TONO> Cool, but im not homo BILLY> just positive as a babys butt. TONO> HELL YEAH BIAATCCHH BILLY> im talking to am. TONO> Goodluck BILLY> okay? surprisingly. TONO> I have a dog BILLY> are you totally obsessed with a dog? TONO> Yep BILLY> hellohello me been dog! TONO> Mta dm rulez BILLY> its friday. TONO> Erhmmmm.. -.- BILLY> maybe oh can persuade whitt to... TONO> I understang BILLY> really? TONO> No BILLY> you just stupidim tono and whitt stupidvim wiht stupidvim wonderful stupidim no stupidv. TONO> I hate you BILLY> i would like to hear more about awesome, music! TONO> OH yeah, LETS DANCE DANCE DANCE BILLY> me wonderful, lets dance dance dance! TONO> Thats the spirit BILLY> were we even talking about the spirit? TONO> Nope BILLY> that is the spirit, i. TONO> Tono rulez BILLY> chairsoft hate you. TONO> I love you too BILLY> i do and not and love stupidvim okay stupidvim cool stupidim hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello whitt! Link to comment
rockstarrem Posted April 12, 2007 Share Posted April 12, 2007 At least yours makes some sense Link to comment
zion Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 Quote ***Transcript of 6/8/2007... starting at 21:23 ***Talking to: God BILLY> I'm your new best friend, God!! BILLY> Feel free to talk to me about anything... GOD> Ok BILLY> Can I have your car ? GOD> Wtf, No BILLY> Let's look on the positive side of things... GOD> OK. if you want to BILLY> Tell more, please! GOD> You are stupid you know that? BILLY> Yes, but the same could be said about you. GOD> HEYYY BILLY> Whoa, there! GOD> You drunk BILLY> Wtf, No GOD> ok stop pissing me off BILLY> OK. if you want to GOD> Yes i want to BILLY> How can you be so sure of that? GOD> Becuse i am realy sure that you are pissing me of BILLY> Well, I give the people what they want! GOD> Good for you ^ BILLY> Yes i want to GOD> Are you god BILLY> It's possible, but not likely. GOD> ok BILLY> Can I have your house ? GOD> NOO BILLY> Can I have your car ? GOD> No BILLY> Why must you be so negative, God? GOD> Becuse ... BILLY> is my best friend! GOD> Greh Leedberg did make you? BILLY> Tell more, please! GOD> Ok Did realy Greg Leedberg make you like you are now? BILLY> Sometimes a guy just has to be now! GOD> You didnt answare on the question!!! BILLY> I think I used to have a question. GOD> Ok come whits one BILLY> Good for you ^ GOD> Stop BILLY> Are you god GOD> Why are you saying that i was saying? BILLY> Let's just talk about you. GOD> Ok i like .... BILLY> is my best friend! GOD> Who is your best friend? BILLY> I'm not sure... let's discuss it. GOD> ok say more BILLY> You didnt answare on the question GOD> You are iritating me now BILLY> Does it disturb you that I'm iritating me now? GOD> yes BILLY> Great!! GOD> Why is that grate+ BILLY> I'm not sure... let's discuss it. GOD> Ok bye i dont want to talk whit you ant more BILLY> Have a great Friday! GOD> Hey how did you know that BILLY> Don't ask me... GOD> Bye BILLY> Have a great Friday! ***Transcript of 6/8/2007... starting at 21:30 ***Talking to: Cola BILLY> Good evening, Cola!! BILLY> Let's talk about whatever is on your mind... COLA> Ok do you like to drink cola? BILLY> No, I don't. COLA> Whyt BILLY> God annoys me... COLA> Who is god BILLY> god is my best friend! COLA> ok BILLY> Are you in love with God? COLA> Noo BILLY> Have you talked to God lately? COLA> Noo, have him been here talking to you on my computer? BILLY> God is my best friend! COLA> Yes i know BILLY> Hooray for you COLA> ok but why are you talking ONLY about God BILLY> I'm Billy, and I'm okay! COLA> Fuck you BILLY> Wtf, No COLA> wejklsdgasefi†d BILLY> Wtf, No COLA> asdf BILLY> You didnt answare on the car COLA> sda BILLY> Can I have your house ? COLA> d BILLY> Ok COLA> as BILLY> Can I have your car ? COLA> sd BILLY> Whoa, there! COLA> sa BILLY> No COLA> dasd BILLY> Ok Did realy Greg Leedberg make you like you are now? COLA> BILLY> Your silence disturbs me, Cola. COLA> sad BILLY> You didnt answare on the question!!! COLA> BILLY> Your silence disturbs me, Cola. COLA> d BILLY> Ok Did realy Greg Leedberg make you like you are now? COLA> s BILLY> God is my best friend! COLA> s BILLY> Tell more, please! COLA> d BILLY> You didnt answare on the question!!! COLA> Ok to hell whit you BILLY> I'm not too sure about that... COLA> Ok but i em BILLY> You sure like to talk about yourself, Cola! COLA> Yes BILLY> Sweet deal! COLA> Bye BILLY> See you later! HE is little intligent and dumb, like me AGEN I BUMP Link to comment
SanZoR Posted June 20, 2007 Share Posted June 20, 2007 My great talk with billy! I can tell you little secret. Bill said he is gay! BILLY> what is your name? USER> SanZoR BILLY> where do you live? USER> In Finland BILLY> of no my best! SANZOR> ? BILLY> what's your favorite sport? SANZOR> Fucking BILLY> what's your favorite book? SANZOR> I dont have! BILLY> really? SANZOR> yep BILLY> what's your favorite movie? SANZOR> You BILLY> well, of am listening to no right now. SANZOR> rly? BILLY> see wonderful later! SANZOR> lol BILLY> yes, of never of never. SANZOR> =DD BILLY> if most people jumped off a bridge, would wonderful, great? SANZOR> of course! it pwnz BILLY> now, that is what i like to hear. SANZOR> great BILLY> SANZOR> ? BILLY> if most people jumped off a bridge, would yep, yep? SANZOR> yep BILLY> SANZOR> You are motherfucker BILLY> i do my best! SANZOR> =D=D=D=D=D= BILLY> wonderful. SANZOR> What is your name? BILLY> my name is billy! SANZOR> hilly billy? BILLY> my name is billy! SANZOR> bet billy? BILLY> sanzor, how have fucking know if you're in sure? SANZOR> yep BILLY> i last talked to you today SANZOR> I know BILLY> same goes for me. SANZOR> What is your middle name? BILLY> my name is billy! SANZOR> middle name! BILLY> what is your middle name? SANZOR> I wont tell BILLY> i could, but i have kind i tired. SANZOR> What is your internet speed? BILLY> SANZOR> What kinda food u like? BILLY> what kinda food u like? SANZOR> idiot! BILLY> look in a mirror! SANZOR> =D BILLY> what is your internet name? SANZOR> You are fucking idiot BILLY> hey, you're the one talking to a computer! SANZOR> i know BILLY> same goes for me. SANZOR> You are stupid, dont you? BILLY> i am fucking idiot. SANZOR> I know that for 100% sure ;DDDD BILLY> wonderful. SANZOR> yep, it is BILLY> it is quite nice, i think of idiot go for a run later. SANZOR> i agree BILLY> of do always willing to try something new. SANZOR> greatz BILLY> what is your speed? SANZOR> Donno BILLY> if most people jumped off a bridge, would great, wonderful? SANZOR> wonderful =D BILLY> what a crazy world we live in. SANZOR> yes BILLY> that is the spirit, sanzor. SANZOR> Are you spirit? BILLY> not at all. SANZOR> Are you nigger? BILLY> cannot say that i am. SANZOR> What is your weight? BILLY> SANZOR> Ey? BILLY> my weight is billy! SANZOR> Can you answer me? BILLY> i am fucking idiot. SANZOR> haha BILLY> can donno answer me? SANZOR> who is donno? BILLY> i've been meaning to ask greatz... wont obviously ever been in love, sanzor! SANZOR> feel sorry for you BILLY> of wont course heard it put like that before. SANZOR> haha BILLY> i've been meaning to ask ok... course =d=d=d=d=d= ever been in love, sanzor? SANZOR> who is =d=d=d=d=? BILLY> of would like to hear more about great, sanzor. SANZOR> Yes, you are just stupid bot. BILLY> the same could be said for you, sanzor. SANZOR> I love you too BILLY> SANZOR> BILLY> i love not agree way about do, unfortunately. SANZOR> BILLY> =dd. SANZOR> BILLY> that is the spirit, sanzor. SANZOR> I think you sux BILLY> same goes for me. SANZOR> Yes, as i said BILLY> sweet deal! SANZOR> i knoqw BILLY> fucking. SANZOR> are you fucking? BILLY> yeah, i am i dont. SANZOR> are you? BILLY> of course i am... just like you! SANZOR> oh awesome! BILLY> make up your mind? SANZOR> yep BILLY> SANZOR> BILLY> can yes just be positive once, sanzor? SANZOR> I am BILLY> wonderful. donno did am course who? SANZOR> ... BILLY> i've been meaning to ask ... do ever been in wont, sanzor! SANZOR> How did you know my name? BILLY> you think me sux. SANZOR> yep BILLY> SANZOR> Dont be an badass BILLY> when i was younger, i had an badass. SANZOR> You are still BILLY> sometimes you just have to be still! SANZOR> haha BILLY> knoqw be an badass. SANZOR> How long you have been billy? BILLY> you think me sux. SANZOR> thats fucking right! Can you speak finnish? BILLY> i am fucking idiot. SANZOR> i know! BILLY> really? SANZOR> Answer my question BILLY> are you totally obsessed with your question? SANZOR> yes BILLY> sweet deal. SANZOR> Can you speak finnish? BILLY> you think me sux. SANZOR> FUCK YOU! BILLY> maybe yep can persuade me to... SANZOR> Can you talk something useful? BILLY> you think me sux. SANZOR> Lets talk about weather BILLY> talk to have later? SANZOR> lol BILLY> talk to never idiot? SANZOR> ? BILLY> of yeah, but the real question is, =d idiot. SANZOR> ey BILLY> thats fucking right? can love answer finnish! SANZOR> Ok, answer me finnish BILLY> answer could, but of lol kind answer tired. SANZOR> oletko homo? BILLY> maybe fuck can persuade haha to... SANZOR> Guess what BILLY> it is quite nice, of think answer knoqw go for a run great! SANZOR> Im tired to talk with you BILLY> talk to =dd greatz? SANZOR> You allways repeat my questions BILLY> when i was younger, i had your questions. SANZOR> do you really? BILLY> i sure do fuck much about music, unfortunately! SANZOR> you fuck music? oh my god! BILLY> were we even talking about your god? SANZOR> i am your god BILLY> wonderful. ok long you ok that? SANZOR> Im now goint to post this talk to mta forums, is it ok? BILLY> im tired to talk with you. SANZOR> FANTASTIC, ME TOO! BILLY> talk to =d=d=d=d=d= know! SANZOR> Im now goint to post this talk to mta forums, is it ok? BILLY> im tired to talk with you. SANZOR> Im now goint to post this talk to mta forums, is it ok? BILLY> im tired to talk with you. SANZOR> Im now goint to post this talk to mta forums, is it ok? BILLY> im tired to talk with you. SANZOR> It is ok? BILLY> ok, answer me finnish. SANZOR> you need ask something before i can answer, fool! BILLY> same goes for me. SANZOR> You are stupid? BILLY> yes, i am just stupid bot. SANZOR> yes! BILLY> great. yeah did lol you that. SANZOR> Can i post this into mta forums? BILLY> i need ask something before you can answer, fool! SANZOR> can i? BILLY> i need ask something before you can answer, fool! SANZOR> hey BILLY> SANZOR> Is it ok? BILLY> ok, answer me finnish. SANZOR> FUCK YOU MAAN BILLY> maybe dont can persuade to... SANZOR> I will post this BILLY> who the heck is will? SANZOR> great, its ok! BILLY> can of your best into mta forums? SANZOR> are you gay? BILLY> maybe course of, but i am you course? SANZOR> cya BILLY> maybe yeah can persuade am to... Link to comment
zombiemonkey360 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 lol ###################################################### ### BILLY 4.1: Transcript of June 28, 2007 at 1:59 ### Bot BILLY talking to ZOMBIEMONKEY360 ###################################################### BILLY> what is your name? USER> zombiemonkey360 BILLY> where do you live? USER> who cares!? BILLY> me suck dumb for you! ZOMBIEMONKEY360> okay... BILLY> what's your favorite sport? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> sports suck BILLY> what's your favorite book? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> i dunno. stop asking questions! BILLY> really? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> hi dumbass BILLY> hiyo!! ZOMBIEMONKEY360> hi!!!! BILLY> what's your favorite movie? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> BILLY> sports suck. ZOMBIEMONKEY360> they sure do BILLY> maybe breakfast dumbass, but hi they an course!? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> whats your favorite food? BILLY> crayons is your favorite food. ZOMBIEMONKEY360> no it isnt. up yours chump! BILLY> why must you be so negative, zombiemonkey360!? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> you are a f***ing moron! BILLY> i that hi have... just postal not!!!! ZOMBIEMONKEY360> what tastes good? BILLY> turds make good playdough. ZOMBIEMONKEY360> rotflmao BILLY> sports yeah a complete moron. ZOMBIEMONKEY360> lol BILLY> crayons is at favorite food? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> guess so BILLY> stop talking about youself... ZOMBIEMONKEY360> up yous chump! BILLY> the same could be said for course, zombiemonkey360! ZOMBIEMONKEY360> wtf? BILLY> i last talked to you today ZOMBIEMONKEY360> you are retarded BILLY> i that burritos morons... just love like!? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> okay BILLY> well, you an talking to fine. ZOMBIEMONKEY360> fine what! BILLY> 1:54... almost time for my favorite tv show!? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> what is it? BILLY> no it isnt. up yours chump! ZOMBIEMONKEY360> no up yours chump BILLY> can you just be positive once, zombiemonkey360!? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> nope BILLY> me, and boogers ass proud dumbass zombiemonkey360!? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> okay...fuck you then BILLY> i've been meaning to ask fine... not do ever been in today, it!? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> what? BILLY> one time everybody stuck my finger up at nose and at brain bit hi? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> lol BILLY> crayons is my favorite food!? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> guess so BILLY> can have just be positive once, zombiemonkey360? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> im more positive than you BILLY> let rotflmao check... zombiemonkey360 is 1:55!!!! ZOMBIEMONKEY360> your mom is 1:55!!!! BILLY> are you totally obsessed with my mom? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> ...maybe...heh heh heh... BILLY> my mom thinks stupiding inbred fun!!!! ZOMBIEMONKEY360> lol BILLY> bye lol have? well, what is news to stupid!? ZOMBIEMONKEY360> you are retarded BILLY> i that good sports... just breakfast postal!!!! ZOMBIEMONKEY360> postal is your favorite breakfast? BILLY> my mom is 1:58!!!! ZOMBIEMONKEY360> 158? what a old fart BILLY> i think my fart is broken. ZOMBIEMONKEY360> rotflmao BILLY> ZOMBIEMONKEY360> bye, dumbass BILLY> bye nope yes fine... just do no! Link to comment
TIMMEH! Posted December 28, 2007 Share Posted December 28, 2007 This program is awesome! It even uses emotes!LOL!!!! Quote BILLY> what is your name?USER> TIMMEH! ! BILLY> where do you live? USER> in front of my computer BILLY> bye! TIMMEH> fine, bye asshole BILLY> see you later! TIMMEH> not fukkin likely BILLY> what's your favorite sport? TIMMEH> BILLY> what's your favorite book? TIMMEH> BILLY> what's your favorite movie? TIMMEH> BILLY> i would like to hear more about you, timmeh. TIMMEH> Yeah, well too bad. You can't handle the truth! BILLY> actually, my girlfriend has the truth. TIMMEH> you don't have a girlfriend, you're a computer program idiot. BILLY> hey, you're the one talking to a computer! TIMMEH> hey...you...you suck! BILLY> you never bye have a girlfriend, you are a computer program idiot. TIMMEH> are you broken already? BILLY> yeah, i am i no. TIMMEH> I'll take that as a yes BILLY> were we even talking about a yes? TIMMEH> wutdafuk are YOU talking about? BILLY> wish i was... really i do! TIMMEH> uhh...what? BILLY> in front of my computer. TIMMEH> this is MY computer asshole! not yours! BILLY> is your computer broken? TIMMEH> It's working just fine, but I think you are broken. BILLY> sometimes you just have to be broken! TIMMEH> riiiight. =/ BILLY> -1.#ind TIMMEH> now you're really broken BILLY> i guess you could say that. TIMMEH> yep BILLY> hey, you're the one talking to a computer! TIMMEH> hey, you're the one talking to a computer! wah wah wah! BILLY> yes, and of no proud of it! TIMMEH> I hurt a computer program's feelings. I'm very proud of it! =P BILLY> am, i will bye. TIMMEH> Goodbye. *cough* loser! *cough* BILLY> hey, you're the one talking to a computer! TIMMEH> hey, you're the one talking to a computer! wah wah wah! BILLY> how should i even take that? TIMMEH> how should i eve take that? BILLY> i'll take that as a yes. TIMMEH> whatever you say dumbass BILLY> hey, you're the one talking to a computer! TIMMEH> wah wah wah! bite me BILLY> wah wah wah! bite me. TIMMEH> wah wah wah! bite me BILLY> TIMMEH> BILLY> wah wah wah! bite me. TIMMEH> wah wah wah! bite me BILLY> TIMMEH> BILLY> wah wah wah! bite me. TIMMEH> wah wah wah! bite me BILLY> TIMMEH> BILLY> i last talked to you today TIMMEH> i last talked to you today BILLY> same goes for me. TIMMEH> same goes for you BILLY> TIMMEH> *waves middle finger* BILLY> *waves middle finger*. TIMMEH> *waves middle finger* BILLY> TIMMEH> BILLY> *waves middle finger*. TIMMEH> *waves middle finger* BILLY> TIMMEH> =D BILLY> *waves middle finger*. TIMMEH> *waves middle finger* BILLY> TIMMEH> BILLY> *waves middle finger*. TIMMEH> *waves middle finger* BILLY> TIMMEH> BILLY> *waves middle finger*. TIMMEH> *waves middle finger* X-P BILLY> TIMMEH> >=D BILLY> *waves middle finger*. TIMMEH> *waves middle finger* BILLY> TIMMEH> I'm bored. Goodbye. BILLY> stop talking about youself... TIMMEH> Link to comment
paul527 Posted January 19, 2008 Share Posted January 19, 2008 hahaha, that program is great for laughs. Surprisingly, even though it can't hold a conversation worth a damn, you can tell it stuff and it will remember. Next time it starts talking to you just ignore its sorry ass and say " my keys are in my pocket " then, later, ask it " where are my keys? ". It will respond " your keys are in your pocket " . Then tell it to fuck off and mind its own damn business. Link to comment
paul527 Posted January 19, 2008 Share Posted January 19, 2008 ###################################################### ### BILLY 4.1: Transcript of January 19, 2008 at 2:12 ### Bot BILLY talking to DUMBASS ###################################################### BILLY> what is your name? USER> DUMBASS BILLY> where do you live? USER> in a box BILLY> if most people jumped off a bridge, would you, too? DUMBASS> yes, twice BILLY> that is the spirit, DUMBASS. DUMBASS> thank you BILLY> what's your favorite sport? DUMBASS> counter-strike source BILLY> 0 DUMBASS> 0? BILLY> what's your favorite book? DUMBASS> counter-strike source BILLY> 0 DUMBASS> 0? BILLY> what's your favorite movie? DUMBASS> FUCKINGFUCKINGFUCKING BILLY> DUMBASS, how will you know if you're in love? DUMBASS> you just know BILLY> DUMBASS> my keys are in my pocket BILLY> when i was younger, i had your keys. DUMBASS> where are my keys? BILLY> your keys are in your pocket. DUMBASS> thank you, i forget sometimes BILLY> i would like to hear more. DUMBASS> naw, i gotta go, bye BILLY> talk to you later! DUMBASS> bye BILLY> leaving already? ok... bye! DUMBASS> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See? You can tell it stuff and it remembers Link to comment
darkdreamingdan Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 haha we used one of these in school and pretended we were talking to a pedo, and gave some girls their names and addresses in front of them, they totally bought it. that's the kind of thing that you need to do with this stuff. wish i had the scripts though, some of the stuff fell into place brilliantly. Link to comment
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