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Time and Time again...


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ohhh, I thought he meant like when it was 10:00 pm it would be dark, 10:00 am wouldbe dawn, etc.. I havent a clue if this is possible or not

That is what I'm talking about, and it is possible.

Hasn't anyone seen those mods out there that synch's San Andreas' time to your system clock?

I want it so all players have the same time client side,

and what time it is will be determined server-side,

and the server will be synched to real time.

(If its in Russia, Russian time)

Edited by Guest
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Interesting idea, but people would get bored if they can only play at certain times of the day


Personally i rarely even look at the clock when ingame, weather or not this feature will ever be developed, it wont change much of the game apart from the actual setting of the day, which dosen't bother me at all when im playing.

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If you sync to people's system clock you have desynced states of daylight, where people will set their time to morning to get an advantage.

If you sync it according to the server - there is an issue of timezones. It'll appear like night to those who play far away from where the server is hosted. There is also the issue brophy brought up

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Lets release something where people can run around and shoot before we fantasize about what wonderfull features we can add. That's my suggestion. :?

I know, we just need something to do while waiting, like wouderfull features, and making lego towns and smashing them, etc

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[offtopic]i always wanted something to sync the weather with the weather i saw outside, e.g if it was raining, it would be raining in game etc. :P[/offtopic]

Id prefer to keep the time as it is, although i wouldn't mind a permanent night, just cruising around las venturas at constant dark..would be nice. but still, keep the time same ;)

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