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MTA comic

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  • 2 weeks later...

pics r okay, i bet you like spawn a lot, it looks like the early stages where gregg capullo wasnt on the scene yet, but good work..

If you need some work for any digital shit, im workin in 3d a lot so, might be able to help you out on some special effects...

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I liked the early Spawn but dont collect it any more. more of a Jim Lee and Art Adams fan. and thanks for the offer but I have a friend that is gonna be doin the color and effects. I might still use a style that is sorta like the art that they use for GTA3 and VC. not sure thought.

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hmm.. I think if Mikiro wanted to get this topic locked, he'd have to ask xerox, not you mr. bill :P

on the subject of the comic, 3 web comics that I like that you may be interested in taking a look at (for inspiration.. or whatever):

VG Cats - http://www.vgcats.com/vgc_comics/?strip_id=44

Cup Of Suffering - http://cupofsuffering.keenspace.com/d/20020515.html

Control-Alt-Delete - http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/?t=arc ... 2003-07-09

- me out :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

we'll have to see. since my puter got messed up and still workin on it, dont know if the comic story was backed up. but anyway, as you can tell, there is gonna be a delay. :cry: . we must hunt the punk that did this to my poor puter. :evil:

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thanks. I plan on it. right now I am doin some rewritting to make the comic a little more interesting. instead of it takin place in Liberty, I'm gonna have it take place in Carsor City. that way I'll have some creative freedom with the city and be able to tie it in with another GTA story that I was writting. right now the delay is cause my puter had a virus and I lost all my stuff. :( oh well, life goes on. that just gave me time to re-evaluate the story and where it would have gone.

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