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Im getting rebooted

Guest burrows

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Ok rite im using 1.0 and have not installed any mods etc... apart from mta:sa

this is my problem, ill be playing along and suddenly my computer will reboot on me. this happens in singleplayer aswell as multi. my spec is above the recommended for the game and i have no problem like this while playing any games or using my computer. i play cod 2 aswell (this needs about the same if not more spec than san andreas).

please help me i just want to be able to play without getting reb ooted all the time.

p.s Great work so far, it really shows.

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Install the latest graphics and sound card drivers for your system.

TIP: next time make your topic title a little more informing rather than simply 'problems', search too. Lots have had your problem and lots have solved it in the manner suggested above

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this is my problem, ill be playing along and suddenly my computer will reboot on me.

Caused by a crash, a crash that can usually be prevented by updating your drivers, which I suggested. Obviously you are happy to crash regularly and relieved simply not to reboot each time. Fine, just do as slick suggested and treat the sympton not the problem.

I sometimes wonder why any of us bother tryign to help people like you when it's thrown back in our faces.

By the way, next time you post something covered before, ignoring the forum rules in the process, don't expect a response as polite and advisory as mine was. You obviously aren't mature enough to take such a reply in.

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  • MTA Team
There was nothing rude or offensive about Bumps reply. He gave you a tip, not a lecture.
i have to agree, and your topic title is a bit cryptic. It doesn't specify what kind of problems. It's like half the other titles in this place. How should we keep track of topics when they all just say they handle about a problem ... .
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ok i changed the topic title. maybe i was beig a bit harsh and rude but im jsut annoyed cos i read the forums and ive updated my drivers but i still get rebooted sometimes.

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this is my problem, ill be playing along and suddenly my computer will reboot on me.

Caused by a crash, a crash that can usually be prevented by updating your drivers, which I suggested. Obviously you are happy to crash regularly and relieved simply not to reboot each time. Fine, just do as slick suggested and treat the sympton not the problem.

I sometimes wonder why any of us bother tryign to help people like you when it's thrown back in our faces.

By the way, next time you post something covered before, ignoring the forum rules in the process, don't expect a response as polite and advisory as mine was. You obviously aren't mature enough to take such a reply in.

Just to let you know, sometimes that is the only option. How do you know he has to update his drivers for sure? In fact If he is using an ATI card that is within the 9200 series, he would have to "ROLLBACK" his driver to version 4.9, but that's besides the point. There is also good chance that the FPU has stopped responding, and before it has a chance to automatically reset the fpu, Windows restarts. So think what you want, but often you cant pinpoint the solution if windows is just going to restart everytime there is a failure.

It's just too easy to say "UPDATE YOUR DRIVERS!" And too hard for the person who already updated their drivers to accept that answer. Although, that doesnt mean you should use outdated drivers, using updated drivers should be a given under most circumstances, especially "Sound drivers". which is what causes most game crashes.

ps:One other thing to try is to google "eax.dll", and look for an earlier version than the one SA uses, and replace it.

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