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My SA server WONT WORK!


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You need to forward 3 UDP ports.

Default they are:

22003 for client connections

44003 for admin connections

22126 for ASE

If your server is on your LAN (and you are using a private range for it) try connecting to the private ip of your server. If that doesnt work, or you have been trying that already, then try connecting to your public ip.

I dont exactly know how this would work on a NAT'ed LAN as I only use public IP.

Also maybe check if you have a firewall running on your server (iptables? windows firewall? You arent giving much to go on since you dont even name what OS you are using)

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Try starting a server on port 22003, then start the MTA client, click Quick Connect, then input the following data:

Host: localhost

Port: 22003

If that works but you can't connect to it using your external IP (get it at http://www.whatismyip.com), then port 22003 UDP isn't forwarded correctly in your router (check http://www.portforwarding.com).

If you can connect using your external IP, but it doesn't show up in ASE, verify that gameport + 123, or in this case, port 22126 is open in your router and is accessible from the internet and that ASE is enabled in the configuration file.

Added: As we're having some difficulties with our web server, it has also been known that servers can get stuck in the "Connecting to update server..." stage. If it hangs there, go to your config and disable autoupdating of anticheat definition files. If you still want anticheat, download it manually from http://www.mtavc.com/sar1_000.def and put it in server/mods/race/ as anticheat.def. Verify that it doesn't output any errors about loading it.

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I've tried everything and read tons of forums and still no luck. I can connect using localhost and using my local ip adress but not my external ip adress. I've opened all ports that need forwarding in both my DSL modem and my router. ASE doesnt see my server. My server config is good. It just simply does not work. :( Damn why does this have to be so complicated?

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I tried to put that 3 port on UDP and TCL, both them (on my router adsl). In local it works, but with the external IP it doesn't work.. I don't know why.. The forwarding was right. The other clients or programs works, but MTA doesn't work :cry:

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and how would we fix that

Phone them. Some ISP's don't allow you to host any type of server from your connection. A good example is Verizon with their FiOS service, if you read the TOS it states that you aren't allowed to host anything from it.

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for the remote admin to connect, "host" is ip address, Admin is admin port address, and password is Admin+ password...

To see ur server's ip address, run "MTAServer" in ur MTAClient folder, and then go to MTAServer.txt to see it.

Then type in IP and Server Port Address in ur client's connect area, then you'll be able to connect to ur server, but i never figure out how to make ur server in the scanner....

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