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Release Date Hints?

Guest xXxBad LadxXx

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Hey, is there any idea of the release? like will it be in a few months/weeks?

I wanna know as i wanna get SA for PC when it's released, but if it's not coming out for another few months then i'l just get VC until it is released :)

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  xXxBad LadxXx said:
Hey, is there any idea of the release? like will it be in a few months/weeks?

I wanna know as i wanna get SA for PC when it's released, but if it's not coming out for another few months then i'l just get VC until it is released :)


Something spectacular will happen in 4-5 days..

Just hold on.. ;)

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You're probably better off buying Vice City and playing that, it won't be a while until MTA Blue is out. They are already on the 4th semi-public beta, and the game still hasn't been released, so it's probably going to be a while yet :wink:

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jani please refrain from posting unless you have any clue as to what you're talking about.


it'll be done pretty soon, I don't know how much patience you have, so I can tell you wether or not its better to wait or to play VC, but its not very far off at all.


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The mod itself is feature-complete and we're just mass-testing it to see if there are any show-stopping bugs. None so far :)

Also there are a few other things that need to be done before release that are crucial but aren't specifically part of the mod.

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I am just going to say this now, your better off getting a burnt copy and make sure its 1.0 cause any GTA:SA for pc you buy in the stores now is 2.0, and this was built on 1.0 so you wont be able to play it if you buy it at the store now.

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  njr1489 said:
  xXxBad LadxXx said:
hmm, could anyone PM me the 1.0 .exe?

I looked on the net & all i can find is the 1.0 no cd cracks etc...

Unless it's just me not looking hard enough haha.

1.0 no cd = 1.0 exe.

A mod site used to have the 1.0 no cd exe, but it wasn't used for illegal purposes. I hate having to stick the DVD or CD in everytime I wanna play.

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