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MTA:SA Hands-On Impressions

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Over the past few days, I have begun using the great privilege of playing the San Andreas version of Multi Theft Auto. Due for release sometime in the future, Multi Theft Auto is a multi-player mod for the Grand Theft Auto games and the most recent addition for San Andreas is almost here.

In my playtime so far with the new version, I saw vast improvements over previous MTA betas for Vice City and GTA III. First of all, there is no out-of-game program or window. Everything is coordinated in-game. A professional-looking light blue interface with a server browser, quick connect window for IP addresses, race editor and more are in San Andreas.

So what's in it, though? Deathmatch? Team Deathmatch? Capture the flag? Nope. Something better. There's racing, and I'm not talking about your regular old boring races where you hit 30 checkpoints on flat ground and you are done. I am talking about some amazingly fun races over the great terrain that San Andreas offers. And not only that...

The user-friendly race editor allows you to create your own races with an enormous number of options that I have been told I cannot speak about yet. I can say that I set up a race to get a bunch of the MTA dev guys to die by barrel explosion and I had tears coming out of my eyes because I was laughing so hard at them as they flew up a ramp on their motorcycles and the MTA devs suddenly saw 100 explosive barrels in front of them and they crashed and blew up all the barrels.

MTA:SA is an extremely professional, fun, and so far, crashless dream with incredible replay value and infinite race possiblities. I will have a full review with screenshots and video sometime in the next few days or weeks. Stay tuned!

Phew, couldn't have said it better :)

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You'll see once Jordan publish his full review, the people at the QA team can't give details about how's this version. Also the people who's testing our RC cannot say anything until the mta team allow us to.

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